Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM


Staff & Board: In person at school


Public: In person at school or online zoom option


Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 7106 8909
Passcode: 1Uzghf



Arco Iris Spanish Immersion Charter School cultivates academic success for all students through a biliterate education and a robust math curriculum. Our students are members of a supportive multicultural community valuing diversity, equity and inclusion.

Directors Present

A. Kusaba, C. Billings, E. Hatch, J. Guerra, Y. Jones

Directors Absent

A. Nelson, S. Zephirin

Guests Present

J. Urdiales

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Billings called a meeting of the board of directors of Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School to order on Thursday Dec 14, 2023 at 6:02 PM.


General Public Comment

No public comment

II. New Business


Approve Meeting Minutes: November 2023

J. Guerra made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 11-16-23.
Y. Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve SIA Grant Agreement for '23-'25 Biennium

Michelle wrote the grant to use for the Student Success Coach (Luis’ role).  No vote needed, Board in agreement.


Charter School Capital Marketing Proposal

Y. Jones made a motion to allow Christa Billings to sign contract with Charter School Capital Marketing/Grow Schools.
J. Guerra seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.



PTO Report

Leslie shared with us that the PTO had the Glow Party - it was highly successful and done during the PE times for two days. Family Night was also successful- Goofy Movie was a new one for the students and they also sold concessions.

Coffee with the Principal is on January 5th. We’ll also have a uniform exchange that same day. It will be in Room 113 in January. 


The Teacher Appreciation team decorated the Breakroom and is providing a Staff Breakfast. We also collected $6000+ which funded the breakfast and provided all staff a $125 gift card. 


Next Restaurant Night is January 20th (Saturday) and the Tigard Red Robin. New Volunteer Coordinator, Megan Griffin, was voted as a PTO officer. 


Assign Board Member to attend next PTO Meeting

January 3rd: Josh G.

IV. Executive Director


Director's and Assistant Director's Report

Academic Excellence

  1. Internal Assessments
    1. We use easyCBM as an internal assessment to guide and illustrate our students’ growth throughout the year.  
    2. Our first intervention cycle -using this data- took place from October 16 to December 7, and we held a Data Analysis PD on December 8.
      1. Board reviewed data
    3. A comparison/analysis of fall vs winter data will be presented during the Feb/March board meeting.
  2. Early Learning Literacy Adoption
    1. Application due in early January
    2. Board reviewed draft budget
      1. Jesus asked to pause because Michelle was not available to participate in the plan. ODE requires the board to review the document but doesn’t need to vote - Jesus will double check and record the review in the minutes. 
      2. Grant CAN be used to purchase the Spanish Curriculum. There is also language on limitations for 4th/5th grade and there is some revision needed in that area. 
      3. In general we are using it to buy 2 reading curriculums   

Empowerment (Staff Training and Retention)

  1. Team Building
    1. Staff Winter Celebration held
  2. Staff Survey
    1. We shared an anonymous feedback form with the entire team as a mid-year checkpoint before the winter break. 
    2. Board reviewed results
    3. We will share an end of the year form with similar questions at the end of the school year.  The form with questions, elaborate answers, will be shared separately with the board for feedback, or we can provide a summary/common them3

Engagement and Equity

  1. Fundraising Event:
    1. AFG Totals= $119,662
  2. Cultural Celebrations/Community Engagement
    1. Celebrations happening on the last day of school.  Room parents are supporting.  We are having about 6-8 families per classroom support.
    2. Plan to send midyear survey to families:
      1. Board reviewed draft survey 
      2. Feedback needed by midday tomorrow Friday before we send the form.

 Financial Responsibility

  1. Grant Opportunity Updates
  2. Enrollment
    1. Students that have left Since Oct/Nov. 
      1. KN: 3
      2. 3rd: 1
      3. 2nd: 2
      4. 4th: 1
        1. As of recently, we have only 2 kindergarten spots open and offer letters have been sent out to those families with a 2 day expiration date. 
          1. Cyndi offers spots to students as soon as we know of a family leaving,
        2. We also had one 3rd and one additional 5th grade seat offered up for STAMP testing on Dec. 8th, but families didn’t RSVP.  We are trying again.
        3. Office tracking reasons for leaving.  Themes so far are distance to school and in the upper grades: hard time integrating Spanish.
    2. SY 24-25 Marketing
      1. We will be sharing materials and presenting to potential families starting in January, both at certain preschools and at Arco Iris:
        1. Jan 8 - Feb 29, Open Enrollment
        2. March 22nd, 8-8:30am, Zoom Lottery
        3. Outreach (Spanish Immersion preschools) - visiting some of these from January to March to drop off materials and/or present.
      2. Plan for informational sessions and tours for SY 24-25:
        1. This week of Dec 11, we sent out a Letter of Commitment to families  (Intent to return) - this is for current students to commit to returning next year.
        2. Zoom info sessions, Fridays 12-1pm
          1. Weekly Jan 12th through February
          2. Every other week in March 
        3. In person tours
          1. February: once a week on Wednesdays, four 20 minute slots, led by staff
          2. March, every other week (info session one week, tour the next)
          3. Note: Tour sign-ups will only be available for families that sign up for the Zoom information session
Y. Jones made a motion to approve the ELL Grant application and allow Arco to spend up to 25% for the Reading and Spanish Curriculum. .
E. Hatch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Governance


Governance Report

NO report

VI. Finance


Treasurers Report


▪ ADMw received for (Month):    $329,262.00

▪ Total income for (Month): $389,790.46

▪ Cash balance for (Month): $3,128,178

▪ Accts Receivable for (Month): $118,456.38

▪ Net gain/loss for (Month):   ($29,957.25)


Andrew working with Heritage to get the CDs set up. They have moved to 9-month term CDs (versus 11-month term we discussed at last meeting).



Bank Account Access

  • Have there been any Executive Directors or Principals changes?  No
  • Did any board members shift roles (officer positions)? No
  • Do we need to remove any board members that finished their term? No
  • Do we need to add any new board members to the bank? Yes - Andrew please add Christa to online access
  • Online Administrator: Andrew Nelson


Audit Report

J. Guerra made a motion to approve the audit report, as presented.
Y. Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Development


Development Report

Erin, Christa, Jesus and Perla meet biweekly with FundEd, grant search process will begin in January and in February they will start applying for grants.  


Playground Update

Jesus proposed meeting outside of the board meeting to discuss space limitations and how to move forward with the plan. Attention to areas used for PE and areas that flood. 

Drainage and fencing should be the top priority prior to looking into a structure. Adreanna requested some quotes to have a better understanding of what we need. 


VIII. Closing Items


Action Items

  • Josh to connect with Adreanna and her playground contact
  • Jesus and Josh to set up some more recurring playground meetings


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Y. Jones