Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School


January PTO Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 25, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Committee Members Present

M. Norman (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

J. Warner (remote), L. Peterson (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Norman called a meeting of the PTO Committee of Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School to order on Wednesday Jan 25, 2023 at 6:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from PTO Committee Meeting on 11-30-22.

Motion Jessica Chaveze, second Sarah Nelson

The committee VOTED to approve the motion.



Website Update

Still waiting on training to update the PTO portion of the website.  If we can't get training soon, then Christa Billings will provide a brief training so that we can update the PTO information.  Will add organization chart for the PTO, position information and guides, calendar of events, fundraising efforts.


Volunteer Interest Form

PTO recently put out a volunteer interest form.  The goal is to reach out to the school community to see where interests are and to get volunteers involved in the school.  The form should help match interests to available opportunities.  Please fill out the form.  


Sock Fundraiser

We have partnered with OHSU for this sock fundraiser.  Please go online and buy socks.  We get $5 per sock for the school.  This goes directly to the Gap Fund.


Playground Update

Next steps for the playground is to meet with the City of Beaverton to find out conditions for the playground.  The playground is moving forward, even though funding it on hold.  We are looking into grants to help fund this, so if you would like to join the grant writing committee, please reach out.  


Upcoming Events

Box is at the school for the uniform exchange.  Add any items that you have outgrown.  Look at ParentBooker for a volunteer opportunity to help with the exchange.  Exchange is in Room 113, which you will enter from the back side of the school (deck next to the gym).  No need to bring anything in order to pick up new uniform items.

Bottle Drop bag collection event tomorrow after school.  Bring full bags to turn in.  We will try to have monthly collection events and also times to hand out extra blue bags.  This is a great way to help the Gap Fund.  Please collect your own cans/bottles or ask your ask your neighbors if they have anything you can collect.

Art Lit- working on first event in February.  Coordinators will prepare everything and then reach out to the teachers to schedule a day/time for art.  Room parents will reach out for volunteers to come in to the classroom to help with the event.  This is an easy way to volunteer and a great way to get in-school volunteer time.

OBOB- BSD has 28 elementary schools registered for the event.  William Walker Elem will be hosting the event.  Please reach out if you would like to volunteer for this as they need volunteers to help make this event great.

Restaurant Night- February will be Papa Murphy.  Looking into more places to add variety.  Feel free to reach out and suggest other restaurants.  

Auction is coming up in April.  If anyone knows someone or has connections for donations, please reach out.  This is a huge fundraiser for the school and we need a successful auction to help our Gap Fund.  Services, goods, vacations, are all good donations.  We're also looking for each family to donate $10 to help with auction items.  The money helps us purchase items at a discount that we can then auction off for a higher amount.  Ideas: class baskets (students choose theme and create basket with items), class art, 50/50 raffle, something created by your student, cooking classes, custom spirit wear.


Please reach out if you are interested in helping with the auction.  We need people to send emails, make phone calls, collect items, etc.  Great volunteer opportunity and easy to do at home.  Also need volunteers to make sure that everyone receives their items after the auction.

Familias Unidas meeting: Tuesday, February 7, 6-7pm.  Will have a guest speaker from the Beaverton Library to talk about resources and how to sign up.  Will also talk about our school library.

Friendship Day: February 14.  Please DO NOT SEND FOOD! Any food will be requested by the room parents.  No cards or items are required to be supplied by students.  If your student elects to hand out something, they must hand out something to every classmate.  If you would like to hand out something to classmates, good suggestions include pencils, erasers, crayons, stickers.  Any items must be age and school appropriate and non-offensive. 


Spirit Wear Update


Teacher Appreciation

Coming up in May.  Thanks to everyone who has donated to stock the breakroom.  February 8 is First Grade, March 8 is Kindergarten stock the break room.  April 7 is counselor appreciation, April 26 is office staff appreciation.  We will be doing something for both of those.  If you have ideas for either of these appreciation days (or teacher appreciation), please reach out.


Missing Recess and Equipment

Students were reporting that there was no equipment for kids to play with outside.  There have been issues losing equipment into the wetland area either accidentally or on purpose.  PE teachers try to retrieve the equipment during off hours, but we have still lost items.  Each class will now have a bag assigned to them that the teacher will be responsible for.  This bag will be replenished a couple times a year, but it will keep students accountable for equipment.  


A message has been sent to teachers reminding them that recess can't be taken away as a consequence of students' actions.  When this issue was investigated we were informed that students have to walk quietly to recess in order to not disrupt other classes.  Sometimes waiting for students to quiet down has affected recess, since they need to not be disruptive to other classes.  This is an ongoing thing that the school is monitoring.  Please reach out to the PTO if you are still seeing an issue with this.  


Yearbook Cover Contest

A blind voting for the yearbook cover will be sent out soon.  This is voted on by the PTO officers, Board, yearbook committee.  Cover will be announced when voting is complete, probably at least 2 weeks out.


If you declined the FERPA document regarding your student's photo, then your student's name and picture can't be included in the yearbook.  This includes the class photo, if they designed the cover, or any mention of their name or photo.  Please contact the office if you would like to change your selection.

III. Other Business


Lost and Found

This is very full.  Please check the lost and found for items.  Parents can stop by in the morning or after school.  We'll try to bring it to the uniform exchange as well.  

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Norman