Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School
Development Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday May 5, 2022 at 6:45 PM
If Zoom link is not working, email Sarah Zephirin to join.
Committee Members Present
C. Billings (remote), M. Bryan (remote), S. Stevens (remote), S. Zephirin (remote)
Committee Members Absent
C. Staudenraus, T. McCoy, Y. Jones
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve minutes from 3/31/2022
II. Development
Fundraising Gap and Goals
Communications Campaign/PR
-Discussed possible ideas to find contributions from businesses
-What can we offer if they sponsor our school?
-Christa to attend a webinar, and get ideas from Board on Track
Goals for fundraising communication:
-Monthly on the the website
-Monthly mention in the newsletter
-PTO facebook page
*Need to create one visual we share out monthly
Future needs:
*Have materials and training for parents so they know how to help ask for corporate sponsorships in the community
*Need to educate parents about what this committee does, and invite them to participate in meetings
-Committee started spreadsheet of potential grant opportunities
-Need to talk to Chris about prioritizing large ticket items we need, and then link those to appropriate grants
III. Closing Items
Action Items
-Christa to attend corporate sponsorship webinar
-Sarita to reach out to Chamber of Commerce for sponsorship ideas
-Sarah to draft gap contribution reminder email, and send to Christa to send out to appropriate families
-Sarah to make sure grant needs brought up in strategic planning committee, then finalize ideas with Chris
-Christa and Sarita to design thermometer graphic in Canva
04/30/22 status:
Gap Contribution: $78,685.87
Move-a-thon: $24,397.24
Auction: $31,236.26
Corporate Contributions: $23,868.21
(Goal is $750 per child)
We have raised $158,187.58 of $252,000.00
*Discussed sending reminders to any family who hasn't yet made a gap contribution. Keep it short and friendly, along with details on how short we are on our fundraising goal.