Pinnacles Prep Charter School


Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 23, 2024 at 5:30 PM


Pinnacles Prep Maker Space

In Person: Pinnacles Prep Campus Makerspace (504 S. Chelan Ave, Wenatchee)


Online Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 893 0013 3347

Dial In: 1-719-359-4580


Board Members: Rick Wray, Oscar Licon Eusebio, Karen Rutherford, Flora Fernandez, Bethany Sebastian, Tyler McGee, Tod Treat, Josh Castro


Contact: Karen Rutherford, Board Secretary



Accessibility: This meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities. Special aids and services can be made available upon advance request. Advance requests for special aids and services must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting's start time.


Public Comment (In-Person): Members of the public wishing to comment in person should sign up using the provided sign-in sheet 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called on at the meeting. The Board may respond to public comment during the meeting. Members of the public wishing to provide hard copy written comments at the meeting must bring 8 copies. Ten minutes will be allocated for public comment, with the option of the Chair to allow more.


Public Comment (Virtual): Advance requests for virtual public comment or to provide written public comment electronically must be made no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting's start time. To make this request or provide a written public comment, please email Karen Rutherford at If you would prefer to provide oral public comment, you will be called on at the meeting. The Board may respond to public comment during the meeting. A maximum of ten minutes will be allocated for public comment, with the option of the Chair to allow more.


Small School. Big Ideas.
Pinnacles Prep Mission: We exist to cultivate curious, confident, and self-directed
students who lead and succeed in college, their careers, and their communities.



Procedural: Follow Through on all Agreements  |  Be Fully Present Physically and Mentally   Start and End on Time

Behavioral: Keep Students at the Center of Our Work  |  Be Bold and Optimistic  Advance Justice  Put Relationships First   Assume Positive Intent



Trustees Present

B. Baldwin (remote), F. Fernandez (remote), K. Rutherford, O. Licon Eusebio (remote), R. Wray

Trustees Absent

B. Sebastian, J. Castro, T. McGee, T. Treat

Guests Present

J. Fineis, S. Koester

I. Opening Items


Welcome and Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Wray called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pinnacles Prep Charter School to order on Thursday May 23, 2024 at 5:35 PM.


Consent Agenda Approval

K. Rutherford made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting on 04-17-24.
O. Licon Eusebio seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
K. Rutherford made a motion to Approve consent agenda and financial statements.
O. Licon Eusebio seconded the motion.

For the Board Minutes 

The following payments as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursements claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment. 

In addition, payroll payments in the amount of $126,198.58 are also approved. 

General Fund Accounts Payable 

Total electronic payments totaling $211,634.74 and Check number N/A through N/A totaling $0 

Non-AP Cash Disbursements Total electronic payments totaling $573.23 and Check number 1027 totaling $580.00 

Cash Withdrawals totaling $0.00 

Payroll Total electronic payments totaling $126,198.58 and Payroll check numbers N/A totaling $0

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
K. Rutherford made a motion to Approve Certificate of Resolution for the $153,000 loan from the The Charter for the completion of the Great Hall restoration.
F. Fernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment Period


Open Floor for Public Comments

Tina Nicpan Brown approached the board regarding:

* increasing the funds for cleaning staff and supplies.

* supporting the need for more awareness of the sexual harassment of students.

* developing a robust CTE program for 8-10th grade.


III. Advisory Body Voices


Student Advisory Council

PInnacles Prep Student Advisory Council updated us on their activities.

Dance fundraiser. June 14th at the Wenatchee Valley Musuem.

Dance Dress drive and fashion show.

Beautification project for the school.  Planning to complete a mural in the bathroom.

Two year terms for the SAC.

Meet weekly. Teacher Lara is their advisor.

13 scholars are participating.


IV. Critical Issue Discussion


Enrollment Projections for 24/25

32 sixth graders have accepted places in the school for 24/25. This is our lowest number in the time we have been open. Recruiting events are planned for the spring.

Seventh, eighth and ninth grade classes are stable with waiting lists.

Discussed why students have left Pinnacles Prep during the 23/24 school year.


Staffing for 24/25 School Year

Pinnacles Prep boasts a highly stable staff. A current high school teacher has been appointed for a year, as the Dean of Students and Culture. Additionally, we have welcome Oscar Lion Eusebio as the new Director of Operations. We are still seeking a Sixth-grade Humanities teacher and several Special Education positions.

Pinnacles Prep has been accepted into the Mastery Based Learning Cohort with OSPI.  This will provide excellent training for all of our staff.


V. Committee Reports



Financial Dashboard was presented.  

All green status, except Cash on Hand, which is yellow. 

Levy equalization from the state was received in April. $251,000.



Academic Excellence

School Leader's evaluation survey will be sent to staff next week. Wednesday, May, 28th.

Rick gave an update on the additional portable studios that will be located in the parking lot near the makerspace and current portables.  These studio classrooms will be used for Pinnacles Prep high school classes.  We are adding 10th grade next year.  Construction will be begin this summer, completion by middle August.




Three Board positions will be open at the end of August. 

Currently exploring new board members from the community.


VI. Additional Business


Important Upcoming Dates

June 10th:  WHS  Honk, Musical

June 13th:  Pinnacles Prep, Passion Project

June 18th:  Convention Center, Moving Up Ceremony


Next Board Led Commission Contract Refresher Session

Tyler McGee was out of town for the meeting.  His presentation is postponed until next month, June.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

K. Rutherford made a motion to adjorn.
O. Licon Eusebio seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:58 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Rutherford
Documents used during the meeting
  • 5.22.24 Development Report for PPCS School Board.pdf
  • 2. Pinnacles Prep PnL 24 04.pdf
  • 3. Pinnacles Prep Balance Sheet 24 04.pdf
  • 6. Pinnacles Prep AP Register 24 04.pdf
  • 4. Pinnacles Prep BvA 24 04.pdf
  • 6a. Pinnacles Prep Non-AP Cash Disbursement Register 24 04.pdf
  • 7. Pinnacles Prep Payroll Summary 24 04.pdf
  • 5. Pinnacles Prep Payroll and AP Certification 24 04.pdf
  • 2024_04_17_board_meeting_minutes.pdf
  • 1. Pinnacles Prep Finance Dashboard 24 04.pdf