Pinnacles Prep Charter School


Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday August 23, 2023 at 6:00 PM

In Person: Pinnacles Prep Campus (Admin Office Conference Room) - 504 S. Chelan Ave

Via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 884 2830 3638

Dial In: 1-719-359-4580


Board Members: Rick Wray, Oscar Licon Eusebio, Karen Rutherford, Flora Fernandez, Bethany Sebastian, Tyler McGee, Tod Treat.


Contact: Karen Rutherford, Board Secretary



Accessibility: This meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities. Special aids and services can be made available upon advance request. Advance requests for special aids and services must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting's start time.


Public Comment (In-Person): Members of the public wishing to comment in person should sign up using the provided sign-in sheet 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called on at the meeting. The Board may respond to public comment during the meeting. Members of the public wishing to provide hard copy written comments at the meeting must bring 8 copies. Ten minutes will be allocated for public comment, with the option of the Chair to allow more.


Public Comment (Virtual): Advance requests for virtual public comment or to provide written public comment electronically must be made no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting's start time. To make this request or provide a written public comment, please email Oscar Licon at If you would prefer to provide oral public comment, you will be called on at the meeting. The Board may respond to public comment during the meeting. Ten minutes will be allocated for public comment, with the option of the Chair to allow more.


Small School. Big Ideas.
Pinnacles Prep Mission: We exist to cultivate curious, confident, and self-directed
students who lead and succeed in college, their careers, and their communities.



Procedural: Follow Through on all Agreements  |  Be Fully Present Physically and Mentally   Start and End on Time

Behavioral: Keep Students at the Center of Our Work  |  Be Bold and Optimistic  Advance Justice  Put Relationships First   Assume Positive Intent



Trustees Present

B. Sebastian, F. Fernandez, K. Rutherford, O. Licon Eusebio (remote), R. Wray, T. McGee, T. Treat

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

Halma Abubakar, Josh Castro

I. Opening Items


Welcome and Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Wray called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pinnacles Prep Charter School to order on Wednesday Aug 23, 2023 at 6:07 PM.


Consent Agenda Approval

T. Treat made a motion to Approve Consent agenda.
F. Fernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


The following payments as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursements claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment. In addition, payroll payments in the amount of $82,776.20 are also approved.


General Fund
Accounts Payable
Total electronic payments totaling $130,592.55 and Check number 1022 through 1023 totaling $6,863.02


Non-AP Cash Disbursements

Total electronic payments totaling $876.00 and Check number 1020 through 1021 totaling $369.14



Total electronic payments totaling $130,592.55 and Payroll check numbers 1022 through 1023 totaling $6,863.02

T. Treat made a motion to approve the minutes from July 19th Meeting and August 15 Special Mtg Monthly Board Meeting on 07-19-23.
F. Fernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment Period


Open Floor for Public Comments

No Public Comment requested.

III. Principal Report


Annual Performance Review Reporting

Reviewed School Leader Jill's Board Evaluation and Staff Evaluation Surveys for 2023/2024 school year.

School Leader Jill will create 2023/2024 goals from these surveys.

We will also work to align all of our different goal requirements together.

State of the School Report

SIP plan for OSPI

Jill's personal goals

Board Goals

Gina, from Board on Track, will be helping us.


We reviewed and discussed CEO Evaluation Goals for 2022-2023. 

Kelvin Social and Emotional Evaluation was given in October and April to both scholars and staff.

School Leader Jill created her own Teacher Evaluation Framework, using Marzano ideals. She is putting into place a staff evaluation process that matches our own Pinnacles Prep goals.

SIP plan for 2022/2023 were reviewed and monitored monthly by staff.

PInnacles external stakeholder involvement increased. 






Summer Institute and New School Year Launch Highlights

School Leader Jill discussed the Summer Institute.  

Street Data was the book study for staff.  Very well received.

Empathy interviews were set up with parents and scholars.  This was a tremendous success.


Special Education scholar population will be at 20% of all scholars this year.  We are using Universal Design model for our special education scholars. Radical inclusion and belonging philosophy. Discussion regarding this shift took place.  Coaching for all staff has been increased.  


 New School Year Launch:  Construction is completed.  Teachers are moving into the new spaces. Volunteer help is needed to move furniture and shelve books this week and weekend.

Notices will be placed on Parent Square.








IV. Financial Presentation


Monthly Financial Dashboard

July 2023 Finance Dashboard discussed. 

Levy equalization from the state was paid in July.  This is reflected in our cash on hand.



2023/2024 Annual Budget Approval

T. Treat made a motion to Approve Certificate of Resolution to accept the construction loan contingency fund from Washington State Charter School Development Inc.
B. Sebastian seconded the motion.

Certificate of Resolution for the contingency funds required by City  of Wenatchee.  Washington State Charter School Development Inc provided the funds.  These funds are included in our budget 2023/24.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
T. Treat made a motion to Approve the 2023/2024 Pinnacles Prep Budget , with the contingency that we annually review the amount dedicated to contingency funding, currently at 3% of total budget $4,333,301.
R. Wray seconded the motion.

Tyler McGee, Pinnacles Board Treasurer, presented the 2023/24 School Budget for Pinnacles Prep.

Levy Equalization funding from the State of Washington was discussed.

Cash on Hand has been increased from 30 days cash on hand to 60 days cash on hand. 


The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Committee Reports



Reminder to .take the online board self assessment from Board on Track.

F. Fernandez made a motion to The board will continue to meet on the third Wednesday of every month from 5:30pm to 7:00pm for the 2023/24 school year.
T. McGee seconded the motion.

Will continue to meet on the third Wednesday of every month from 5;30pm to 7:00pm.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
F. Fernandez made a motion to Amend all board documents to show board terms will run from September 1 thru August 31.
T. Treat seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

Board Retreat will be held September 23, 2023 at Pinnacles Prep from 8am to 12pm.

WA Charter and WA State Charter Commision will be holding Lunch and Learn board trainings starting September 8, 2023 online.  


T. Treat made a motion to to accept Josh Castro as a new Pinnacles Board Member.
T. McGee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

T. Treat made a motion to Adjourn the August Board meeting at 8:17pm.
B. Sebastian seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Rutherford