Pinnacles Prep Charter School


Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday July 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM

In Person: Pinnacles Prep Campus (Admin Office Conference Room) - 504 S. Chelan Ave

Via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 884 2830 3638

Dial In: 1-719-359-4580


Board Members: Rick Wray, Oscar Licon Eusebio, Karen Rutherford, Flora Fernandez, Tyler McGee, Xaxira Velasco Ponce De Leon, Mario Reyes, Tod Treat.


Contact: Oscar Licon Eusebio, Board Secretary



Accessibility: This meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities. Special aids and services can be made available upon advance request. Advance requests for special aids and services must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting's start time.


Public Comment (In-Person): Members of the public wishing to comment in person should sign up using the provided sign-in sheet 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called on at the meeting. The Board may respond to public comment during the meeting. Members of the public wishing to provide hard copy written comments at the meeting must bring 8 copies. Ten minutes will be allocated for public comment, with the option of the Chair to allow more.


Public Comment (Virtual): Advance requests for virtual public comment or to provide written public comment electronically must be made no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting's start time. To make this request or provide a written public comment, please email Oscar Licon at If you would prefer to provide oral public comment, you will be called on at the meeting. The Board may respond to public comment during the meeting. Ten minutes will be allocated for public comment, with the option of the Chair to allow more.


Small School. Big Ideas.
Pinnacles Prep Mission: We exist to cultivate curious, confident, and self-directed
students who lead and succeed in college, their careers, and their communities.



Procedural: Follow Through on all Agreements  |  Be Fully Present Physically and Mentally   Start and End on Time

Behavioral: Keep Students at the Center of Our Work  |  Be Bold and Optimistic  Advance Justice  Put Relationships First   Assume Positive Intent



Trustees Present

F. Fernandez, K. Rutherford, M. Reyes (remote), R. Wray, T. McGee, T. Treat (remote)

Trustees Absent

O. Licon Eusebio, X. Velasco Ponce de Leon

I. Opening Items


Welcome and Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Rutherford called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pinnacles Prep Charter School to order on Wednesday Jul 19, 2023 at 6:09 PM.


Consent Agenda Approval

F. Fernandez made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting on 06-21-23.
T. Treat seconded the motion.

In addition to approving Minutes, all items contained in Consent Agenda were also approved. Note, the Data Dashboard and Principal Report were not included in the Consent Agenda packet this month.


Regarding the Financial Documents approval:


The following payments as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursements claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment. In addition, payroll payments in the amount of $88,711.38 are also approved.


General Fund Accounts Payable

Total electronic payments totaling $249,744.85 and

Check number N/A through N/A totaling $0.00


Non-AP Cash Disbursements

Total electronic payments totaling $1,262.80 and

Check number N/A through N/A totaling $0.00



Total electronic payments totaling $88,711.38 and

Payroll check numbers N/A through N/A totaling $0.00



The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment Period


Open Floor for Public Comments

No public comment

III. Board Committee Updates


Monthly Finance Dashboard

The school's consulting CFO, Matt Paolini was in attendance and reported out on the Finance Dashboard data points this month. Highlights included:


-School year enrollment for 22/23 concluded at 93.6% of projected enrollment of year resulting in revenue declined that end resulted in use contingency funds to cover shortfall

-Public revenue receipt was slightly below annual forecast 74 vs 77%, private revenue was equal to annual forecast

-Expenses are currently 2% points higher than forecast but on track to finish year where expected

-Cash on hand is currently below 30 day cash requirement (by $27k) but expected large payments in late July and August should remedy situation


Matt presented draft budget for 23/24 school year. Budget is currently $13k short of 60 day cash on hard requirement that will begin next year. This is expected to balance by next month when the budget will be presented again for a board vote of approval. Matt's presentation packet contained high level income and expense categories and showed key comparisons against current year.


Sean Koester reported out on outcome of recently completed State Accountability Office (SAO)Audit. Positive report without any Findings except for the fact that Pinnacles completed the wrong version of their first Financial Audit. Pinnacles completed a FASB audit and needed a GASB audit. The school intends to correct this mistake in the 60 days and resubmit to the SAO office so not to negatively impact our final SAO report. 


Select Committee and Task Force Updates (Governance and Facility)

Karen began Governance Committee update by thanking outgoing board members Mario and Xaxira for their service to the board.


Board then voted unanimously to add new board member Bethany Sebastian. Rick will approach Bethany in August to take her through the new board member orientation process.


Rick also confirmed that Governance committee has identified two additional community members who have expressed interest in board consideration later in the year.


Vote was held to confirm new board officers for the year, which included: Rick as president, Karen as Secretary, and Tyler as continued Treasurer.


Committee assignments will be discussed at August board meeting. Karen expressed interest in being part of future Finance Committee.

F. Fernandez made a motion to Approve new board member Bethany Sebastian.
R. Wray seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
F. Fernandez made a motion to approve new board officers for 2023/2024 school year.
T. McGee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Pinnacles Prep Charter Contract Education and Review

Due to time constraints and urgency of critical issue discussion regarding future high school site, this section of agenda was tabled and will be addressed at August meeting.


Academic Excellence Committee

Due to time constraints and urgency of critical issue discussion regarding future high school site, this section of agenda was tabled and will be addressed at August meeting.

IV. Advisory Body Special Guests


Pinnacles Program Special Guest

Due to time constraints and urgency of critical issue discussion regarding future high school site, this section of agenda was tabled and will be addressed at August meeting.

V. Critical Issue Discussion


Critical Issues Discussion

Jill shared that all staff have now been hired for high school and that both the high school and middle school will open fully staffed.


Consultants from Teeter Crocker have been hired to help the school's leadership team open the high school.


Enrollment Update: Grades 6, 7, 8 are expected to open at full (60 to 62 students per grade) and the high school 9th grade class is expected to launch with approximately 45 students.


With so many new high school policies and procedures that need to be reviewed and approved Jill suggested that a Special Meeting be held to focus solely on high school policy adoption. Jill will follow up with board to schedule this meeting in August before school starts.


Lengthy discussion took place regarding new new high school facility challenges concerning city occupancy codes of classrooms at Wenatchee Valley College. Sean is working with Charter School Commission, City of Wenatchee Planning Department, and the Wenatchee Valley College to come up with a solution so that the school's 9th grade class will still be able to have afternoon programming take place on the WVC campus next school year.

VI. Additional Business


Other Business

Due to staff retreat at Tall Timbers that has been planned during the same time as the previously scheduled August 16th board meeting, the August board meeting has been rescheduled for a week later on August 23rd at the regular 6pm time at the school.


Jill concluded meeting by mentioning that the summer school program serving approximately 30 students has been going very well.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Wray