Pinnacles Prep Charter School


Monthly Board Meeting

Location: Pinnacles Prep Administration Conference Room

Date and Time

Wednesday August 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Trustees Present

F. Fernandez (remote), K. Rutherford, M. Reyes (remote), O. Licon Eusebio (remote), R. Wray, T. McGee, X. Velasco Ponce de Leon

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

J. Fineis, M. Paolini (remote), S. Koester

I. Opening Items


Welcome and Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Wray called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pinnacles Prep Charter School to order on Wednesday Aug 17, 2022 at 6:05 PM.


Consent Agenda Item: July Board Meeting Minutes

K. Rutherford made a motion to approve all items on the Consent Agenda including the July 12 Board Meeting Minutes, the Financial Reports, and the August online data dashboard Monthly Board Meeting on 07-12-22.
T. McGee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Consent Agenda: July Financial Report Approvals


Consent Agenda: July Data Dashboard Online Report


Sunrise Connection

J. Fineis leads sunrise connection 

II. Public Comment


Open the Floor to Public Comment

No public comment.

III. Budget Presentation


Presentation of Proposed Final 2022/2023 School Year Budget

M. Paolini shares the proposed Final 2022/2023 school year budget. 



K. Rutherford made a motion to Approve Budget resolution for 2022/2023 school year budget.
X. Velasco Ponce de Leon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Principal Report


Discussion Items

J. Fineis shares Principal report.


J. Fineis shared the draft Pinnacles Prep School Improvement Plan, which she plans to finalize with her faculty at the upcoming Summer Institute. The plan is grounded in a "rallying cry that develops a "growth mindset, ignites joy, and creates scholar leaders."




In order to achieve the plan J. Fines shared many of the plan's goals. Goal 1: competency-based assessment goals and activities. 



  1. Math, ELA, and science to have proficiency scales
  2. Targeted intervention groups for the various levels
  3. Close reading strategy

J. Fines shares smartie goal 2: Leadership and Social Emotional Learning goals and activities.


  1. Class or school roles connected scholar strengths.
  2. Weekly class circles
  3. Personalized SEL curriculum 

J. Fines shares Smartie goal 3: Place-Based Education goals and activities.


  1. One unit of instruction in all core areas (Math, Science, ELA) is PBE Focused 
  2. All PBE units have a community connection
  3. Creation of a school schedule that creates the space available for passion project work 

Next Jill shared her final Performance Review goals that she has been working on with the Academic Excellence committee. These SMART goals will be implemented throughout the school year and Karen Rutherford from the AE Committee will check in with her quarterly to discuss progress. 


Jill also shared that a new math teacher was recently hired and that an offer has been made to a prospective part time nurse. If the nurse says yes, the school will be fully staffed for the year. If a state grant comes through the school also hopes to add a school counselor though.


179 students have been invited to start the year, which puts us at full enrollment. We're still waiting on some final enrollment paperwork from some families.


A proposed Enrollment Policy was discuss but tabled until next meeting because of some vague language that Xaxira identified.


Due to limited time, discussion of the final school schedule for 22/23 was also tabled until next meeting. 


V. Committee Reports



T. McGee reviews Finance reports including Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss and Budget Vs. Actual. July is not a busy month therefore there is little change all metrics continue to be favorable with only one month left in the current fiscal year. The school is projected to meet the required 30-day cash on hand goal, but the margin will be small.


Tyler also presented the results of the Finance Committee's auditing firm research. After presenting the results the board voted to accept the committee's recommendation of hiring a local Wenatchee firm, Cordell Near, as the school's first choice to conduct our first mandatory audit this fall examining our first year of operation.


X. Velasco Ponce de Leon made a motion to Approve Cordell to conduct audit.
M. Reyes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.



X. Velasco Ponce de Leon made a motion to Confirm the board roster for 22/23 school year.
T. McGee seconded the motion.

This roster shows that for the first time, Pinnacles will also be adding a Vice Chair officer to start the year, which will be filled by Karen Rutherford.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

R. Wray shares a governance update and proposed having next year's annual board retreat on October 1st. This date worked for everyone and Rick said he'd send out a calendar invite to confirm. 




Academic Excellence

R. Wray shared a draft Employment Agreement for Jill Fineis for the 22/23 school year. The proposed Agreement represented an approximate 9% raise in salary and benefits over the previous year. 


K. Rutherford made a motion to Accept Jill's employment contract.
X. Velasco Ponce de Leon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.



Due to a shortage of agenda time the Development committee did not present and was asked to bring their report and Development Plan to share at the September board meeting instead.


Facility Task Force

R. Wray shares the facility task force report. 


One portable containing two classrooms have been placed and hope to receive a certificate of occupancy by Wednesday of next week so they'll be ready for the first day of the year. The school plans to use them for either one or two years.


The facility team also had their first pre-construction team in August with the general contractor and supporting contractors that will be starting the middle school remodel being funded by the City of Wenatchee's Capital Grant. Most of the work is slated to happen next summer.

VI. Other Business


Upcoming Back to School Events

A couple of back to school events coming up in the next two weeks were shared and board members were encouraged to attend.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
O. Licon Eusebio