Pinnacles Prep Charter School


Monthly Board Meeting

Location: Pinnacles Prep Administration Conference Room

Date and Time

Wednesday June 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Small School. Big Difference!
Pinnacles Prep Mission: We exist to cultivate curious, confident, and self-directed students who lead and succeed in college, their careers, and their communities.

Board Norms
Follow Through on All Agreements
Be Fully Present Physically and Mentally
Start and End On Time

Be Bold and Optimistic
Keep Kids at the Center of Our Work
Advance Justice
Put Relationships First and Assume Positive Intent

Trustees Present

F. Fernandez, K. Rutherford, R. Wray, T. McGee, X. Velasco Ponce de Leon

Trustees Absent

M. Reyes, O. Licon Eusebio

I. Opening Items


Welcome and Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Wray called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pinnacles Prep Charter School to order on Wednesday Jun 15, 2022 at 6:00 AM.


Consent Agenda Item: May Board Meeting Minutes

X. Velasco Ponce de Leon made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting on 05-18-22.
F. Fernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Consent Agenda: Financial Report Approvals

X. Velasco Ponce de Leon made a motion to Approve the June Financial Report.
F. Fernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Consent Agenda: May Data Dashboard Online Report


Sunrise Connection

Principal Jill Fineis led the board in a Sunrise Connection:  What sticker do you have on your car? What does it mean to you?

II. Public Comment


Open the Floor to Public Comment

No public comment was received.

III. Principal Report


Discussion Items

Principal Jill Fineis reviewed with the board several of the events and highlights of the past month:

All scholars attended camp Tall Timbers. Parents attended as chaperones.  It was a tremendous success that we hope to duplicate next year.

The trip to Slidewaters Water Park in Chelan was a fun time for all.

The all student Pinnacles Prep Yearbook staff completed the first Pinnacles Yearbook. 

All state and commission audits were passed with no findings.

The end of year Gratitude and Moving Up event was a lovely celebration of our Founding Year.

Student Awards were given and 88 community members were recognized as members of our Impact Squad.

Exhibition night for Q4 highlighted the scholars Passion Projects:  Scholars shared the skis they created, their original drawings, the amazing Peter Pan play...produced, directed and acted in by scholars, and a peace vigil for Ukraine was held at the end of the evening.

95% of scholars completed a Passion Project.  


50% of our scholars met their academic goals.  



IV. Committee Reports



Tyler McGee, Treasurer, gave a review of the monthly Financial Reports and an update of the 22/23 annual budget.



Rick Wray gave the Governance report for June.  

The committee is putting together a board training plan based on survey results.

Karen Rutherford and Rick Wray:  their board terms are up, they would like to stay on the board for another term.

Rick Wray, Chairman, Tyler McGee, Treasurer and Oscar Licon Eusebio, Secretary, will remain as officers.


Academic Excellence

The Academic Excellence committee met with Principal Jill Fineis regarding the Principal Evaluation results.  Principal Jill Fineis will prepare her performance goals for the school year 22/23 with the Board by 7/10/2022, with measurable goals and objectives included.



Monthly Development report prepared by Sara Rolfs, was presented by committee member Xaxira Velasco Ponce de Leon.  

Board Chairman, Rick Wray, reminded the board of the WA Charters Grant of 10K if have 100% board member giving for the 21/22 school year.


Facility Task Force

Three bids were received by the City of Wenatchee for the remodel of the Great Hall.  The low bid of 1.9 million will be accepted by the city.  With taxes and contingency fee, our budget of 2.5 million, the DOC Grant, will be used in entirety.  We will need to determine the source of funding for the renovation of the Maker Space and Community Kitchen.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Rutherford