Pinnacles Prep Charter School

Monthly Board Meeting

Published on April 15, 2024 at 9:33 AM PDT

Date and Time

Wednesday April 17, 2024 at 5:30 PM PDT


Pinnacles Prep Maker Space

In Person: Pinnacles Prep Campus Makerspace (504 S. Chelan Ave, Wenatchee)


Online Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 893 0013 3347

Dial In: 1-719-359-4580


Board Members: Rick Wray, Oscar Licon Eusebio, Karen Rutherford, Flora Fernandez, Bethany Sebastian, Tyler McGee, Tod Treat, Josh Castro


Contact: Karen Rutherford, Board Secretary



Accessibility: This meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities. Special aids and services can be made available upon advance request. Advance requests for special aids and services must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting's start time.


Public Comment (In-Person): Members of the public wishing to comment in person should sign up using the provided sign-in sheet 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. You will be called on at the meeting. The Board may respond to public comment during the meeting. Members of the public wishing to provide hard copy written comments at the meeting must bring 8 copies. Ten minutes will be allocated for public comment, with the option of the Chair to allow more.


Public Comment (Virtual): Advance requests for virtual public comment or to provide written public comment electronically must be made no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting's start time. To make this request or provide a written public comment, please email Karen Rutherford at If you would prefer to provide oral public comment, you will be called on at the meeting. The Board may respond to public comment during the meeting. A maximum of ten minutes will be allocated for public comment, with the option of the Chair to allow more.


Small School. Big Ideas.
Pinnacles Prep Mission: We exist to cultivate curious, confident, and self-directed
students who lead and succeed in college, their careers, and their communities.



Procedural: Follow Through on all Agreements  |  Be Fully Present Physically and Mentally   Start and End on Time

Behavioral: Keep Students at the Center of Our Work  |  Be Bold and Optimistic  Advance Justice  Put Relationships First   Assume Positive Intent




      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:30 PM
  A. Welcome and Record Attendance   5 m

Special welcome to new board member Blake Baldwin

  B. Call the Meeting to Order  
  C. Consent Agenda Approval Vote Rick Wray 10 m
  • Approve Prior Meeting Minutes (March 20 Board Meeting)
  • Approve Prior Month Financial Documents
  • Approve Principal Report
  • Policy Adoption
    • First Reads: 
      • Policy 3243 Student Driving
      • Procedure 3243P Student Driving
  • Committee Reports
    • Development Committee
II. Public Comment Period 5:45 PM
  A. Open Floor for Public Comments FYI 5 m
III. Know Our People, Know Our Programs 5:50 PM
  A. 6th Grade Humanities and DEI Study Team FYI 15 m

Staff Guest: Luis Rodriguez

IV. Critical Issue Discussion 6:05 PM
  A. Enrollment Projections for 24/25 Discuss Jill Fineis 10 m
  • Results from Enrollment Lottery Event
  B. Staffing for 24/25 School Year Discuss Jill Fineis 10 m


  • Hiring Updates
  C. Academic Excellence FYI 5 m
  • Passion Project Launch
  • Adding 9th Grade Internships
  D. Proposed New Standardized Emergency Response System Vote 10 m

I Love U Guys Program Overview

  E. Existing Policy Discussion Discuss Jill Fineis 10 m

Private Vehicle Transportation (Policy 6625)

V. Committee Reports 6:50 PM
  A. Academic Excellence Discuss Tod Treat, Oscar Licon, Rick Wray 10 m
  • School Leader Annual Evaluation Update (Tod)
  • Establishing a DEI Assessment Metric (Oscar)
  • High School Facility Task Force Update (Rick)
    • Lease Contract Agreement Vote
    • City of Wenatchee Meeting
  B. Finance FYI Tyler McGee and Sean Koester 10 m
  • Financial Data Dashboard Presentation (Tyler)
  • Final Legislature Levy Equalization Decision (Sean)
  • Final Audit Update
  C. Governance FYI Rick Wray, Tod Treat 10 m


  • F1 Financial Disclosure Filing Deadline
  • Commission Contract Deeper Learning
    • Board Led Refresher (Tod Treat)
VI. Additional Business 7:20 PM
  A. Important Upcoming Dates FYI Rick Wray 5 m
  • April 29th - Pinnacles Music Program Performs on Apple Blossom Stage at Lunch
  • May 4th - Washington Charter Schools Association Annual Conference in Seattle
  • May 7th - Board Member School Lunch during Teacher Appreciation Week (11am to Noon)
  B. Next Board Led Commission Contract Refresher Session FYI 5 m


VII. Closing Items 7:30 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote