Pinnacles Prep Charter School

Special Meeting

Annual Board Retreat
Published on September 16, 2021 at 11:55 AM PDT

Date and Time

Saturday September 18, 2021 at 9:00 AM PDT


Pinnacles Prep School Campus
Small School. Big Ideas.
Pinnacles Prep Mission: We exist to cultivate curious, confident, and self-directed
students who lead and succeed in college, their careers, and their communities.

Board Norms
Procedural: Follow Through on all Agreements, Be Fully Present Physically and Mentally, Start and End of Time
Behavioral: Keep Kids at the Center of Our Work, Be Bold and Optimistic, Advance Justice, Put Relationships First and Assume Positive Intent


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
II. Team Building
  A. Pathway Painting and Ice Breakers
III. Reflections on the First Month of School
  A. Successes and Challenges (the Glows and Grows)
     Who is Pinnacles?
  • Student stories and demographics (Total #, TBIP, IEPS, Race, FRL)
  • Preliminary MAPS testing data
IV. What Differentiates Pinnacles Prep?
  A. A Refresher: What Makes Us Unique and Our Charter Contract Goals
o   What Makes Pinnacles Prep Unique (Sara)
o   Our Key Program Terms - The Foundation of Our Instructional Model
        -How are these terms operationalized during the school day (Jill)
o   Our Academic and Operational Goals Both Short and Long Term (Rick)
  A. Ten Minutes
VI. Board Assessment Results
  A. Digging into the Assessment Findings
VII. Using BoardOnTrack for Goal Setting
  A. BoardOnTrack Special Guest
- Using the portal for committee goal setting and accountability
VIII. Lunch
  A. Lunch Delivered On Site
IX. Committee Annual Goal Setting
  A. Setting and Sharing SMART Goals for Year
o   Setting SMART Goals Overview (Rick - 10 min)
o   Objectives of Session within Committee. Committee Leads: Rick/Jill, Sara, Tyler (90 minutes)
    -Revisit committee definition and committee objectives (5 min)
    -Analyze data from board assessment and from contract goals (10 min)
    -Draft 3-5 SMART Goals (30 min)
    -Decide when your committee will meet throughout the year (5 min)
o  Share goals with rest of board during report out (40 min. – each committee gets 10 minutes)
o  Post goals in Board on Track and adopt at October meeting (FUTURE)
X. Open Forum and Adjourn
  A. Address Parking Lot Questions and Any Additional Concerns
XI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting