Pinnacles Prep Charter School

Monthly Board Meeting

Published on April 9, 2021 at 8:25 AM PDT
Amended on April 13, 2021 at 12:09 PM PDT

Date and Time

Tuesday April 13, 2021 at 6:00 PM PDT
Small School. Big Difference!
Pinnacles Prep Mission: We exist to cultivate curious, confident, and self-directed students who lead and succeed in college, their careers, and their communities.

Board Norms
Follow Through on All Agreements
Be Fully Present Physically and Mentally
Start and End On Time

Be Bold and Optimistic
Keep Kids at the Center of Our Work
Advance Justice
Put Relationships First and Assume Positive Intent


I. Opening Items
  A. Welcome and Record Attendance
  B. Sunrise Connections
I would like to open our meeting with a point of connection for everyone in the spirit of creating a relational atmosphere where all voices are heard and we can connect.
  C. Call the Meeting to Order
  D. Approve Meeting Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board of Trustees Meeting on March 9, 2021
II. Public Comment
  A. Open the Floor to Public Comment
III. Principal Report
  A. Enrollment Update
  B. Hiring Update
  C. Policy Adoption
Please read through each model policy for the April 13th meeting, which is attached in this sheet. 
IV. Committee Updates
  B. Finance Report
  C. Development
  D. Facility
Construction Updates
Approving Construction Budget
Amendment to Bank Loan Resolution



V. Board Governance
  A. F1 Financial Disclosure Submission and Governance Video Series Viewing
  B. Contract Review Jeopardy Game
  C. New Board Member Consideration (Xaxira Velasco Ponce De Leon, Mario Reyes, Oscar Licon)






  D. Board Member Show and Tell - Karen Rutherford
VI. Other Business
  A. Final Commission Board Member Onboarding Session - May 26th at 4pm
Board Member Show and Tell
  B. Returning to In-Person Meetings
VII. Closing Items
  A. Sunset Connections
I would like to close our meeting with a point of connection for everyone in the spirit of creating a relational atmosphere where all voices are heard and we can connect. 
  B. Adjourn Meeting