Fitchburg State University


Joint Board of Trustees meeting with the Foundation Board of Directors

Date and Time

Tuesday January 28, 2020 at 8:00 AM


Presidents' Hall, Mazzaferro Center, 291 Highland Ave., Fitchburg, MA 01420
Notice of a Meeting of the Fitchburg State University Board of Trustees
Tuesday, January 28, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. in Presidents' Hall, Mazzaferro Center, 291 Highland Ave., Fitchburg, MA 01420

This meeting will be a joint meeting with the Fitchburg State University Foundation.

Trustees Present

C. Aneke, C. Stimpson, D. Irving (remote), D. Nieto, D. Phillips, D. Tiernan, F. O'Donnell, L. Barrieau, M. Nicholson (remote)

Trustees Absent

A. Clementi

Ex Officio Members Present

R. Lapidus

Non Voting Members Present

R. Lapidus

Guests Present

A. Cardelle, A. Mercadante, C. Canney, C. Carroll, C. Michaelson, Campus Community Members, Community Members, G. Doiron, J. Bry, J. Murdoch, J. Renwick, J. Sumner, J. Wolfman, K. Spinelli, L. Bayless, M. Connors, M. McKenzie, M. Siderwicz, N. Smith, P. McCafferty, S. Swartz, Sentinel & Enterprise Reporter, Steve Holt

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Phillips called a meeting of the board of trustees of Fitchburg State University to order on Tuesday Jan 28, 2020 at 8:02 AM.


Public Comments

Stephen Holt, Pool Committee spokesperson provided his background. He suggested some alternative uses for the pool. Jacque Renwick, the aquatics director at Mount Wachusett Community College, said the pool is an asset to the community and could generate more income if handled differently. She stated various examples to increase pool usage.

A few other members of the audience spoke in support of keeping the pool operational including Cindy Michaelson, Fitchburg State aquatics instructor. Their suggestions included hiring an aquatics director, offering community swim lessons for children, and other revenue generating programs. Leominster Recreation Director Judith Sumner stated that Leominster's Mayor Dean Mazzarella is in favor of the pool staying open.



Approve Minutes from the Board of Trustees Meeting on November 5, 2019- VOTE (11-19/20)

L. Barrieau made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees on 11-05-19.
C. Stimpson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Nicholson
A. Clementi
L. Barrieau
D. Phillips
D. Tiernan
F. O'Donnell
D. Nieto
D. Irving
C. Aneke
C. Stimpson


Approve minutes from the Fitchburg State Foundation Meeting on Oct. 3, 2019 (FB-01-200128)

President Lapidus requested a motion to accept the minutes from the October 13, 2019 Foundation Board meeting. 

Upon a motion made by M. Connors and seconded by N. Smith, the directors voted unanimously to approve the October 13, 2019 Foundation Board of Directors meeting minutes. (FB-01-20200128)

II. Foundation Report


Audit Committee - 990 Tax Review - VOTE- (FB-02-200128)

K. Spinelli presented the 990's tax form.  President Lapidus requested a motion to accept the 990 tax form. 

Upon a motion made by A. Mercadante and N. Smith, the Foundation Directors voted unanimously to approve the 990 Tax Form. (FB-02-20200128)


Foundation Year End Report

J. Wolfman provided an update on fundraising for the year. The Foundation is off to a good beginning in regards to fundraising. This year gifts are being presented more online. 


Planned Giving Initiative

J. Wolfman reported that in November, a giving society was launched. He next discussed estate planning. 


2020 Golf Tournament

J. Wolfman announced that the annual golf tournament will be held on July 13 at the Oak Hill Country Club.


Alumni Schedule Of Events

J. Wolfman announced a number of Alumni events coming up and the 125th Celebration on April 1.

III. Recreation Center


Presentation on Recreation Center

President Lapidus began his comments by providing background information and stating that the pool conversation was really more appropriately a Recreation Center conversation. He said, that he understood that different constituencies used the Recreation Center (students, alumni, community and others), but emphasized that students are the primary constituents and the reason why the university is here. He briefly talked about some unique programs that are offered and shared that the university has been recognized for a high performance on the social mobility index for its graduates. Again, he emphasized that the purpose of the university and its other amenities and services were primarily in support of students and student success.

He went on to talk about the strong relationship the university has with the city and how the university is viewed positively as a resource within the region. He noted that the Mayor of Fitchburg regularly commends the university for the collaborative work it does with the community. He stated that the pool issue is a resource allocation issue. Unfortunately, the university cannot be everything to everyone all the time. He indicated that while there are cost concerns associated with the pool, there are also usage issues (low pool usage and high usage in other areas) as well as physical capacity constraints within the building (no ability to increase the size of the building). Again, he emphasized student needs. The analysis conducted by the university is one of opportunity cost. He explained the compounding set of problems associated with the pool and stated that if the pool and equipment were to be brought back to original condition it would cost approximately $460,000. He stated that this number came from a cost estimator and if the university were to move in this direction, the work would need to formally go out to bid.

A reporter from the local newspaper was recording. The Chair addressed the reporter and informed attendees that the meeting was being recorded.

The president stated that if the pool were to be filled in, and the space used for an alternate purpose the preliminary estimate to ready the space for renovation would be approximately $367,000.

In responding to the suggestion of hiring an aquatics director, he indicated that the hiring process at the university is done in a holistic fashion. The position would be weighed against other positions needed such as tutors, counselors, and faculty. The university has a broad range of personnel needs and again the focus needs to be on student success.

The president said that university pool events have been small. The ALFA program uses the pool and the Leominster combined swim team are the other primary users. He also noted the racquet ball courts are not being utilized. The Recreation Center usage, in terms of high volume is in the areas of weight training and aerobics. The current equipment is overused, the space is crowded, and students have asked for alternative opportunities. To confirm this, a Recreation Survey was administered that included students, faculty and staff. The survey indicated pool usage was low and weight training and aerobic activities were high. Regarding questions related to an idealized Recreation Center, the pool did receive moderate interest, but those indicating interest also indicated that they never used the pool. Alternatively, the highest interest revolved around weight training and aerobics which was consistent with existing usage data. Data also indicated that there was interest in new areas around yoga, stretching and mindfulness/wellness programming.

The president went on to discuss how affected groups might be accommodated if changes were to be made. The ALFA classes would be moved to the YMCA which is approximately one mile away from the university. The YMCA has excess capacity and could handle the extra classes. No instructor changes would be made nor would there be cost implications for those attending the classes. The university would also move existing alumni memberships to YMCA memberships and work to cover any additional costs, if any. The Leominster Combined Swim Team, which used the pool three months per year, could consider Mount Wachusett Community College. It was confirmed that time was available if they were interested in this option. The university had reached out to the Leominster Team months earlier to forewarn them of pool problems and had purposely not issued a contract because of concerns of pool failure. Again, the president acknowledged that not everyone will be happy with the accommodations, but reiterated the need to address its degree-seeking university students first.

There was a discussion regarding possible usage for the space.

D. Phillips thanked the President for the thorough presentation.

The President indicated that he would accept a report from the pool committee if they felt that they had not fully presented their case. He did state, barring something in their report not previously considered, his recommendation would be to close the pool.

IV. Notifications


Personnel Actions (N03-19/20)

The personnel notifications were submitted for informational purposes. 



Financial Statements (N04-19/20)

The financial statements were submitted for informational purposes. 

V. Student Trustee Report


Update from Student Trustee

C. Aneke presented the Student Trustee report. At the SGA meeting held on Nov. 12, they were excited to have board members attend their meeting but none were able to attend. She will look at other opportunities for the Board to engage with students. She next mentioned that SGA is in support of the pool staying open until they know of the other options for the space. The group is open to discussing different options and happy to have discussions on this issue.

VI. President's Report


Winter Commencement

The President next presented his report. The Winter commencement was a great success. It was the largest to date with 610 graduates. The university is pleased to know that students taking online classes are willing to come to campus for their graduation even though never having been on campus prior. Students are coming from all over the country and from beyond.


Opening of the Spring Semester

President Lapidus stated that the campus was starting to feel the pressures of declining enrollment. Our decline is starting to catch up with some already experienced by sister institutions. The university continues to work to find solutions and strategies to increase enrollment. The number of high school students graduating is on the decline, and the community colleges are really struggling with enrollment. Our two main feeders are the local high schools and community colleges.

There was a discussion on online programs, and various hybrid programs.

M. Connors asked about the Residence Halls. The president responded that we are at approximately 71% capacity.

The president said the university was thinking about alternative pricing strategies. Some consolidation of residence halls has occurred by closing floors. He indicated that the university and Mount Wachusett Community College was working on a combined residence program. This will allow MWCC students to live in the Residence Halls while they take classes at the community college.


Strategic Planning Process update

D. Phillips said that last semester, she volunteered to be the board liaison to the Strategic Planning process. She will sit on the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. Where do we want to be in five years and how do we get there is the focus of the exercise. The University has hired an experienced consultant to assist with this process. Everyone involved is working hard and are dedicated to the University she stated. The process has been inclusive and involved faculty, staff, students, trustees, alumni and community leaders. There are five themed committees along with the Steering Committee. These committees have representation from faculty, staff and students. She expressed how educational the experience has been as it brings all of the facets of campus together. She stated that a four-hour retreat was held last week which facilitated a lot of discussion. She indicated that Ms. Pamela McCafferty, Associate Vice President for Institutional Research has provided a considerable amount of data and other pertinent information which has been extremely helpful. Overall, the Steering Committee is a good reflection of the campus community. The vision and goal setting work will continue. She feels that the University is advancing the Commissioner's equity agenda and believes that the exercise is on track with the specified timeline.

The President thanked D. Phillips for her service on this important project. The board will soon be solicited for input. His hope is that by the May board meeting, the Trustees will see a first draft of the plan.


Legislative Meetings

The President discussed that our legislators have been generous with their time. He has had the opportunity to talk with House Speaker DeLeo and Senate President Spilka, and others from the Joint Committee for Higher Education. The main topics have mostly been in support of increased financial aid for students and the funding of union contracts. There was also conversation around supporting the line item for the Internship Incentive program. The President also briefly discussed the ongoing issue of professional practice doctorate programs and the conflict with the UMASS system.


News Articles

The news articles were presented for informational purposes. The President noted the articles regarding the Moot Court competition which Student Trustee Crystal Aneke attended. He also highlighted the reaccreditation of the Honors Program.

VII. Responsible Employee and Campus Security Authorities Training


Title IX Training and Presentation

Ms. Jessica Murdoch, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Payroll Services and Ms. Kristin Murphy, Director of Title IX Compliance introduced themselves. K. Murphy gave a PowerPoint presentation on Title IX. During the presentation she noted that once she is informed of a complaint, an investigation must be completed and specific steps are followed. The Trustees are considered to be " responsible employees" and are required, if contacted directly, to report any complaints. The definition of "responsible employees" was discussed. There was discussion.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:38 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Barrieau
Documents used during the meeting
  • VOTE Minutes.pdf
  • Foundation Minutes Vote.pdf
  • Foundation Minutes Oct. 3, 2019.pdf
  • VOTE 990.pdf
  • FY19 Foundation 990 report.pdf
  • BOT Notifications 01282020.pdf
  • Dec19 FSU Quarterly Financial Statement.pdf
  • Clips for Jan 2020.pdf