Fitchburg State University


Board of Trustees

Date and Time

Tuesday September 10, 2019 at 8:00 AM


Presidents' Hall, Mazzaferro Center, 291 Highland Ave., Fitchburg, MA 01420
Notice of a meeting of the Fitchburg State University Board of Trustees on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. in Presidents' Hall, Mazzaferro Center, 291 Highland Ave., Fitchburg, MA 01420

Trustees Present

A. Clementi, C. Aneke, C. Stimpson, D. Irving, D. Nieto, D. Phillips, D. Tiernan, F. O'Donnell, L. Barrieau, M. Nicholson

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

D. Nieto

Ex Officio Members Present

R. Lapidus

Non Voting Members Present

R. Lapidus

Guests Present

A. Cardelle, C. Canney, G. Doiron, J. Berg, J. Bry, J. Murdoch, J. Wolfman, L. Bayless, M. Siderwicz, S. Swartz

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Irving called a meeting of the board of trustees of Fitchburg State University to order on Tuesday Sep 10, 2019 at 8:04 AM.


Public Comments

There were none. 
D. Irving welcomed new student Trustee Crystal Aneke.


Approve Minutes from the May 7, 2019 Meeting - VOTE (01-19/20)

C. Stimpson made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Trustees Meeting on 05-07-19 Board of Trustees Meeting on 05-07-19.
D. Phillips seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. President's Assessment and Goals


President's Goal Performance 2018-2019 Academic Year

President Lapidus presented his goal performance for the 2018-2019 academic year. He highlighted a couple of items such as the clean financial audit and a slightly reduced structural deficit. He expressed his appreciation to Vice President J. Bry and the financial team.

He discussed the state audit and its focus on ADA compliance. There was a minor finding regarding the recording of attendance of personnel at training sessions which he indicated had already been addressed. He indicated that all departments involved did an outstanding job during a very thorough process and thanked all involved.

He mentioned that Academic Affairs has been quite busy. New programs have been added, the Library has done a great job of rethinking the book collection and that a significant effort was put into the Ebooks collection.

He informed the board of the awarding of a PIF grant that focuses on Latino male academic success. He indicated that Latino males currently are the lowest academic performers. The university has work intentionally hard to integrate the activities of Student Affairs with Academic Affairs. He also noted the addition of Title IX Director was added to support HR. There was a discussion.
D. Nieto arrived.


Accept the President's Goal Assessment for AY2018-2019 - VOTE(02-19/2020)

D. Phillips made a motion to accept the performance appraisal summary of the president by the Chairman for AY2018-AY2019 in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Commissioner of the Board of Higher Education And to recommend to the Commissioner of the Board of Higher Education the maximum allowable compensation adjustment.
C. Stimpson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


President's Goals AY2019-2020

President Lapidus presented his goals for the next academic year. He noted two bigger initiatives for the coming year including the development of a five-year strategic plan and a major redesign of the university website. There was a discussion.


Accept the President's Goals for AY2019-2020 - VOTE (03-19/20)

C. Stimpson made a motion to accept the President's goals for AY2019-AY2020.
D. Phillips seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Technology Update



President Lapidus discussed the new dynamic forms project. He said that the university moves a tremendous amount of paper and discussed the challenges associated with the routing of paper forms. The university purchased forms software that will allow for the creation of electronic forms that can accommodate encrypted signatures and monitor routing. He stated the project will allow for the review of the forms themselves and the appropriateness of routing as they are being recreated. Five forms in high use areas were selected as test subjects and then more forms will be rolled out more widely on campus. Information technology is providing the expertise on this initiative.


Google mail

President Lapidus informed the board of the migration from Outlook to Google mail. The Information Technology Department has been testing behind the scenes to see how accurately information moves from one tool to the other and all is going smoothly thus far. The campus is excited about this because Google has more robust and powerful features.



The president stated that our telephone supplier is no longer going to support the software that makes our phone system work. Over the next year we will install new phones. This is a significant expense but the campus has no choice.


Cyber Software

President Lapidus informed the board of the tremendous number of cyber-attacks the university receives every day. The campus provides continual training in this area and is investing in tools to detect and deflect attacks. The campus will slowly be moving to two-factor authentication. There was a discussion.

M. Siderwicz, Executive Director of Marketing and Integrated Communications, presented a PowerPoint that provided samples of the new website design. She stated that the new website will responsive which the current one is not. The new website is designed to be more interactive and we will be informed through the use of user testing exercises. There was a discussion.

IV. Financial Items


Technology Fee Trust Fund - Revised - VOTE (04-19/20)

President Lapidus explained this Technology Fee Trust Fund vote is based on the need for a word change. When this fund was created, it was designed to refresh the labs. Last year when the board approved the new technology fees its intent was slightly boarder, so the title change and usage need to be consistent thus the requested change. There are no changes in the technology fee amount.
D. Phillips made a motion to approve, according to provisions of Section 14 of the General Laws, Chapter 73, hereby establish a trust fund entitled “Technology Fee Trust Fund.” The trust is established to receive and disburse funds. This fund is established for the purpose of allowing for the support of campus computers and technology infrastructure. This trust fund shall be administered by the President of Fitchburg State University, and proper records and accounts shall be maintained under his control. The receipt and disbursement of funds and necessary accounting shall be maintained in a manner consistent with proper accounting procedures for an enterprise of this kind and will be subject to audit and inspection by the Department of State Auditors and other agencies with such responsibilities.
C. Stimpson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Funding from reserves - VOTE (05-19/20)

The president explained the vote. He explained that the Foundation and the Supporting Organization buy property that are purchased through a loan and now we would like to move that property to the state and repay the loan. Chairman Irving explained the relationship of the Supporting Organization and the university, the state and the funding that flows through all these entities.
D. Phillips made a motion to authorize the President to use up to $300,000.00 in reserves from the University Fee and/or Continuing Education Trust Fund to support the land/property acquisition of 133 Snow Street and 153-155 Snow Street through the Fitchburg State University Foundation Supporting Organization. This would be consistent with the university’s master plan for property acquisitions.
M. Nicholson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Notifications


Personnel Actions (N01-19/20)

The personnel actions were submitted for informational purposes. There was a discussion on nursing faculty salaries and the competitiveness of the hiring process.

VI. Chair's Report


Committee Assignments

Chairman Irving discussed the committee assignments. He asked that any board member that wanted to serve on a particular committee to let him know. 


DHE Trustee Conference and Trustee Orientation

The Chairman next reported that the Trustee Statewide Conference traditionally held in the spring is now scheduled this fall. He urged board members to attend.  He also noted the Trustee Orientation open to all board members. 

VII. President's Report


Opening of the university

President Lapidus reported that the opening of fall semester went very smoothly. The move-in of students is well organized. The investment in the moving bins with wheels and having the athletes helping to move students in their rooms is a tremendous help. The campus held a successful orientation program for new students. The new faculty participated in an orientation as well.

He next reported a downturn in enrollment. He stated that the campus is down about 230 (approximately 130 new students and about 100 returning students.) He stated that the Commissioner reported that the system is down somewhere between 6-13% depending on the campus. The campus has made adjustments to the budget in anticipation of enrollment reduction. Implications on residence hall occupancy were also discussed. F. O’Donnell suggested a 3-year degree program as an alternative. There was a discussion. Also, alternative program ideas were discussed and reality of launching initiatives given processes and requirements of the state.



Strategic Planning

The president informed the board of the procedure for the next 5-Year Strategic Planning process. The process started with an exercise with the help from EAB who are very well respected. Commissioner Santiago visited the campus and addressed the faculty and staff. He provided the Department of Higher Education's perspective. The Commissioner presented the equity agenda as its focal priority. Student composition is changing and it is important to understand and better meet the needs of the changing population. During his visit, the Commissioner explained the performance gaps between the different student populations. The Strategic Plan this time will remain autonomous, but will have more directive from the Department of Higher Education. There will be more formalized “touchpoints” and the process will be more formalized. Theme committees approved through faculty governance will be created and balanced to include faculty, staff, students and community members.

President Lapidus stated that board members will be asked to participate. There is no formal deadline for the completion of the strategic plan, but he hopes it will be completed in approximately one year.


125th Anniversary

The president discussed the various events in celebration of the 125th Anniversary of Fitchburg State. The programming will be throughout the year, and it will be a great opportunity to look back and tell important stories about the past and think about building opportunities for the future.


Clementi Family Charitable Trust

President Lapidus formally thanked Anna Clementi and the Clementi Family Charitable Trust for their generous gift in support of student international travel. The $1 million gift serve will generations of students to come. It will also serve as a valuable recruiting tool that further differentiates the campus. A. Clementi stated the hope is for the students who do not have the option to travel internationally will now have that opportunity.



Coming events

President Lapidus reported that the Police Academy graduation will be held on Sept. 13 at 3:30 p.m. There will be 9 students graduating. The next cohort will be composed of approximately 40 students. The program continues to receive strong support from local municipalities and policing agencies. On Oct. 3 the campus will host Jeff Selingo. He has written about higher education for two decades. He is the author of three books, a contributing writer at the Washington Post and The Atlantic, and a professor of practice and special advisor at Arizona State University. All board members are invited to a meet and greet with Jeff Selingo. The university will be holding three open houses this fall. The Holiday Gathering is scheduled on Thursday, Sept. 12 at 3:30 p.m. in the Falcon Hub.


Conflict of Interest

The annual Conflict of Interest Form was distributed for completion. 


News Articles

The news articles were presented for information purposes. 

The president informed the board of the new parcel box pickup system. There was a brief discussion. 


VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

A. Clementi made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
C. Stimpson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Barrieau