Fitchburg State University


Board of Trustees

Date and Time

Tuesday September 11, 2018 at 8:00 AM


Presidents' Hall, Mazzaferro Center, 291 Highland Ave., Fitchburg, MA 01420
Notice of a meeting of the Fitchburg State University Board of Trustees on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. in Presidents' Hall, Mazzaferro Center, 291 Highland Ave., Fitchburg, MA 01420

Trustees Present

A. Clementi, A. Ramos, Jr., C. Stimpson, D. Irving, D. Phillips, D. Tiernan, F. O'Donnell, L. Barrieau

Trustees Absent

C. Stover, D. Nieto, G. Rodriguez-Parker

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

L. Barrieau

Ex Officio Members Present

R. Lapidus

Non Voting Members Present

R. Lapidus

Guests Present

A. Cardelle, C. Canney, C. Hendry, G. Doiron, H. Mazzaferro, H. Parkinson, J. Murdoch, L. Bayless, M. McKenzie, M. Siderwicz, S. Franzen, S. Swartz

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Irving called a meeting of the board of trustees of Fitchburg State University to order on Tuesday Sep 11, 2018 at 8:06 AM.


Public Comments

There were none.


Approve Minutes from the August 21, 2018 Meeting - VOTE (05-18/19)

D. Phillips made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Trustees on 08-21-18 Board of Trustees on 08-21-18.
A. Ramos, Jr. seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. President's Assessment and Goals


President's Goal Performance 2017-2018 Academic Year

The president presented and discussed his prior year’s goal performance evaluation. There was a discussion. The chairman asked which goals were most time consuming. President Lapidus responded that it varies and difficult to answer. While the goals are based on the strategic plan, emphasis of time and resources are based on priority and need at different points in time. In talking about the performance goals, the president emphasized that he is lucky to be surrounded by many smart and dedicated people that work at the university and do great things to keep the school moving forward in a positive direction. A question was asked about becoming a member of SARA (State Authorizing Reciprocity Agreement). It was explained that membership has important implications for delivering the university’s online programs. The president reported that Fitchburg State University is the first public 4-year institution to receive this designation. The assumption is that others are probably applying for SARA approval as well. There was a discussion.
L. Barrieau arrived.


Accept the President's Goal Assessment for AY2017-2018 - VOTE(06-18/19)

D. Phillips made a motion to accept the performance appraisal summary of the president by the Chairman for AY2017-FY2018 in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Commissioner of the Board of Higher Education and recommend to the Commissioner of the Board of Higher Education the maximum allowable compensation adjustment.
A. Clementi seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


President's Goals AY2018-2019

The president presented his goals for the upcoming year. The president talked briefly about the on-going branding exercise listed among his goals. He also emphasized the financial well-being of the institution and the importance of continued focus on student success.


Accept the President's Goals for AY2018-2019 - VOTE (07-18/19)

D. Phillips made a motion to accept the President’s goals for AY2018-2019.
A. Clementi seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Replacement Check Guidelines


Replacement Check Fee - VOTE (08-18/19)

The president explained that a significant number of checks are distributed to students and go uncashed. This often results in the need to reissue a replacement check. There are many steps to replacing the check which is time consuming, so the fee is designed to encourage students to take advantage of electronic funds processing. The policy waives the fee if they elect to use the electronic processing option. There was a discussion.
D. Phillips made a motion to institute a $30 fee to reissue a check per approved guidelines.
C. Stimpson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Student Economic Insecurities


Presentation on student economic insecurities

The president stated that the Board had briefly discussed, at a recent retreat, the issue of student economic insecurity. To elaborate on the topic, he invited members of Student Development group to make a presentation on the subject. Dr. Hank Parkinson, Assistant Dean of Student Development and Housing, Mr. Shane Franzen, Associate Director, and Heather Mazzaferro, Housing and Residential Services introduced themselves. They presented and explained a PowerPoint on Basic Needs Security. (Attached)

H. Parkinson stated that economic insecurity is affecting students across the country. A survey was sent out to students and the data matches regional and national data. There was a discussion.

S. Franzen explained the Falcon Bazaar necessity pantry. The pantry includes food items and hygiene products. As part of this program, H. Mazzaferro discussed the green bag program. The Student Development office has distributed green bags to all departments on campus with the hope that staff members will fill these bags with non-perishable food items that they purchase while doing their weekly shopping. Once the bags are full, they will be returned to the pantry and staff will be given an empty bag to refill. It is hoped that the entire campus will get involved and feel like part of the program.

H. Parkinson discussed the swipe it forward program. Students who are on the meal plan can donate a meal once per semester to a meal bank. Students can apply to the program and get meals placed on their One Card. He next explained the CARE Team (Community Assessment & Risk Evaluation). This group considers and, when appropriate, acts upon information or behavior(s) of concern exhibited by a student or group of students. Student Affairs coordinates the group of professional staff that meet weekly during the academic year to address the safety, welfare, and academic success of students. The Fitchburg State CARE Team includes representatives from across the institution, with a focus on reaching out to students whose behavior has in some way has come to the attention of others. There was a discussion. The president and the board thanked the presenters for an informative presentation.

V. Notifications


Personnel Actions (N02-18/19)

The personnel actions were submitted for informational purposes.

VI. Chair's Report


Annual DHE Trustee Conference and Trustee Orientation

D. Irving discussed the DHE's New Trustee Orientation and Training to be held on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. at MassBay Community College. In addition, the Annual Trustee Conference will be held on Thursday, March 28, 2019 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel in Westborough. He stated both events are worthwhile and encouraged board members to attend.

VII. President's Report


Opening of the university

The president stated that student move in went well. The students from the athletic teams helped the new students to move in. We are still waiting to see what the final student enrollment will be, but overall the campus is in good shape. He explained that the expectation will be a slight decline in enrollment. The university continues to explore how to more aggressively expand admissions recruitment and expand its geographic reach outside of Massachusetts. Online programs will be a part of that strategy. He next also provided information of the characteristics of the incoming class which continue to increase campus diversity. The president provided an update on campus building projects. The ideaLab is completed, Edgerly has new a new elevator, the Percival project continues to go according to plan with new classrooms in the former auditorium. Half of Russell Towers residence hall has new bathrooms, and next summer the other two towers will be completed. He also discussed the ongoing collective bargaining process. The faculty contract (MSCA) is with the DHE, the professional staff (APA) contract went through the office of Labor Relations and the AFSCME contract, which is trades workers and administrative support employees, is currently in mediation. He emphasized, that faculty are not working without a contract, they have a contract and the language has been updated. What has not yet occurred is the financial component as money has yet to be appropriated. When the process is complete, salaries will be retroactive and be made whole. The president indicated that the Financial Auditors are still working on campus. He also stated that the university has been contacted by the State Auditors and they will be conducting an audit beginning early October. President Lapidus reminded the board to complete the self-assessment survey and to let him know of any topics they would like discussed at future meetings.


Coming events

President Lapidus reminded the board of the Police Academy graduation on Sept. 13 at 3:30 p.m.


News Articles

The new articles were presented for informational purposes. A. Clementi congratulated Dr. Catherine Canney on receiving the Leadership Award from the Massachusetts National Network of Women Leaders in recognition of her efforts to support women in higher education.


VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

D. Phillips made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
A. Clementi seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Phillips