Athlos Jefferson Parish


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 15, 2025 at 5:30 PM


Committee Members Present

J. Holmes, J. Washington, Z. Bracok

Committee Members Absent

A. Acuna, A. Diperna, J. Sparks, J. Wright, K. Wheeler, N. Anthony, S. Darensbourg

Guests Present

S. Dominguez-Pannell, T. Tate (remote), kathleen wheeler

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Washington called a meeting of the Governance Committee Committee of Athlos Jefferson Parish to order on Wednesday Jan 15, 2025 at 5:35 PM.

II. Governance Committee


Plan for seat time make up.

Ms. Bracok shared the proposal to provide Saturday make up days for 4 hours at a time.  They are still determining if a 4 hour window would could as a full day or if it would be counted as hour for hour.  This would be held in person at the school.  An additional consideration would be at what point to cut this off for students, as far as at what point the student has already exceeded the amount of time to in order to be able to make it up.


There are 17 Saturdays remaining in the year.  It may be challenging to find teachers willing to staff this time, and to find funds to provide them with stipends.


An alternative option presented by the state guest was to require students to complete the makeup time online with their parent at home.  They would provide the documentation of completion through iReady, and it could be done at any time they aren't in school.  This would be done as a completion equivalent instead of an hour for hour equivalent.  We would have to check that this is allowable.  


This would allow easy tracking of completion, it is user friendly on smartphones or computers or iPads, it can target goals based on instructional focus areas.


We are currently at 91 students with 10 or more absences.  After we made FINS referrals in December, we haven't had additional absences without doctor's notes.


Ms. Bracok will verify that the online plan will work and will draft a written proposal and tracker for how we could implement this new procedure.


Review our 3 tardies = an absence policy.

Ms. Wheeler shared an update on the absence policy.

III. Closing Items


Topics for next meeting

Ms. Bracok will present the updated seat time policy to review.

There is a new state mandate that the Board Chair have 1 hour of BESE training.  Additionally, BESE will require one hour of online training for all board members that will be rolling out soon focused on:  board training, special education and finance.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Washington