Athlos Jefferson Parish
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday December 18, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Committee Members Present
A. Acuna, A. Diperna, J. Holmes, J. Washington, J. Wright, K. Wheeler, N. Anthony (remote), Z. Bracok
Committee Members Absent
J. Sparks, S. Darensbourg, V. McCoy
Guests Present
Faith Wilson (remote), T. Tate (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Governance Committee
Staff Dress Code Policy Updates
Attendance / Tardy Data & Policy Updates
Ms. Bracok shared that starting in January, she will be heavily involved in attendance moving forward. She has been researching current legislation in relation to our current processes and policies.
The committee discussed our current truancy policy. They also discussed options for how to make up seat time and potential funding to support that.
Ms. Bracok also shared some incentives that are being discussed to encourage attendance.
We need to review our 3 tardies = an absence policy. Confirm that it matches current legal opinion. The time period of the tardy that equates to an absence should be clarified.
III. Closing Items
Topics for next meeting
Follow up on our plan for seat time make up.
Review our 3 tardies = an absence policy.
Ms. Tate shared the revised dress code policy based on the discussion last meeting and asked for any further edits.
Intention is to role out the new policy with the handbook for next school year.