Athlos Jefferson Parish
AAJP Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday July 17, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Committee Members Present
A. Acuna, C. Martin, J. Holmes, J. Washington, J. Wright, N. Anthony (remote), V. McCoy
Committee Members Absent
A. Diperna
Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened
N. Anthony
Guests Present
B. Bressler (remote), K. Wheeler (remote), T. Tate (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Governance Committee
Review / edit board commitment agreement.
Review the Discipline Policies related to SPED students and 126.
The last discussion on topics B, C & D was to consolidate all policies into one discipline handbook and cross-check for alignment to Bulletin 126.
Ms. Wheeler discussed the team's work on the Discipline / Culture Handbook that includes expulsion updates, classroom norms and routines that will include teacher input, daily work configuration, and whiteboard configuration. This will be an internal document with accompanying posters throughout the building. They are currently working on behavior ladder updates. The team's goal is to finish the handbook by July 29th.
Goal Final products:
- Student Handbook - external (merger 7/29; cross reference Bulletin 126 (from May 2024) in the fall)
- Culture Handbook - internal (initial 7/29, ongoing)
- Visuals - internal (ongoing)
Items to consolidate into the Student Handbook (rather than separate policies):
- 5502 Discipline Policy
- 5202 Truancy
- 5401 Anti-bullying
- 5508 School Weapons
- 5402 Electronic Devices / Communications - update with Act 313
- 7401 Acceptable Use of Technology
- 5507 Suspension and Expulsion - update with new regs for grades levels not allowed to suspend
- 6100 Seclusion and Restraint Policy
- Behavior Ladder
- Vaping - add this policy
- Parental Notification
- Search and Seizure
Review the Discipline Ladder for clarification of implementation of consequences. Refer to related Behavior Ladder and Behavior Interventions.
Review the Expulsion Policy 5507 and clarify the alternative educational option and responsibilities after expulsion.
Review the Cell Phone policy to align with legislative updates.
Ms. Martin shared the new legislation update and that our current cell phone policy already complies with the new legislation. But that we now have the legislation to back it up. We will communicate it to families during back-to-school orientation.
The committee discussed how to handle smart watches and how to handle use on buses.
III. Closing Items
Topics for next meeting
Review handbook edits
Review final draft of stakeholder survey questions
Review By-Laws
Pre-Read for next meeting: By-Laws
The board reviewed the existing agreement and found no edits needed. They decided to move forward with it as is.