Athlos Jefferson Parish


AAJP Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 6, 2024 at 6:00 PM


Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish

979 Behrman Hwy

Terrytown, LA 70056


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Meeting ID: 992 2744 2320

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Meeting ID: 992 2744 2320

One tap mobile:  +17193594580,,99227442320# US


If you would like to provide a public comment, please list your name and which topic you would like to provide comment on in the chat.

Directors Present

E. Ketchens (remote), J. Holmes, N. Anthony, N. Berg (remote), V. McCoy

Directors Absent

J. Wright, T. Burns, T. Thompson

Guests Present

B. Bressler (remote), C. Brooks (remote), C. Martin, Dr. Ronicka Briscoe (remote), Faith ilson, K. Murray (remote), K. Wheeler, M. Galatas, Mr. Rowe, N. Thomas, Rika- PTO, Teresa Tate (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Holmes called a meeting of the board of directors of Athlos Jefferson Parish to order on Tuesday Feb 6, 2024 at 6:08 AM.


Pledge of Allegiance

Athlos Academy 4th grade students led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Record Attendance


Call for Conflict of Interest



Athlos Mission & Vision

Dr. Janine Holmes recited the Mission Statement. 


Vasy McCoy recited the Vision Statement.


Board Chair Message

Dr. Janine Holmes shared what she believes is the characteristics of a high-performance school. She stated that the use of data is one of the essential characteristics to assess progress, identify areas of improvement, and inform decision-making.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda

Voting did not place due to Quorum not met , lack of board members in person.


Approve January 10, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Voting did not take place due to Quorum not met , lack of board members in person.


New Hires & Stipends

Voting did not place due to Quorum not met, lack of board members attendance in person.

III. Presentation


Presentation from the Department of Education Chair at University of Holy Cross

Dr. Janine Holmes introduced the speaker Dr. Ronicka Briscoe, the Department of Education Chair at University of Holy Cross. She shared the challenges with recruitment in the Greater New Orleans area including:

  • Teacher shortage
  • Certification challenges
  • Retention focus
  • LDOE initiatives


Dr. Janine Holmes shared how she is hoping the information that was shared by Dr. Ronicka Briscoe could help us to plan for where we are and where we need to go. 

IV. Administrative Reports


Executive Director's Report

Cheryl Martin shared the Business Bests for Athlos Academy. Some of the Highlights were:

  • Grade Level Reset Meetings
  • 5th & 6th Grade Project Based Learning Day
  • Triton Basketball Rankings - Undefeated
  • Winter Formal
  • 2nd Annual Community Carnival
  • Habitat for Humanity Rising Oaks Groundbreaking Ceremony
  • Installation of playground mulch.

She shared 3 Major Improvement Strategies for 2nd Semester:

  • Tier 1 Behavior Strategies
  • Increasing Staff Voice through Staff Focus Group
  • Fidelity of Tier 1 Instruction

She provided the 90-Day Plan for Athlos Academy. She reported the Leap 2025 Subgroup Performance Grades for 3-8, gave a Special Education overview, an MTSS overview, a discipline update and excessive absences/truancy update. She concluded with the 2023-2024 Teacher Retention Strategies. She stated we have we have over 40 teacher candidates for 24-25 school year so far.


Chris Brooks shared a summary of the recent December Financials. He stated there was a big drop of cash, because of a one-time payment submitted for property and casualty insurance that was paid in full to avoid interest charges. He shared the plan for the 24-25 budget process.  He provided an update on the bond sharing that we were able to lock up the price. He shared that it is slated to officially close on February 20th.  


Dr. Janine Holmes asked questions on the Charter Annual Review for 21-22 and 22-23. The Board discussed the comparison in the Organizational Performance Framework results year over year. 

V. Discussion Items


SPS Scores

Dr. Janine Holmes initiated a discussion with Mrs. Martin regarding the current SPS scores and what actions have been taken regarding the results.  Mrs. Martin shared they have implemented many strategies including:  targeting subgroups in PLCs; filling a Math Interventionist position; a tutoring program which also requires students with excessive absences to attend; and teacher training on how to look at data. Mrs. Martin also shared the staff attendance incentives that have been put in place and goals to increase the number of available substitute teachers, so we do not need to pull APs or Instructional Coaches to sub.  Mrs. Martin stated again how confident she is with the leadership team achieving their goal.  


Vasy McCoy asked for clarification on the tutoring program, curriculum and interventionist group scheduling.


Mrs. Martin also shared how proud she is of the Inclusion Teachers and their results.


Dr. Janine Holmes thanked Mrs. Martin, Dr. Bressler and the team for all the data and the hard work. She expressed how important it is for all board members to be present in person so that there will be a Quorum to vote. She shared how the school team has provided all the data that they need to help the school be prepared and on track for the BESE renewal. She shared now it is on the board members to do their part. She requested another special meeting before March to vote on the items they were not able to vote on in this meeting.   

VI. Action Items (public comment must be had immediately before each action item vote)


Establish Task Forces and Committees

Voting did not take place due to Quorum not met, lack of board members attendance in person.


Board Officers

Voting did not place due to Quorum not met , lack of board members attendance in person.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Galatas
Documents used during the meeting
  • Board Chair Message 2.6.2024.pdf
  • AAJP Financials 12.31.23.pdf
  • AAJP Budget vs Actual Analysis 12.31.2023.xlsx
  • 2022-2023-charter-annual-reviews-pdf.pdf
  • 2021-2022-charter-annual-reviews.pdf
  • AAJP January Dashboard.pdf