Athlos Jefferson Parish


AAJP Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday August 2, 2023 at 6:00 PM


Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish

979 Behrman Hwy.Terrytown, LA

Directors Present

H. Wier (remote), K. Chambers (remote), N. Berg, T. Nelson (remote)

Directors Absent

E. Ketchens, J. Wright, N. Woods

Guests Present

A. Harvey (remote), B. Bressler (remote), C. Brooks (remote), C. Martin, J. Holmes, J. Turgeon (remote), M. Galatas, T. Tate (remote), Tiffany Burns (remote), Wheeler

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Berg called a meeting of the board of directors of Athlos Jefferson Parish to order on Wednesday Aug 2, 2023 at 6:13 PM.


Record Attendance


Call for Conflict of Interest



II. Board Elections


Board Nominations

N. Berg made a motion to nominate both candidates.
H. Wier seconded the motion.

Nick nominated both Candidates, Ms. Holmes and Ms. Burns.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Elections

N. Berg made a motion to Elect Ms. Holmes as Board Chair.
H. Wier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Officer Elections



N. Berg made a motion to Elect Ms. Homes as Board Chair.
H. Wier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Officer Elections

N. Berg made a motion to Elect Ms. Chambers as Vice Chair.
T. Nelson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
H. Wier made a motion to Re-elect Nick Berg as Secretary.
K. Chambers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Consent Agenda


Approve June Meeting Minutes

N. Berg made a motion to approve the minutes from AAJP Board Meeting on 06-14-23.
H. Wier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


New Hires & Stipends

Ms. Martin shared her screen and discussed the New Hires. Also  Ms. Tate shared her information as well.Hiring Status – July 2023



July 2022

July 2023

Filled/offered positions



Open positions



Gen Ed Teacher openings



Pre-service resignations/no show staff




Key Factors:

  • Shift to new salary schedule requiring certification for higher pay.
  • Addition of new instructional support positions covered with grant funds.

Jefferson Parish experiencing the greatest teacher shortage in 5 years.



V. Administrative Reports


Director's Report

Mrs. Martin spoke on the preparing for school . She also shared on 

Total 1040 students, 

Some grade level will have 5 not 4. 


Carina apps

Staffing- some Vacancy -

Job Fair Planned 

July 5 & 6 - had Training - Had Book Study on Poverty

Mrs. Martin also shared on Seclusion and Restraint  

Martin- also discussed about Leap Report - Math & ELA Report

                   Galatas will give Jill a copy 


Ms. Wheeler shared Summer School Program information, some information is written below:

                      Over age Program

                       Academics150, and Attendance 80

                     - 80 students were invited, Math ELA

                      Needed to show Growth

                      Over age Program- Attendance & Academic

                      Offer Extra - for Scholars 


Dr. Bressler asked Ms. Tate- to discuss about plans for positions not filled

Ms. Tate- shared why she think teachers are leaving position

Ms. Holmes asked - how many instructional coaches and Leaders , what is the planned 

Mrs. Martin answered Ms. Holmes.                                                                                         



Ms. Holmes- How do the students who did not attend Summer school continue their progress?

                    Ms. Wheeler answered, she said we had a plan.


Ms. Tiffany - asked do we have broke down Report? 

 Martin - said we do not have the info yet, 

Holmes- said you could pulled out the info on line. 

Martin- said we will send home the Reports to students once reports for students are in school.

Dr. Bressler- said the scores did improve in Math, we will have report on the sub groups, we know what the states request was for the students, with graphs etc, The next step , next month should have more Data, and give  to Teachers.


Martin- said this is the first time the State release the reports, and next meeting will have more info. 

Martin- state said they want all 3 & 4  grade must be on their grade levels for reading before we could move them on. Will continue Monthly Parent events to share info.

PD - return on July 24, partners, IReady Math,  Mr. .Jennings was here today visiting Campus

It was a wonderful two weeks!

Ms. Holmes- will we follow the state "In God we Trust" in Classroom? 

Dr. Bressler- said , we believe in each classroom should be 

Martin- 169 Bulletin- How we were going to make Driveline safety- Set up Cones

Holmes- Will we use Diebels- ?

Martin- Yes we will use Diebels 8 Edition for screener.











CEO Report

Central Office Report

August 2, 2023


The Average Fund Balance: $4,002,609

Status on the bond process. 

Awarded the Redesign and Stronger Connections grants. 



Current Enrollment as of x/x/xx: TBD

Student Withdraws: TBD

New Students: TBD

YTD Persistence Rate:  YTD Conversion Rate: 

2023-2024 New Enrollment in PowerSchool as of 7/28/23: 402

2023-2024 Re-enrollment in PowerSchool as of 7/28/23: 896 ­

2023-2024 Projected Enrollment as of 7/28/23: 1,250 (returning students + new students with at least one piece of registration turned in. This is the formula used last year to predict enrollment). 



Submitted FY 24 budget and Q4 actuals.  

Submitted 23-24 SY contact information, charter board meeting calendar, transportation plan, family handbook, and annual assurances to our BESE.   

Completed the Continuous Learning Plan. 


Operations Report:

Family Handbook updates for 2024. 

Foodservice vendor awarded through the RFP process. 


Innovative Work:

We complete a three-day AAJP school Administrator training from July 10th through July 12th. 


Academics Report:

2022-2023 preliminary LEAP assessment results. 


General Information:



Marketing Report:

Director’s Message: Director's Message - Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish (

Teacher Spotlight Facebook campaign: Facebook


Finance Report

Chris B. - trying to purchase school - to save money

               Looking to close

              just receive our documents audit

              collect federal grant

              Any questions/Comments

VI. Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Nothing to add:


The Board discussed that they will meet in the near future.


Governance Committee

The Board discussed they will meeting two weeks.




Pillars Committee

The Board discussed that Ms. Ketchens  would be on the committee.


No comments or questions




Committee and Committee Chair Appointments

Chair of Finance committee- Mr. Wier


Ms. Jill - recommend that we asked if Board members would like to stay where they are on.


Ms. Holmes nominated  Ms. Tiffany- Pillar Committee


Ms. Holmes nominated herself for the Governance Committee.



VII. Discussion Items


Seclusion and Restraint- Policy 6100

Mrs. Martin- explain - the Seclusion and Restraint - Policy 6100

                                   She will be working with Diperna

                                   We will have trainers, and Coaches will be trained

                                   We were mapping out cool down room

                                   We will have rooms for this areas.

                                   we will instill our Character Traits

Jill - said when we have an update- we are not ale to have but, it could be revised and posted maybe by next board meeting.

 Holmes- if you have more than one child , how would you separate, ? 

Martin- said yes, there will be more than one area.




Hiring Updates

Ms. Tate- spoke on Hiring dates.


Board Calendar

Ms. Jill discussed and reviewed Board Meeting dates for 23/24. If  any changes need to be made we could change.

VIII. Action Items (public comment must be had immediately before each action item vote)


Family Handbook Revisions

Dr. Bressler discussed what he thought about the Handbook and he shared the changes that would be made.



Employee Handbook Revisions

Ms. Tate discussed shared it was her  first time looking at book

         she went thru and updated all those

         Clarification on 

          two week notice

          PTO Policy, Holidays, Jury Duty - made it clear

         -were added- info on Conduct

          - PTO- 40 hrs. roll over to the next





IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Galatas