Athlos Jefferson Parish


AAJP Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 1, 2023 at 6:00 PM


979 Behrman Hwy.

Terrytown, LA 70056

Directors Present

E. Ketchens (remote), H. Wier, K. Chambers (remote), T. Nelson (remote)

Directors Absent

J. Wright, N. Berg, N. Woods

Guests Present

A. Harvey, B. Bressler (remote), C. Martin, J. Turgeon (remote), N. Thomas (remote), T. Bickart (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

H. Wier called a meeting of the board of directors of Athlos Jefferson Parish to order on Wednesday Feb 1, 2023 at 6:03 PM.


Record Attendance


Call for Conflict of Interest



II. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda

H. Wier made a motion to approve consent agenda.
K. Chambers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve January Meeting Minutes

H. Wier made a motion to approve the minutes from AAJP Board Meeting on 01-04-23.
K. Chambers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


New Hires & Stipends

III. Administrative Reports


Director's Report

February Director’s Report 

Prepared Mind Highlights 

Professional Development 

Ms. Holmes and Ms. Johnson facilitated a session where staff completed a portion of the LEAP practice test in a simulated testing environment. 

Two teachers presented on planning for student engagement 

Ms. Rabb presented on using the nearpod program 

Ms. Noel presented on making connections to real life 


Targeted Skills Interventions 

The Leadership Team has begun pulling students who were unable to participate in afterschool tutoring. 

School Culture Highlights 


Student Panorama Survey 

Michael Jennings facilitated a session where teachers analyzed student comments and contributed to the development of the action plan.



We hosted our first Winter Formal.  Students in grades 6-8 who consistently demonstrated positive behavior were invited to attend.  


Open House 

Last week we hosted an Open House for prospective students.  Most of the parents present have applied and are now waiting for acceptance letters. 


School Safety 

Potential Resource Officer  


Healthy Body Highlights 

Volleyball; season concluded 

Boys Basketball; boys basketball practice has started.  We have intramural games and exhibition games planned 


CEO Report

Superintendent’s Report

February 1, 2023

January Scorecard Data:

The Average Fund Balance: $3,073,240

The average day’s cash: 75

Substitute Use: 59

Parent Complaints: 16

Withdraws: 25

New Students: 33

Employee Departures: 4 

Employee Complaints: 2

                                                              K    1     2     3    4     5     6     7   8      Total

Total EOY Enrollment for 21-22 SY: 109 111 143 137 130 133 132 128  99      1122

Current Enrollment for 22-23 SY:     89 121 129 137 130 114 131 135  120     1093

Variance:                                           -20  10 -14     0    0   19   -1     7   21  



{YTD Persistence Rate: 92% (Goal 95%), YTD Conversion Rate: 96% (Goal 50%)}

2023-2024 New Enrollment as of 1/30/2023: 117 (63 of kindergarten)

Per the number of applications received as of Jan 30th, there won't be a lottery in any grade level.


2023-2024 Re-enrollment as of 1/30/2023: 928


2023-2024 Teacher Intent to Return as of 1/30/2023:

4 teachers-no response

1 teacher-uncertain

57 teachers-returning


2023-2024 Staff Intent to Return: 

Completion: 82%

Returning: 99

Not returning: 1

Uncertain: 4

No response: 23 



January Compliance Issues: 

BESE Charter Renewal Letter (board packet).

BESE Annual Review (board packet). 

LDOE Official Monitoring Announcement for 2022-2023SY (board packet).

The 2023 Academic Recovery Plan was approved. 

The 2024 Super App was completed and submitted to LDOE. 

Revised and re-submitted the 2022FY AFR to LDOE. 

Submitted Q2 Financials to LDOE.

Submitted 2022FY Audit to Louisiana Legislative Auditor.


January Operations Report:

Repaired the electrical damage brought on by the December weather event. 

2023/2024 Academic Calendar (board packet).

Security cameras evaluation (in progress).

Baseball field ongoing maintenance ($7,200).

Rock replacement near the modular building with concrete ($14,900)


January Innovative Work:

We will be working on the AAJP 2024 strategic plan.   


January Academics Report:

Executive Director’s report (board packet).

School Turnaround Specialist report (board packet). 


General Information:

Coffee & Chat Thursday, January 20th. We shared the school's action plan based on the parent survey results.

The School Leadership Team reviewed the student Panorama survey results and created action plans to share with students, staff, and parents.  


Finance Report


School Turnaround Specialist Report

Ms. Holmes shared her screen and explained the importance of the Professional Learning Communities

IV. Board Training


Recruitment of New Board Members

Jill discussed the importance of Recruitment for New Board Members. she will also be sending out a video. 

V. Committee Reports


Finance Committee


Governance Committee


Pillars Committee

Ms. Chambers mentioned that the Pillars Committee will start meeting on Wednesdays. 

VI. Discussion Items


Policy 5402


Policy 4002 Background Checks

Jill discussed the Policy 4002 Background Checks. 4002 will remain the employee policy for checks. 


Policy 2001 Public Access to Meetings

This will replace Policy 2006 Pubic Comment and be combined to include basic details of Open Meetings Law.

VII. Action Items (public comment must be had immediately before each action item vote)


2023-2024 School Year Calendar

H. Wier made a motion to approve Proposal B 2023-2024 School Year Calendar.
E. Ketchens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
H. Wier made a motion to amend Proposal B 2023-2024 School Year Calendar.
K. Chambers seconded the motion.

To approve the amend Proposal B 2023-2024 School Year Calendar amending Early Release 12/20/23 and Winder Break from 21-1/3/24, Returning on 1/4/24.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Enrollment Lottery


If applications exceed the number of available seats, a lottery will be needed and results approved by the board.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Harvey