Athlos Jefferson Parish


AAJP Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 2, 2022 at 6:00 PM


979 Behrman Hwy.

Terrytown, LA 70056

Directors Present

E. Ketchens (remote), J. Wright (remote), N. Berg, N. Woods, T. Nelson (remote)

Directors Absent

H. Wier

Guests Present

A. Harvey, B. Bressler, C. Martin, J. Holmes, J. Turgeon (remote), Michael Jennings (remote), N. Thomas, T. Bickart (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Berg called a meeting of the board of directors of Athlos Jefferson Parish to order on Wednesday Nov 2, 2022 at 6:10 PM.


Record Attendance


Call for Conflict of Interest





II. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda

N. Berg made a motion to approve agenda.
N. Woods seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve October Meeting Minutes

N. Berg made a motion to approve the minutes from AAJP Board Meeting on 10-05-22.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


New Hires & Stipends

III. Administrative Reports


Director's Report

Prepared Mind Highlights

  • Professional Development
  • Interim 1 Assessment Data

School Culture Highlights

  • City Park Fundraiser
  • Hispanic Heritage Festival
  • Open House
  • Coffee & Chat
  • Trunk or Treat & Haunted House

Healthy Body Highlights

  • Sports Session 1 
  • Upcoming Season


CEO Report

Mr. Jennings discussed the importance of the Professional Development and how it works.


The Fall Staff survey

Participation Rate 31%, NPS 5

Top Focus Areas:

  • Student Behavior / Discipline
  • Team building / Relationship building
  • Teacher Support /PD

Dr. Bressler updated on Homecourt projects being conducted to support AAJP


Scorecard Data:

The month of October

The average Fund Balance is $1,566,116

The average day’s cash is 38

Subs: 123

Parent Complaints: 6

Withdraws: 13

New Students: 28

Current Enrollment: 1093


Enrollment Trends:  

                                                            K     1       2     3      4     5     6      7      8     Total

Total EOY Enrollment for 21-22 SY:  109  111   143  137  130 133  132  128  99    1122

Total Enrollment for 22-23 SY:          87   118   130  138 130 111    132 129  119   1093

Variance                                             -22      7     13     1      0 -22   0     1      20 



YTD Persistence Rate: 98% Goal 90%

YTD Conversion Rate: 91% Goal 50%

Employee Departures: 1 teacher (SpEd)

Employee Complaints: 0


Compliance Issues:

None to report from the state authorizer.

We are still waiting for the SPS label for the 2022 performance indicators. We are being told by LDOE that it will be released this month.

Completed our annual School Improvement Plans.

Completed and submitted our annual Lau Plan.

Completed and submitted Q1 financials.

Tom will discuss the audit progress.  


Marketing Report:

October Newsletter: 1,178 recipients, open rate 41.9%

Enrollment Marketing:

  • Updated AAJP tri-fold for the open house
  • Open enrollment flyer in English/Spanish
  • Created PowerPoint presentation for future enrollment events
  • Open House digital ad: Reach 4,942, landing page views, 174, targeting families within 20 mile radius, parents with school-age children
  • School Tours digital ad: Reach 1,436, landing page views, 70, retargeting audiences of website visitors

Retention Marketing:

  • Graphic design, copy, publicity City Park fundraiser
  • Promoted Double Good popcorn fundraiser
  • Promoted Triton After School sports
  • Promoted Triton Robotics
  • Promoted Young Rembrandts
  • Graphic design, copy, publicity Staff Spotlights
  • Graphic design, copy, publicity Coffee & Chat
  • Promoted Glow in the Dark Dance
  • Graphic design, copy, and publicity Hispanic Heritage Festival
  • Updated and promoted breakfast and lunch menus and free and reduced applications
  • Graphic design, copy, publicity Trunk-N-Treat event
  • Graphic design, copy, publicity DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read)

Social Media

Facebook Page Followers: 2,752

Instagram Page Followers: 562

Paid Reach: 7,603

Facebook Page Reach: 16,006

Instagram Page Reach: 3,455

Top FB Post Reach:

  • Hispanic Heritage Festival
  • Schedule a Tour
  • Photos of Tiny Tritons 

Operations Report:

Plumbing - tunneling project to repair the restroom plumbing completed.

Devin Arocha, a broker with USI notified us that our property and casualty insurance carrier would not be renewed effective 12:01 am on 12/13/2022. USI is collecting quotes.  


Innovative Work:

Survey Action Plans.


Academics Report:

Michael Jennings Healthy Body & Character Development Coordinator schoolwide PD Relationship & Rapport.


General Information:

The Fall Staff survey

Participation Rate 31%, NPS 5

Top Focus Areas:

  • Student Behavior / Discipline
  • Team building / Relationship building
  • Teacher Support /PD

 The Fall Parent surveys

Participation Rate 50%, NPS 14 English / 56 Spanish

Focus Areas:

  • Communication
  • Staff and Student Behavior
  • Driveline (albeit there were comments made about improvements seen)
  • Extracurricular
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Accessibility
  • Busing
  • Organization of information and events

 The fall Student surveys will be sent next week.


We communicated our Enrollment Window dates on October 17: 45-day notice

December 1: Open enrollment/Enrollment window begins

January 30: Open enrollment/Enrollment window ends

January 3: Re-enrollment for current families (their deadline is the day before each school's lottery)

February 1:, lottery. Day of the February Board meeting


Relationships and Rapport


School Turnaround Specialist Report

November 2, 2022 Athlos 

Academy of Jefferson Parish School Board Report 

School Turnaround Specialist


 Professional Learning Communities – Teaching & Learning Practices 


  • The STS explained the school performance score (SPS) calculator to grades 4-8 teachers during PLCs. 
  • Teachers used the results of the Spring 2022 LEAP assessments, beginning-of-year practice test data, and current classroom tasks to predict student performance on the Spring 2023 LEAP assessments.  
  • Teachers entered their projections into two SPS calculators:
    • Ambitious – All students performing at advanced, mastery, or basic levels (no approaching basic or unsatisfactory)  Takeaway – School letter grade projected to be an “A” or “B”
    • o Actual – Projections at each LEAP performance level  Takeaway – School letter grade projected to be “D” or “F”. 
  •  Teachers reflected on the differences between the school’s letter grade with the two types of projections and the implications for teaching and learning practices.
  • The projections will be revised as more student data is collected throughout the year.


Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS/RTI) – Data-driven interventions & Students’ Needs

  •  • The STS is working with the MTSS/RTI/504 Coordinator to ensure systems are in place to quickly identify academic, behavioral, social-emotional, gifted, and/or talented needs of students and provide appropriate actions. 
  • Parent meetings to discuss students’ needs are held weekly with the MTSS committee. 
  • The quality of the response to interventions (RTI) is lacking due to staff shortages, attendance issues, and insufficient intervention data to make informed decisions. 
  •  Over 50 students have been referred to MTSS this school year for the following reasons: 
    •  Child Find (parent referrals) 
    •  Teacher referrals (academics, social-emotional, behavior)
    •  Speech referrals
    • Gifted and talented referrals
    • Discipline reports (Top 10 behavior reports)
    • 504 evaluations


Finance Report

AAJP - First Quarter 2023 (July 1 - Sept 30) Q1 Total Q1 Budget Annual Budget Revenue MFP


 Revenue Local Unrestricted Pub Sch Fund (MFP) 2,194,360 State Unrestricted Pub. Sch. Fund (MFP)-exc. Sch. Lch. 1,373,705 Total MFP Revenue 3,568,065 Other Income Interest Earnings on Investments 340 Total Other Income


 Total Revenue 3,568,405 3,902,671 15,610,683


Full report in packet

IV. Board Training


Reminder/Review of Annual Ethics Training

Jill shred her screen and discussed the Annual Ethics Training

V. Committee Reports


Finance Committee

There is nothing to report at this time


Pillars Committee

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Berg