Athlos Jefferson Parish
AAJP Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday March 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish
979 Behrman Hwy.
Terrytown, LA 70056 United States
Directors Present
E. Ketchens (remote), H. Wier (remote), J. Wright (remote), N. Berg (remote), R. Johnson (remote)
Directors Absent
T. Nelson
Guests Present
C. Martin (remote), J. Turgeon (remote), K. Leybas (remote), N. Thomas (remote), V. O'Brien (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Call for Conflict of Interest
II. Consent Agenda
Approve Agenda
Approve January Meeting Minutes
Approve February board meeting minutes
Athlos Report
New Hires & Stipends
III. Administrative Reports
Director's Report
Monthly Financials
Monthly Financials will be postponed until next month.
Approve Financials
IV. Board Training
Annual Financial Disclosures
Board Member Annual Reporting
Jill went over the details in Policy 2005
State Law requires members of the board to submit a Tier 3 Financial Disclosure by May 15th
Information shared will include employment information, income information, gaming interest, political subdivision and spouse information.
Jill will send a copy of the disclosure to board members in the next few weeks.
V. Committee Reports
Finance Committee
No Report
Governance Committee
Jill presented the policies that were discussed in the Governance Committee meeting.
The public access to board meeting policy will be presented to the board next month.
The background check policy was separated into three separate categories:
Board Member
Employees and Contracted Employees
Volunteer Background Checks
Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee
VI. Discussion Items
Bonding Update
John Pham advised that the bonding offer is valid until May 2022.
Mr. Pham presented an annual fixed rate at 5.5% for 35 years which would be $1.93 million annually. After the 35 years, the board would own the building.
The lease to own developer normally assumes higher risk when building a school and the appraisal price is higher.
The current building leasing cost for 2022-2023 totals $2 million at an interest rate of 2 1/2%
Upper School Executive Director Search Summary
Total Upper School Principal applicants: 18
8 didn't meet the qualifications
10 applicants advanced to first round of interviews
4 candidates advanced to second round
1 candidate didn't qualify to continue to the final round
3 Final Candidates
Christina Hull
Trenease (Kelly) Knox
Dr. Susan Moore
Next Steps (March 2022)
-1 to 2 day onsite interview at the school with stakeholders.
-Board will provide feedback on the final candidates
Transportation RFP Update
March 14th: RFP Release Date
Questions Due: April 8th
Responses Posted: April 13th
Submission Deadline: April 15th
Award Notification: May 6th
Updated Equipment Requirements:
Camera on each bus
GPS system to track each bus
2022-2023 School Calendar
Kyle requested corrections or adjustments to the school calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. The board will vote on the final school year calendar for the 2022- 2023 school year at the next board meeting.
VII. Action Items (public comment must be had immediately before each action item vote)
Projected enrollment for 2022- 2023 school: 1220 students
School Culture Highlights:
Lunar New Year Celebration
February Coffee & Chat: Testing Information for LEAP 2025
Monthly Recognition:
Students and Staff
Black History Program
Mardi Gras in Place hosted by Mr. Mixon
Teacher Drive Professional Development
Prepared Minds Updates:
Students in Kindergarten and 1st grade celebrated 100 days of learning
Spring testing began ELPT & LEAP Connect Testing
Flex Point Interventions and Enrichment
Prep for LEAP 2025 began