Athlos Jefferson Parish
AAJP Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday November 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM
Directors Present
E. Ketchens (remote), N. Berg (remote), R. Johnson (remote), S. Sewell (remote), T. Nelson (remote)
Directors Absent
H. Wier, J. Wright
Guests Present
A. Bell (remote), N. Thomas
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
N. Berg called a meeting of the board of directors of Athlos Jefferson Parish to order on Thursday Nov 12, 2020 at 7:04 PM.
Record Attendance
Call for Conflict of Interest
II. Consent Agenda
Approve Agenda
E. Ketchens made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
S. Sewell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve October 7, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
E. Ketchens made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 10-07-20.
S. Sewell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Athlos Report
III. Board Training
Eight Principles of Good Governance
Jill presented 8 principles of good governance to the board members:
1. Rule of Law - Fair legal framework that adheres to local and federal law
2. Mission Driven- Board composition should be designed to support the school's mission
3. Effective & Efficient- Processes and institutions need to produce results that meet the needs of the organization while making, the best use of the organization's resources.
4. Responsive- Requires processes to serve all stakeholders in a timely manner
5. Transparent- There should be enough information provided in an easily understandable language that is directly accessible to those who will be affected.
6. Accountable- The acknowledgement and assumption of responsibility for decisions and actions.
7. Participatory- Processes should be in place which foster an environment where the public can feel they are a part of the decision making process.
8. Consensus Oriented and Inclusive- Different interest and view points need to be mediated to reach a board consensus.
1. Rule of Law - Fair legal framework that adheres to local and federal law
2. Mission Driven- Board composition should be designed to support the school's mission
3. Effective & Efficient- Processes and institutions need to produce results that meet the needs of the organization while making, the best use of the organization's resources.
4. Responsive- Requires processes to serve all stakeholders in a timely manner
5. Transparent- There should be enough information provided in an easily understandable language that is directly accessible to those who will be affected.
6. Accountable- The acknowledgement and assumption of responsibility for decisions and actions.
7. Participatory- Processes should be in place which foster an environment where the public can feel they are a part of the decision making process.
8. Consensus Oriented and Inclusive- Different interest and view points need to be mediated to reach a board consensus.
IV. Administrative Reports
Director's Report
Lower Elementary Report:
Second Quarter instructional preference changes were implemented on October 14th. Parents were given the option to change their instructional preference for their students. The greatest impact occurred in Kindergarten where on campus enrollment went from 98 students to 108 students
Increasing the class sizes beyond the state enrollment guidelines. As a result, we were able to pull the back up virtual teacher to support on campus learning, All other grades have 4 on campus teachers and 2 virtual teachers.
551 students are enrolled in K-4 and 690 are in 5-8
Currently 857 students participate in on campus learning and 383 participate in virtual.
In an effort to ensure we continue to practice mitigation strategies, on Wednesday, November 4th students and teachers participated in a "reset" on COVID procedures such as social distancing, mask wearing and sanitizing of hands.
Friday, October 30th was designated as student and staff recognition day and was rescheduled due to hurricane Zeta. We recognized students of the month and staff members of the month and supporting staff members of the month on Friday, Nov 6th.
Panorama Survey:
The Panorama Survey for staff members was completed on October 23rd as it relates to school climate,
62% of respondents indicate most students are enthusiastic about being at school
58% of respondents indicate most students are supportive of one another
41% of respondents indicate the attitude of their colleagues is positive
36% of respondents indicate the work in environment is positive
61% of respondents indicate the tone of culture set by leadership is positive
71% of respondents indicate that leadership is powerful
57% of respondents indicate school leaders have the best interest of the school in mind.
All areas of the survey with favorable results under 65% and below will be addressed in the 30 60 90 day Strategic Plan.
Staff Development Day was scheduled for November 2, 2020. We will now push information through staff meetings and weekly Professional Learning Communities.
Grading Window
Interim reports will be distributed on November 13, 2020
Report cards will be issued on January 8, 2020
Quarter 3 will begin January 5, 2021
ANET Interim 1
The window for Interim 1 opened on October 19th and was set to close on October 30th. Due to Hurricane Zeta we have extended the window to November 10th. We anticipate hold data meetings during our Professional Learning Communities 11/12 & 11/13.
Upper Elementary:
As of November 1st the numbers are as follows:
Budgeted Enrollment: 1250
Funded Enrollment: 1231
Actual Enrollment: 1241
5th grade will be adding an additional on campus homeroom to reduce classroom size from 31 to 24 students.
21 students were dropped from the roster in October
8 were "no shows"
8 were not satisfied with Admin/ Teachers/ Curriculum
31 students were added
Human Resources:
October Resignations:
Athletic Performance Coach
October Transitions:
SpEd Para to SpEd Inclusion Teacher
SpEd Para to Receptionist
2nd Grade Teacher to Dean of Lower Elementary
Behavior Interventionist to 2nd grade teacher
October Hires:
5th grade- Science
6th grade- Science
6th grade- Social Studies
7th grade ELA
Athletic Performance Coach
General Education Paraprofessional
SpEd Paraprofessional
Lower School Assistant Principal
Current Vacancies:
Math Interventionist
7th Science
8th Grade Math
BCBSLA account has been rectified. Payments for separated staff has been rectified.
Finance Report
Balance Sheet:
A. Cash- Cash balance is adequate to cover 46 days of expenditures
B. Accounts Payable and Accrued Salaries and Benefits- All other items reflect invoices that were invoiced in the current month but have yet to have payment submitted
C. Fund Balance: Decreased in current month due to Federal and Food Service Revenue in process of being drawn. In total Food Revenue Services balance by $100k + in the current month.
State revenues is currently trending under approved budget amounts due to lower than budgeted enrollments. Student growth or budget revision may be required.
Federal Revenue is currently trending under approved budget due to the reimbursement being received after expense is incurred.
Salaries and Benefits are currently trending under approved budget
Purchased Services are currently trending under approved budget due to some September service bills being paid in October.
Supplies and Materials are trending higher than budgeted due to higher spending during the first of the year in preparation for the beginning of the school year.
Equipment has not yet been purchased.
Lease and property taxes are on track with approved budget.
Other expenses are trending lower than approved budget.
A. Cash- Cash balance is adequate to cover 46 days of expenditures
B. Accounts Payable and Accrued Salaries and Benefits- All other items reflect invoices that were invoiced in the current month but have yet to have payment submitted
C. Fund Balance: Decreased in current month due to Federal and Food Service Revenue in process of being drawn. In total Food Revenue Services balance by $100k + in the current month.
State revenues is currently trending under approved budget amounts due to lower than budgeted enrollments. Student growth or budget revision may be required.
Federal Revenue is currently trending under approved budget due to the reimbursement being received after expense is incurred.
Salaries and Benefits are currently trending under approved budget
Purchased Services are currently trending under approved budget due to some September service bills being paid in October.
Supplies and Materials are trending higher than budgeted due to higher spending during the first of the year in preparation for the beginning of the school year.
Equipment has not yet been purchased.
Lease and property taxes are on track with approved budget.
Other expenses are trending lower than approved budget.
V. Committee Reports
Governance Committee
No report
Finance Committee
Adam Bell introduced John Phan to present information on the Bonding Process.
John broke down the entire process of having the school building bonded, to assist the board members with their future decision.
John broke down the entire process of having the school building bonded, to assist the board members with their future decision.
VI. Discussion Items
ESP Evaluation
Annual Board Strategic Planning Session
Jill has scheduled the Annual Board Strategic Planning Session for December 2nd.
VII. Action Items (public comment must be had immediately before each action item vote)
New Hires
R. Johnson made a motion to approve the new hires.
E. Ketchens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
N. Thomas