Athlos Jefferson Parish


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 7, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Directors Present

E. Ketchens (remote), H. Wier (remote), J. Wright (remote), N. Berg (remote), S. Sewell (remote), T. Nelson (remote)

Directors Absent

R. Johnson

Guests Present

C. Martin (remote), D. Knicely (remote), J. Turgeon (remote), Jordan Sanchez (remote), N. Thomas (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Berg called a meeting of the board of directors of Athlos Jefferson Parish to order on Wednesday Oct 7, 2020 at 7:12 PM.


Record Attendance


Call for Conflict of Interest


II. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda

E. Ketchens made a motion to Approve the consent agenda.
S. Sewell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve September 2, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

E. Ketchens made a motion to approve the minutes from AAJP Board Meeting on 09-02-20.
S. Sewell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Athlos Report

E. Ketchens made a motion to Approve Athlos Report.
S. Sewell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Board Training


The Mission and Vision of Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish

Jill presented information to the board members on how to align the board's goals with the school's mission and vision. 

Jill went through the board's current goals to discuss how their goals aligned with the school's mission. 

The board members also discussed how they interpret the board's role both collectively and individually in supporting the school's vision and mission. 

The board will have a strategic planning session coming up soon to help plan the next set of board goals.

IV. Administrative Reports


Director's Report

Mrs. Martin- Lower School Principal

Hybrid learning began on Sept. 9th 
 -314 students in K-4 
- 460 students in in 5th -8th grade 


-Balancing adhering to the CDC guidelines and LDH guidelines for class size for Phase 2. On Monday, October 5th we were able to pull one on campus teacher to provide support for the virtual teacher. Making live sessions more impactful as well as providing time for the teachers to prepare high quality recorded sessions. 

-Parent challenges with learning to navigate the learning platform, however those challenges have diminished significantly as parents are now more familiar with the Clever platform. 

-Additionally, pulling one on campus teacher created an opportunity for our Spanish teacher to provide live lessons and activities for our K-2 virtual students. Based on feedback from parents the recorded lessons were too challenging. 

-Recent parent survey data is indicating an improvement in parent comfortability with on campus safety. Our first survey had an average of 2.75 our most recent survey completed on Sept. 30th had an average of 4.33 out of 5.

School Culture: 

Friday, October 2nd was designated as staff and student recognition day. We recognized students of the month who demonstrated the Performance Character trait of creativity. We also, recognized Teacher of the Month, Para of the Month and Support Staff of the Month. 

The Lower School Teacher of the Month is Pepper Dupont, 3rd Math/ Science and Lead Technology Teacher. 

The Upper School Teacher of the Month is Charles Medley , 8th grade Science and Social Studies teacher and Lead Teacher. 

The Para of the Month is Mary Richardson 

Support Staff of the Month is Ms. Tanya Jones 

The Panorama Survey for staff members was sent out on Oct. 2nd. We will begin reviewing data on 10/09/20. 

Instructional Updates: 
Grading Window 
Interim Reports were issued on September 29,2020
Report Cards will be issued on October 16, 2020
Student led conferences will be held October 23, 2020 
Quarter 2 begins October 14th ends December 18th 

K-3 Screener
Students have been completed using the iSTEEP Literacy Screener as required by the state. 

Kindergarten:  Below Average  59%  Average 17%  Above Average 23%

First Grade: Below Average 58%  Average 9% Above Average 33% 

Second Grade: Below Average 65% Average 13% Above Average 22% 

Third Grade: Below Average 33% Average 17% Above Average 50%

Dr. Jordan Sanchez- Upper School Principal 

Staff Exit Survey: 

2 of 5 respondents indicated  On the job training as POOR 

Action Steps Taken: 
As a part of ongoing staff development, leadership will proactively ask team members what they feel they need development in, this will be done through scheduled 1 to 1 meetings, informal conversations, as well as leveraging team leads to serve in a mentor role. 

2 of 5 respondents indicated Adequate recognition for a job well done as POOR

-In addition to TOM, POM, SSOM, administration will provide small token appreciation for staff who are doing a good job surrounding a monthly theme (October = Attendance) 

-A recurring piece to the staff Monday Memo will be to solicit any accomplishments by staff that we can announce. 

Theme among respondents was that there is a positive atmosphere among staff 

- Administration is intentional about creating a positive work environment,  
Joke of the day, Fun Fact of the day and Intentional fostering of relationships 

Student Exit Survey: 


4 of 6 respondents indicated that administration was not at all accessible and that they were not effectively communicated with. 

-Office hours for administration for greater responsiveness 
Frequent announcements in our online platform, Clever

Human Resources: 

September Resignations:

Lead Athletic Performance 
Director of Finance 
Math Interventionist 
5th Grade Science 
6th Grade Social Studies 
7th Grade Science 
8th Grade Math 
Special Education Inclusion Teacher 
Special Education Self Contained 
Special Education Para 
7th ELA 
Upper School Principal 

September Hires: 

5th Spanish 
8th ELA 
Substitute Teacher 
Substitute Teacher
Substitute Teacher 
6th Social Studies 
(employee has separated) 

September Transitions: 
Upper School Assistant Principal  to Upper School Principal 

Lower School Assistant Principal to Lower School Principal 

Lower School Dean to Upper School Assistant Principal 

Current Vacancies: 
5th Science  
6th Science 
6th Social Studies 
7th Science 
7th ELA 
Math Interventionist 
Lower School Dean 
Lower School Assistant Principal 

* Streamlined On-Boarding Process based on Feedback from New Teachers Symposium 
-New Teacher On-Boarding now includes 
 *Account set up and tutorials 
       - Zoom, Clever, PowerSchool, Curriculum 
  - Standards Based Grading 
  - Lesson Plans
  - School Day Schedule 

  - SharePoint 
  - Driveline 
  - Casting 

 * Lunch and Breakfast distribution
  - Increase participation in Food Service Program by at least 12% 
  - Current participation rate is 53% 
        * Reinstitute grab and go breakfast through cafeteria 
        * Add lunch Menu to morning announcements, stressing the importance of Healthy Body and Prepared Mind

*Reduce amount of time leadership dedicate to meal distribution and lunch coverage by at least 50% 
 * Upper School Dean, SOM and Upper School AP collectively spend roughly 6 productivity hours on lunch distribution. 
*Expand capacity of paraprofessional staff 
*Explore ways to return to cafeteria dining 

Strong Start 
-Mental Health 
  * We are required to administer a mental health screener to all students
      - On the Strong Start Survey we indicated that we would administer the BASC-3 between 8/10- 8/21 
     *Upper and Lower School Counselors are owning the process 
      - Anticipated completion on or before 10/30 

  -Teacher Evaluations 
      *BESE Bulletin 130 requires that all teaching staff have annual observations 
      * We are using the state approved COMPASS Rubric 
      * Announced observations/evaluations will begin this month 
Quarter 2 
       * Anticipated on campus class size 23

ANET Data 
 *Diagnostic was administered to on campus and distance learners. 




Finance Report

Balance Sheet 
a. Cash-Cash balance is adequate to cover 74 days of expenditures 
b. Accounts Payable and Accrued Salaries & Benefits-All other items reflect expenses that were invoiced in the current month but have yet to have payment submitted
c. Fund Balance-Appears to be on track. 

d. State Revenues is currently $222,576 under approved budget amounts. New student enrollment count and MFP increase will catch up after October 1st count. 

e.  Food Service Revenue and Local Income beginning to be posted. Local Revenue appears on track. Food Service Revenue is reimbursed the month after service. Should see higher rates moving forward with more days in school. 

f. Federal Revenue is currently under approved budget due to the reimbursement being received after expense is incurred. 

g. Salaries & Benefits-Salaries and Benefits are $160k lower than approved budget. 
h. Purchased Services- Purchased Services are $370k lower than approved budget. This is connected to accounts payables from July and August being executed in September. 
i. Supplies & Materials- Supplies & Materials are $46K higher than approved budget due to higher spending, "front loaded", during the first of the year. 
j. Equipment - Equipment has not been purchased for the approved budget of $59K. 
k. Lease & Property Tax Lease- Lease and Property Taxes appear on track with budget.
l. Dues & Other Expenses- Other expenses appear on track.

V. Committee Reports


Governance Committee



Finance Committee

Harvey advised that there will be some changes on signers for the bank account. Mr. Wier is waiting for the appropriate paperwork to sign off on the changes, 

Adam Bell is back from his assignment with the National Guard. He will be requesting his access for ACH, Bill Pay and permission to get school issued credit cards for Dr, Sanchez and Mrs. Martin. 

VI. Action Items (public comment must be had immediately before each action item vote)


Property Insurance

H. Wier made a motion to bind the insurance policy once the correct square footage is received or the portable trailers is received.
E. Ketchens seconded the motion.
Stephen Sewell opposed the motion
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


New Hires

H. Wier made a motion to approve approve all new hires.
E. Ketchens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Thomas