Athlos Jefferson Parish

AAJP Board Meeting

Published on June 1, 2021 at 11:34 AM CDT
Amended on June 2, 2021 at 7:34 PM CDT

Date and Time

Wednesday June 2, 2021 at 7:00 PM CDT



I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance
  C. Call for Conflict of Interest
II. Consent Agenda
Motion- I move to approve the consent agenda...
  A. Approve Agenda
Approve the current month's meeting agenda.
  B. Approve May 5th, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Propose approval of previous board meeting's minutes.
  C. Athlos Report
Update on Homecourt projects being conducted to support AAJP.
III. Public Comment
IV. Board Training
  A. Update on School Leader Evaluation/Required Reportings
Update to the board on feedback that can be submitted for the school leader evaluation in July.  Also, a reminder to board members about the needed financial disclosure statements that were due in May.
V. Administrative Reports
  A. Director's Report
Update on progress of key priorities at AAJP.
  B. Finance Report
Presentation of monthly finances
  C. Approve Financials
Vote to approve monthly financial report
VI. Committee Reports
  A. Governance Committee-
  B. Finance Committee
VII. Discussion Items
  A. Bond Update
Update on bond process from financial advisor.
  B. July Meeting
Discuss the need for a meeting in July to conduct the annual board elections, as well as to review the appraisal (not due to be complete for another 3 weeks or so).
  C. Board Calendar
Presentation of proposed calendar for board meetings for the 2021/2022 school year.
VIII. Action Items (public comment must be had immediately before each action item vote)
  A. FY21 Budget Revision
  B. FY22 Budget
  C. New Hires
Propose acceptance of Athlos Academy of Jefferson Parish new hires.
IX. Closed Session
  A. Motion to go into closed session
I move that the school board adjourn this public meeting and enter into a closed meeting pursuant to section 42:16 of the code of Louisiana for the following purpose(s):
To discuss legal matters
  B. Motion to adjourn closed session
 I move that we adjourn the closed session and enter into a public session.  Furthermore, I certify that in the closed session no items that were not listed as a reason for the closed session were heard, considered, or discussed, and that no formal action took place in the closed session.
X. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting