MS Delta Academies


Board of Directors of MS Delta Academies

Date and Time

Monday July 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM



Directors Present

Amanda Wiltshire (remote), Cassandria Hansbrough (remote), Erica Plybeah Hemphill (remote), Erin Mulligan (remote), McKinley Martin (remote), Williams Brack (remote)

Directors Absent

Emily Cupples, Jacquelyn Brownlow

Guests Present

Dr. Tamala Boyd Shaw (remote), Rene Fumich (remote), Tamala Shaw (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

McKinley Martin called a meeting of the board of directors of MS Delta Academies to order on Monday Jul 18, 2022 at 6:08 PM.


Record Attendance


Approve Agenda

Williams Brack made a motion to approve the agenda.
Erin Mulligan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

June minutes not available. 

II. Board Chair's Report


Introduction of New Board Members

Mr. Martin introduced the new board members: Erin, Cassandria, Erica, and Amanda. Each person provided a brief introduction of herself. Mr. Martin and Mr. Brack also introduced themselves for the benefit of the new members. Ms. Fumich also spoke about her background and role at Leflore Legacy Academy. 

III. Executive Director's Report



Dr. Shaw reported that on paper the school has exceeded the enrollment goal with a waitlist for 6th grade. The registration process is still underway to get all enrolled students fully registered. 



Dr. Shaw reported hiring is almost complete for the school year that begins August 1. A few positions are open. The region is undergoing a teacher shortage, which can make filling teaching positions a challenge. She shared details of the hiring and retention process. 


Dr. Shaw shared details of the teacher professional development sessions underway this week. 


Facilities & Operations

Dr. Shaw provided an update on building renovations, currently underway. The building might not be ready for all grades to be onsite when school starts on August 1. She asked the board members for their recommendations. The state policy authorizes virtual learning for school districts in certain circumstances. Options are to push back the start date or to start school virtually for the month of August if the building is not ready. 


Board members Martin and Brack posed clarifying questions, considerations, and next steps. As a result, a survey (email and phone) will be sent to teachers, students and parents to solicit their input. Ms. Hansbrough offered suggestions for wording the survey. 


Ms. Plybeah asked for information about the renovation timeline and ETA to completion, as well as the impact of supply chain issues. Ms. Wiltshire posed clarifying questions about the nature of the delays. Dr. Shaw provided detailed information. Board members were also invited by Dr. Shaw to participate in the regular Wednesday meetings with the contractor. Ms. Wiltshire suggested looking into the possibility of completing portions of the building so some grades can be onsite while others are virtual.  


Target date for a decision is July 25th and may require an emergency board vote. 

IV. Financial Report


Approve Financial Report

Ms. Rene Fumich presented and explained the quarterly report (Q4) and cumulative annual summary financials.

V. Closing Items


Next Meeting Date & Topics

Members consulted their schedules and agreed to meet 5:30-6:30pm CST the second Monday of each month. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:09 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tamala Shaw