Foxborough Regional Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Meeting Format
Whether in person or online, the public is welcome to attend Board/Committee Meetings and have access to meeting minutes. Meetings are held once a month and additionally, as determined by the Board/Committee Chair. All meeting Agendas are posted on the school website at least 48 hours in advance of each public meeting.

During the meeting, the Board and its committees follow the published agenda. Gallery members are not part of the formal discussion or deliberations.  Those wishing to speak at a meeting are asked to follow our Privilege of the Floor Policy. To request to speak at a meeting, please complete the following google form before the start of the meeting.  

Trustees Present

Anissia Vixamar, Badawi Dweik, Mia Ortiz, Sergio Martin

Trustees Absent

Matthew Yezukevich, Todd Tetreault

Ex Officio Members Present

Toby Romer

Non Voting Members Present

Toby Romer

Guests Present

Christine Barraford (remote), Heidi Berkowitz, Lesly Michelot

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Sergio Martin called a meeting of the board of trustees of Foxborough Regional Charter School to order on Tuesday Oct 8, 2024 at 6:04 PM.


Privilege of the Floor

No requests were received for privilege of the floor.

II. Leadership Report


Leadership Report

Mr. Romer reviewed his leadership report. Discussion ensued including the following highlights:

  • Survey of families will provide an opportunity to share strengths and areas for growth and improvement.
  • Any concerns about a student should be shared with the teacher first and may include school administration and district leadership.

III. Board Business


Executive Director Evaluation: Review evaluation results from last school year

Mr. Martin stated that due to the fact that not all Trustees had submitted their personal evaluations, he was unable to generate a report from Board on Track. He will follow up with remaining Trustees to complete the process in time for discussion at the next meeting.


Executive Director Annual Goals FY25

Mr. Tomer provided an overview of his goals for FY25. Strategic action plan will include measurable goals and outcomes explicitly integral to the strategic planning coming out of the entry plan and annual goals.


Discussion ensued including the following highlights:

  • A preliminary report with regard to first goal will be presented to the Board by the end of the year, followed by a presentation in January, which will tie into the mid-year evaluation review.
  • Goal 2 is with regard to increasing retention rate of educators and staff by 10%.
  • Goal 3 outcomes set up the framework for next steps and the future vision for FRCS.


Annual Audit

Mr. Martin presented the FY24 audit for approval by the Board. The summary of findings revealed no material weaknesses or non-compliance. He stated that the clean audit was a reflection of Ms. Calvert and her team's efforts to effectively manage finances. Mr. Romer joined in recognition of the team's hard work.

Sergio Martin made a motion to approve the financials as presented to and move $2,199,386 from surplus into capital board reserves.
Badawi Dweik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Anissia Vixamar
Badawi Dweik
Mia Ortiz
Matthew Yezukevich
Sergio Martin
Todd Tetreault


Student Board Member

Ms. Berkowitz reported that she had sent notices to homerooms and google classroom inviting student candidates but has not received a response. She will repeat the announcement.


Develop Board recruiting and development goals

Discussion ensued on the need to recruit Trustee candidates both inside the FRCS community and outside in the greater community. Candidates with legal, real estate, facilities management and finance are helpful to bring a broad level of expertise to the Board.


Ms. Berkowtiz will send out an email to the larger FRCS community and members are encouraged to reach out to make personal invitations.


A follow up meeting will be scheduled for further discussion.


Consent Agenda

Mr. Martin reviewed the memo on the topic of consent agendas. This allows the packaging of votes into one motion, and any item can be requested to be taken out of the consent agenda for individual discussion and separate vote.  

IV. Updates and Reports


Committee Reports ( Finance/Facilities, Governance, DEI, Academic Excellence)

Finance: no major issues of concern on September report.


Facilities: first phase of elementary school roof completed. Phase 2 of roof project including exterior doors will begin in the summer.


DEI: serve as advisory committee to administration on community outreach, plans, initiatives, cultural celebrations and supporting families with relatives and homelands experiencing global conflicts.


Academic Excellence: initial meeting with Executive Director to lay out practices on student success; MCAS report to be presented at November meeting.


Policy Review

Policy reviews to commence in February timeframe in time for following academic year.


Community Groups (FEA, Foundation, ELPAC, SEPAC)

Ms. Berkowitz presented the FEA extensive calendar of events for the year.

V. Administrative/Housekeeping (Trainings, Member Reminders)



Mr. Martin reported he had attended trainings for succession leadership and  executive director evaluation sponsored by the Massachusetts Charter Association. Next training opportunity is in November on strategic planning.

VI. Meeting Summary and Items for Next Meeting


Items for Next Meeting

Follow up meeting to be scheduled to discuss board member recruitment and boards/committees makeup on either October 16, 19 or November 8 from 8:00-9:00AM.


November regular meeting:

  • College and career planning update from High School guidance counselor including college and career tracking of students.
  • Presentation to include how school is helping students and families with resources.
  • Field trip options.

VII. Minutes of Meetings


Approval of Minutes

Minutes are tabled to next meeting. Minutes will be packaged to be voted on in one motion. Members will review minutes and report any amendments to the Chair before the next meeting. An item on the consent agenda can be taken out for further discussion on its own.

VIII. Executive Session


Adjourn to Executive Session

No Executive Session.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Badawi Dweik made a motion to adjourn.
Mia Ortiz seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.
Roll Call
Matthew Yezukevich
Anissia Vixamar
Badawi Dweik
Mia Ortiz
Sergio Martin
Todd Tetreault
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:54 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Christine Barraford
Documents used during the meeting
  • Toby Romer - ED Draft Goals 24-25 w Actions and Outcomes - Google Docs.pdf
  • Consent Agendas - From BoardonTrack- BoardSource.pdf
  • Sept 2024 - Budget to Actual (Comparative Summary).pdf
  • Debt Covenant Ratios - Published (1).xlsx
  • Sept 2024 - Budget to Actual (Summary).pdf
  • Sept 2024 - Balance Sheet (Summary).pdf
  • FRCS Exit Presentation 10.4.24 (1).pdf
  • FRCS FY24 Draft Financial Statements (1).pdf
  • FEAcalendar.pdf