Foxborough Regional Charter School


Monthly Board Meeting

July 11, 2023

Date and Time

Tuesday July 11, 2023 at 6:15 PM

Meeting Format
Whether in person or online, the public is welcome to attend Board/Committee Meetings and have access to meeting minutes. Meetings are held once a month and additionally, as determined by the Board/Committee Chair. All meeting Agendas are posted on the school website at least 48 hours in advance of each public meeting.

During the meeting, the Board and its committees follow the published agenda. Gallery members are not part of the formal discussion or deliberations.  Those wishing to speak at a meeting are asked to follow our Privilege of the Floor Policy. To request to speak at a meeting, please complete the following google form before the start of the meeting.  

Trustees Present

Anissia Vixamar, Badawi Dweik (remote), Kathleen Crawford, Matthew Yezukevich, Sergio Martin, Todd Tetreault

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

Christine Barraford, Dana Benton-Johnson (remote), Eddie Ingram (remote), Karen Calvert (remote), Kathleen Foley (remote), Lesly Michelot (remote), Mallory St Brice (remote)

I. Opening Items




Call the Meeting to Order

Kathleen Crawford called a meeting of the board of trustees of Foxborough Regional Charter School to order on Tuesday Jul 11, 2023 at 6:15 PM.


Privilege of the Floor

Mr. Tetreault reported that he had not received any requests.

II. Leadership Report


Leadership Report

Dr. Ingram began discussion on the next phase of the shared values/vision/mission initiative, continuing toward developing protocols and the design team’s concept statement of respect. He noted that Ms. Berkowitz had sent out a doodle poll for availability of dates for a three-hour in-person discussion of progress on the design team’s eight iterations of the values/vision/mission initiative. He emphasized the importance of the Board continuing to engage in deliberative planning and commitment to “holding each other accountable in shared values and trusting relationships of all stakeholders.” He looks forward to continuing work this fall with the design team on a paid-stipend basis originally approved by the Board.


Dr. Ingram reported that the roof work has begun in earnest, and Ms. Calvert will provide a progress report following the construction meeting on Thursday. He also reported that the water damage to the middle school has been repaired with no cost to the district.


Dr. Ingram advised the Board with sadness of the death of a former student Rihanna Marcellino, a sibling to rising Senior Roman and graduate Rolinda. Mr. Yezukevich has reached out to the family with condolences of the FRCS community.


Personnel Update

Ms. St. Brice gave an update on enrollment:


  • Actively recruiting for all positions.
  • Over 130 teachers laid off from Brockton Public Schools and interviews of some from that pool ongoing.
  • Recruiting for position of Director of Student Services and Manager of Technology.


Discussion ensued. In response to Ms. Crawford’s request for clarification of the role of Director of Student Services, Ms. St. Bruce stated that the Director oversees special education and ELL  While the position does not require licensure, the position often attracts those with special education administrator licenses. The candidate should be strong in knowledge of compliance law and strategic planning of team caseload. The successful candidate will have a strong educational and managerial background and ability to work well with both team members and parents. The candidate will also work with Ms. Connolly and Ms. Benton-Johnson on the civil rights part and working with the state.


Discussion ensued on the challenges of recruitment for special education positions, attracting a smaller pool of candidates than general education. Also, filling positions of teachers not notifying administration of their plan not to return creates problems of recruitment in August. This situation could also exacerbate the high number of  middle school positions open on the teaching and learning end. Ms. St. Brice will keep the Board apprised of the situation.


Ms. St. Brice also reported that she is working on the report for analyzing rate of absenteeism in the district as compared with other districts.


Enrollment Update

Ms. Berkowitz provided the enrollment update, detailed in the packet.

  • Enrollment budgeted goal is 1,585; pre-enrollment number is 1,650; internal goal of 1,622; and outreach team internal goal of 1,700.
  • Enrollment as of yesterday 1,630.
  • Extended 154 offers with dates of July 10-18 with 84 appointments.
  • Outreach team registered 40 students yesterday.
  • In-school enrollment 1,670 and 1,714 after data entry.
  • No-shows in September will bring the number to the 1,650 range.
  • Withdrawals being processed as quickly as possible to develop real time numbers in order to adequately plan by grade level.
  • In as good shape as any year, but real picture will not be known for another year when the “new normal” is revealed.
  • Registered four 9th graders of families excited to engage in FRCS academics and sports programs.

Discussion ensued. In response to Ms. Crawford’s question on the expected base, Ms. Berkowitz noted IEP’s are being forwarded to teaching and learning and home language surveys have been distributed. Board will be kept apprised of developments.


The amount of 76 withdrawals this summer is high but not alarming. By grade level there are 10 from grade 4, 11 from grade 6 and 18 from grade 9, with rising ninth grade student attrition running the highest. In response to Ms. Crawford’s question on tracking families moving out of the area potentially affecting several different grades, Ms. Berkowitz stated that exit interview questionnaires have gone out to the families but typically receive little returns. Solutions are being sought to increase response by making the return of questionnaires a requirement for transfer of student records, etc.

III. Board Business


Administrative / Housekeeping Items

Ms. Crawford reminded Trustees that DESE requests annual financial information to ensure that they are not gaining any unfair advantage from relationship with FRCS. If Trustees have not received the questionnaire, contact Mr. Tetreault who is tracking participation rates. The report is due by September 1st.


Board Training - Document any training Board Members Attended this month

Mr. Crawford reported that she had self-trained on the BoardOnTrack dashboard/reporting tools.


Executive Director Search

Mr. Yezukevich provided an update on the Executive Director search.

  • Following Board approval, he signed a contract with EOS Consulting.
  • John Tarvin of EOS will make presentation at August meeting with regard to search plan reflecting Board perspective and engagement with community stakeholders.
  • Timeline: initial discussion in August followed by activity through September in the recruitment search.


Review of Board Committees

Mr. Tetreault asked that a working session be scheduled in connection with the strategic planning initiative. Ms. Berkowitz will reforward the email with available dates. Dr. Ingram will schedule a meeting with Mr. Tetreault to develop an agenda. He recommended that the Board schedule this type of planning meeting at least twice a year to maintain its position as a high-impact board.


Mr. Tetreault noted the importance of being in compliance with open meeting law for items that will involve deliberation with access by the public, as opposed to scheduling a meeting for professional development that can be held off-line. Ms. Crawford will research Board Ontrack for rules of compliance.


Ms. Benton-Johnson noted that the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee was committed to continuing its work and adding more student representation. She asked that in the reformation of committees that preference be given for prior members to be reinstated. Mr. Tetreault stated that the standing committee picks its own members, but student membership is limited to two. Ms. Crawford noted the benefit of maintaining the relationships of committee members that work well in collaboration.


Board Planning Meeting

Discussion ensued on scheduling. Dr. Ingram noted that while it was ideal for everyone to attend in person, if a majority are available on a certain date, one person calling in would be acceptable. Ms. Berkowitz will reconnect with members on available dates.

IV. Community Group Updates


Advisory Groups

  1. Advisory Groups

Ms. Berkowitz reported a great end-of-year K-4 field day, a well-attended eighth-grade moving up ceremony, a fourth grade moving up ceremony planned by the parents and of course graduation. Parents do not meet in the summer. There are two parents interested in filling the vacated position of the sitting President. Lisette is reaching to them and working on the block party scheduled for August 31st.



English Language Parent Advisory Committee (ELPAC)

No updates.


Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC)

No updates.


Partners in Education (PIE)

No updates.

V. Policy Review


First Reading

No policies scheduled for first reading.


Second Reading

No policies scheduled for first reading.

VI. Committees



Mr. Yezukevich stated that the Finance Committee has not met since approval of the budget, but gave the following highlights:

  • End of year audit scheduled for week of August 7th.
  • Met with bond adviser on investment of debt service reserve fund.


Ms. Calvert stated that one of the two positions in the department have been filled. There has been no revenue or invoices for new fiscal year.


Ms. Crawford stated that leadership approves of investment of the debt service reserve fund without a vote.




Mr. Dweik noted that there was water damage to the middle school, which has been repaired. Roof work continues with a timeline on target for late October with some concern for weather. Work has been scheduled with neighbors in mind, and there have been no complaints received.




General Committee Update

Staff Handbook

Board of Trustees Bylaws

Ms. Crawford began the discussion on scheduling working sessions for the staff handbook, Board bylaws and student handbook. Ms. Berkowitz stated that the working session for the staff handbook is scheduled for this coming Friday from 8:30-9:30. The second most important task is to comply with the state’s request for updated bylaws. She and Dr. Ingram sent the revised bylaws to the Attorney and will generate a bylaw change log. This will require the full vote of the Board before submission to the state. Ms. Foley and Ms. Benton-Johnson will be meeting in a few weeks to work on the student handbook for full review by the Board.


Discussion ensued. Mr. Tetreault reported that he had reviewed the bylaws and will work with Ms. Crawford for full review and presentation to the Board for vote. This will be followed by vote on the handbook.


Board Development

Mr. Martin reported that he and Ms. Foley were working to put together evidence of an evaluation tool for the Executive Director for purposes of compliance with DESE requirements. Draft minutes also need to be submitted as evidence of the Board’s deliberation. The draft minutes need to be submitted before the end of July and the actual evaluation tool by September. The June minutes will reflect that discussion as well as today’s minutes.


Mr. Martin also reported that he had connected with an applicant to serve on the Board. She is a mother of children in the school and has a complementary professional background and skills to be a contributing member of the Board. It was agreed that a Zoom meeting will be scheduled sometime in July/August. Mr. Martin will share her resume with members and advise the applicant that the resume will become part of public record to comply with open meeting law. When the school year begins another posting will be made for additional candidates.


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Ms. Benton-Johnson stated that she had sent a letter to the Committee advising them she would report back on the structure of the committee. 


Ms. Benton-Johnson stated that for the purposes of intentional planning of the leadership, an internal calendar of activities is being produced.



No updates.


Staff Recruitment & Retention

No updates.


Student Recruitment & Retention

No updates.



Mr. Martin suggested that the Board would benefit from an annual calendar noting relevant items for the purposes of long-term and short-term planning. Members were in agreement that this would be a helpful tool in the post-Covid return to normalcy in order to better prepare to address issues and intentional planning. Ms. Berkowitz will generate a calendar for distribution to members.


Ms. Berkowitz noted the annual golf tournament at the Norton Country Club on July 20th. Over 124 golfers have registered for the annual fundraising event, with the highest to date of 88 golfers. A profit between $25-30K is expected for the biggest event to date.


Mr. Tetreault noted that Executive Session will not be held this evening.

VII. Closing Items


Approval of Minutes

Todd Tetreault made a motion to approve the April 11, 2023 minutes as amended.
Badawi Dweik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kathleen Crawford
Badawi Dweik
Sergio Martin
Matthew Yezukevich
Anissia Vixamar
Todd Tetreault


Adjourn Meeting

Matthew Yezukevich made a motion to adjourn.
Sergio Martin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sergio Martin
Matthew Yezukevich
Kathleen Crawford
Todd Tetreault
Anissia Vixamar
Badawi Dweik
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Christine Barraford
Documents used during the meeting