Foxborough Regional Charter School


Appeals Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Friday April 29, 2022 at 8:00 AM


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 945 8329
Passcode: R03spw

Meeting Format
Whether in person or online, the public is welcome to attend Committee Meetings and have access to meeting minutes. Meetings are held once a quarter and additionally, as determined by the Committee Chair. All meeting Agendas are posted to the school website at least 48 hours in advance of each public meeting.

During the meeting, the Committee follows the published agenda and works through business. Audience members are not part of the formal discussion or deliberations, but may raise their hand to add brief comment or ask clarifying questions. Meetings start promptly on time as noted on the agenda.

Committee Members Present

Heidi Berkowitz, Kathleen Crawford (remote), Susanna Girard

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Roll Call Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Susanna Girard called a meeting of the Appeals Committee of Foxborough Regional Charter School to order on Friday Apr 29, 2022 at 8:06 AM.

II. Scope of Committee


Scope of the Appeals Committee

Enrollment Lottery

The committee discussed the following enrollment numbers for Kindergarten

  • 150 registered for FY23
  • 25 additional offers are pending
  • 25 student currently on the waitlist 
  • The group discussed the possibility of holding another enrollment lottery for FY23 as we have done in the past.  The team discussed how the new lottery would impact the existing waitlist.  The conclusion was that new list would be added to the bottom of the existing list and not replace the existing list.  This would need to be clear to anyone applying for a July lottery if held.




Kathleen Crawford made a motion to hold an additional enrollment lottery for FY23 on 12JUL2022.
Heidi Berkowitz seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Susanna Girard
Kathleen Crawford
Heidi Berkowitz

III. Kindergarten Registration Appeals


Enrollment Appeals

Appeal 01

  • Offer was extended on 02MAR2022
  • The offer window for acceptance was 14MAR2022- 22MAR2022
  • The parent stated they were in a car accident & hospitalized on 14MAR2022
  • The had an appointment scheduled during the acceptance window and did not attend the appointment



Susanna Girard made a motion to grant the appeal with the documentation of the accident and/or hospitalization during the window of 14MAR to 22MAR2022.
Kathleen Crawford seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Heidi Berkowitz
Susanna Girard
Kathleen Crawford

Appeal 02

  • Offer was extended on 02MAR2022
  • The offer window for acceptance was 14MAR2022- 22MAR2022
  • The parent stated they had a family member ill for >3months that distracted them from processing the needed paperwork
  • The family has since processed the paperwork for a sibling to attend FRCS
  • The family could apply for the school again during the 12JUL2022 lottery


Susanna Girard made a motion to deny the appeal.
Kathleen Crawford seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Susanna Girard
Heidi Berkowitz
Kathleen Crawford

IV. Closing Items


Approval of minutes: 31MAR2022



Adjourn Meeting

Heidi Berkowitz made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Kathleen Crawford seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Heidi Berkowitz
Kathleen Crawford
Susanna Girard
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Susanna Girard