Foxborough Regional Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 8, 2022 at 6:15 PM


Foxborough Regional Charter School
Middle School Media Center 
131 Central Street 
Foxborough, MA 02035
Meeting Format
Whether in person or online, the public is welcome to attend Board Meetings and have access to meeting minutes. Meetings are held once a month and additionally, as determined by the Board Chair. All meeting Agendas are posted to the school website at least 48 hours in advance of each public meeting.

During the meeting, the Board follows the published agenda and works through business. Audience members are not part of the formal discussion or deliberations, but may raise their hand to add brief comment or ask clarifying questions. Meetings start promptly on time as noted on the agenda.

In person details:
  • Please Review COVID Guidelines if you are attending in person
  • Please Enter through the Middle School Main Office 
  • Please remember to sign in upon arrival

Trustees Present

Badawi Dweik, Kathleen Crawford, Matthew Yezukevich, Sergio Martin, Susanna Girard

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

Annie Azarloza, Dana Benton-Johnson, Julia Garcia, Karen Calvert, Kathleen Foley, Lori Obenchain (remote), Matt Harrington (remote), Todd Tetreault (PAG)

I. Opening Items




Call the Meeting to Order

Kathleen Crawford called a meeting of the board of trustees of Foxborough Regional Charter School to order on Tuesday Feb 8, 2022 at 6:15 PM.

II. Leadership Report


Executive Director's Report



Equity & Inclusion



Personnel Update



Special Topic



1. The state recognized the need for more social emotional support and came out with a grant to help improve student behavioral and mental health outcomes in an effort to remove barriers to student success.


2. Up for grabs was $350k! Seldom does a state award a school district with the maximum amount allowed, unheard of to award it to a school district the size of ours. We were awarded the full amount!


3. We will be using the funds in the following ways:


  • Acquire Panorama, which does a host of things, such as measures social-emotional learning in an effort to improve it; collects frequent surveys from students, families, and staff and enables us to use the results to take action on the information that is most critical to our district’s success.
  • We will hire a coordinator who will use the surveys to elevate student and staff voice. They will review and analyze the data to find opportunities for growth, celebrate successes, and set goals.
  • The overall goal of Panorama is to bring together social emotional learning, a multi-tiered system of support, response to intervention, school climate, and student voice all in one platform.


4. We are also partnering with Brookline Center for Community Mental Health to bring the BRYT program to our district. BRYT stands for Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transition. We have hired a clinician and an academic coordinator to run this program for our neediest students.


5. Finally we want to provide staff with resources, also in order to better equip them to handle the stressors of teaching during a pandemic with students who are exhibiting these trauma informed behaviors - teachers are exhausted and we want to make sure we set them up for success.


6. We have partnered with Gianna Cassetta of the Plain Red Horse Coaching and Consultants who will help school leaders, coaches, teachers, and staff to cultivate and practice social and emotional skills in culturally competent ways. Gianna will work with us two days a week to support adult learning so that they are equipped to support students’ social emotional learning. She will build staff’s capacity as she works with adult teams and helps them develop strong practices in adult competency.


The Board recognized Annie Azarloza for her efforts to author this grant with a team to support her.

III. Community Group Updates


English Language Parent Advisory Committee (ELPAC)

No update provided to the Board


Parent Advisory Group (PAG)

No update provided to the Board


Partners in Education (PIE)

No update provided to the Board


Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC)

Ebony Griffin, an Elementary School parent, is the new leader of SEPAC.

IV. Policy Review


First Reading of New/Changing Policies



Second Reading of New/Changing Policies


V. Committees



The committee met to discuss the scope and frequency of meetings.  We will be expanding the scope to cover more than just appeals as well as expanding the membership.  


The committee did not have any appeals submitted for consideration during the past month.


Current enrollment is 1654 students.



  • MS Roof: The third vendor conducted their walk through.  All proposals are expected next week so we can make plans to move forward.
  • ES Gym Roof: Is under warranty and discussion on repairs are underway
  • ES 10gb & Firewall: The ESSER Grant will create full redundancy for the ES service. 



We are trending as expected for this fiscal year.


The budget calendar was review and the finance committee requested they be on the BOT agenda until it passes each month to provide updates on the progress with a final vote planned for May.


FRCS Foundation Inc

The January Foundation meeting was cancelled in January due to a snow day. There is no change to report.



  • Sergio and Kathleen split the list of 9 candidates to have a pre-interview phone discussion. All candidates are still interested and the board feels we should do interviews in person one evening.  
  • The Board and Dr Soria will be doing the interviews.
  • The plan is to do a round-robin style interview with 2 trustees/Executive Director are each location
  • Sergio and Kathleen have a long list of questions, possibly to many.  Julia Garcia, Director of HR, is willing to review the list and make suggestions.
  • The governance committee requested a special meeting to review plans next week.

VI. Board of Trustees Business


Old Business

Nothing at this time


New Business

Board on Track: We reviewed a live demonstration of the changes in Board in Track so that everyone could see the changes in the website.  Part of the changes are to be compliant with Open Meeting Law.  We reviewed the need to publish both the packet and agenda two business days prior to the meeting with no changes after that.  We need to ensure that all anticipated agenda items are included and reviewed the process for creating an agenda.


Meeting Agenda Items come from 

  • The previous meeting
  • A draft agenda is sent a week prior for the Trustees and Administration to make changes
  • It is published two business days prior

During the demonstration it was discovered that the packet did not publish to the public prior to the meeting.  Susie Girard took the action to address the issue with Board on Track.


Items for the next regular meeting

  • FY23 Budget update
  • Annual Board of Trustees Self Assessment

VII. Closing Items


Approval of Minutes: 14DEC2021

Susanna Girard made a motion to approve the minutes as amended from Board Meeting on 12-14-21.
Badawi Dweik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kathleen Crawford
Susanna Girard
Sergio Martin
Badawi Dweik
Matthew Yezukevich


Approval of Minutes: 11JAN2021



Vote to Adjourn

Matthew Yezukevich made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Badawi Dweik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sergio Martin
Kathleen Crawford
Badawi Dweik
Susanna Girard
Matthew Yezukevich


Approval of Minutes: 14DEC2021 Executive Session

Susanna Girard made a motion to approve the minutes as amended from Executive Session Board Meeting on 12-14-21.
Badawi Dweik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Badawi Dweik
Kathleen Crawford
Susanna Girard
Matthew Yezukevich
Sergio Martin
Kathleen Crawford made a motion to release the executive session minutes from 14DEC2021 to the public.
Badawi Dweik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sergio Martin
Kathleen Crawford
Matthew Yezukevich
Badawi Dweik
Susanna Girard


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Susanna Girard
Documents used during the meeting
  • February 2022 Board Report.pdf
  • Facilities Update FEB 2022.pdf
  • Jan. 2022 Budget to Actual Comparative.pdf
  • Jan. 2022 Balance Sheet Summary.pdf
  • FY 2023 Budget Development Calendar.pdf