Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)


January 2025 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday January 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM


Spring Creek Charter Academy lunchroom

Directors Present

E. Austin, G. Flowers, J. Sanders, L. Hixon, N. Johnson, R. Lane

Directors Absent

J. Earp, K. Gilbert, R. Collins

Ex Officio Members Present

C. Weathersby, K. Holley

Non Voting Members Present

C. Weathersby, K. Holley

Guests Present

C. Boyd, L. Adkinson, L. Miller

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Hixon called a meeting of the board of directors of Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy) to order on Monday Jan 27, 2025 at 6:10 PM.


Approve Agenda

The following items were added to the Agenda: 

I. H. Executive Session  - Personnel

II. K. SCCA Sped Para Hire - Vote

IV. B. Board Meeting Dates Change - Vote

J. Sanders made a motion to Approve the Agenda as amended.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

J. Sanders made a motion to approve the minutes from December 2024 Board Meeting on 12-16-24.
N. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

There was no public comment.


Executive Session - Personnel

J. Sanders made a motion to Enter Executive Session - Personnel at 6:13.
N. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Session - FERPA

N. Johnson made a motion to Enter Executive Session - FERPA at 6:25.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Session - Personnel #2

R. Lane made a motion to Enter Executive Session - Complaint at 6:37.
J. Sanders seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Superintendent Report


PCA Teacher/Coach Resignation

Sam Brown, PE Teacher/Head Football Coach, has submitted his resignation effective
at the end of the 24/25 SY.


SCCA Teacher Resignation

Jennifer Brock has requested to resign from her Special Ed Teaching position as of
Jan. 24 to take a job outside of the education sector. Due to the fact that 30 days
notice was not provided, this is a breach of contract. The contract gives the Board the
right to deduct $1000 from her last paycheck and report this breach of contract to the PSC. 

J. Sanders made a motion to Release Jennifer Brock from her teaching contract with the $1,000 deduction and no breach of contract report to the PSC.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


SCCA Para Resignation

SCCA Paraprofessional, Sheila Herendeen, has submitted her resignation effective
Jan. 24, 2025.


2025-2026 SY Calendar Approval

Kylie presented the proposed 25-26 School Calendar for PCA and SCCA. 

J. Sanders made a motion to Approve the 25-26 School Calendar for PCA and SCCA as presented.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Update on Requests to Change Enrollment Priorities

An amendment request has been submitted for PCA to add "students matriculating
from Pataula Pre-K" as a 3rd enrollment priority. SCSC staff are recommending
approval to their Board, and we received word today that the SCSC has approved this amendment for PCA. This amendment will be implemented with the Lottery to be held on January 30, 2025. 
We were informed that SCCA cannot implement this enrollment priority until AFTER
the CSP grant expires in March. Therefore, we cannot use this priority in January
2025 lottery (tomorrow) for SCCA. However, we have requested this change in our
renewal application which would go into effect in July 2025, and be used as a priority
for all lotteries AFTER that date.


SCCA 2023-2024 SCSC CPF Results and Renewal Update

Since SCCA is up for renewal their CPF results were released earlier than other
schools; PCA should have their results by the next Board meeting.
- Based on the CPF results of the past 5 years, SCCA is eligible for a 5-yr renewal.
The SCSC will make official renewal decisions at one of their Board meetings in the
next few months. The renewal application has been submitted.


SCSC FY25 Operations Monitoring Results

There were NO findings or adverse practices on the FY25 Operations Monitoring for


PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard

PCA is on target to meet on Operational CPF.


SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard

SCCA is on target to meet on Operational CPF


Enrollment Updates

PCA currently has a 4.1% enrollment variance (approaching standards) with a total
of 567 students in grades K-12 and currently has 112 students on the waiting list.
SCCA is still on target to have less than a 3% enrollment variance (meeting
standards) with a total of 468 students in grades K-12 and currently has 111 students
on the waiting list.
Open Enrollment is open for the 2025-2026 SY and marketing/outreach has begun.



Administration is recommending the hiring of Keisha Tully to fill an open SPED para position at SCCA. 

R. Lane made a motion to Approve hiring Keisha Tully to fill an open SPED para position at SCCA.
J. Sanders seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. CFO/Business Director Report


SCSC FY25 Financial Monitoring Results


Pataula - surplus bus

Cheryl is seeking approval to surplus 8 school buses - models ranging from 1995 - 2001 are on the posted list of VIN #. 

R. Lane made a motion to Approve the surplus of 8 school buses.
J. Sanders seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Pataula - Vendor selection for Walk in freezer

Cheryl is asking the board to select a vendor to furnish and install a 10X10  walk-in freezer at PCA. Three bids were solicited, and Cheryl recommends we accept RHC Heating and Cooling's bid of $30,584.35. 

R. Lane made a motion to Approve the bid from RHC Heating and Cooling of $30,584.35 to furnish and install a 10X10 walk in cooler.
J. Sanders seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


SCCA - Project Manager Selection

Cheryl is seeking approval for a project manager for new construction at Spring Creek. Cheryl received from 6 companies. Cheryl recommends we accept the bid from Public-Private Partnership Project Management, INC (4PM, INC) of $520,000. This bid is a percentage of the overall project (Assumption of a $20 million project) plus a small retainer and includes travel. This is a known company and submitted the lowest bid with experience in large construction projects, charter schools, and USDA loans. 

J. Sanders made a motion to Accept the bid from Public-Private Partnership Project Management, INC (4PM, INC) of $520,000 as Project Manager for the new construction at SCCA.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


SCCA - SNP Employee Resignation

Regina Madray, SNP Manager at SCCA resigned effective 1/17/2025.

IV. Governance Committee Report


Required Annual Board Training

Governance Training Dates – Preliminary Details (Choose One Option)
Atlanta – Loudermilk Conference Center
February 11, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - New Governing Board Member Training*
February 12, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Training for All Governing Board Members
Athens – The Classic Center
April 22, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - New Governing Board Member Training*
April 23, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Training for All Governing Board Members
*New board members will complete 2 additional hours of training through virtual,
asynchronous sessions.


Cheryl has heard from all except Jamie - the majority will attend the April session in Athens.


Change March Board Meeting Date - Vote

A Vote to change the Board meeting date in March from March 17, 2025 to March 24, 2025 has been requested. 

J. Sanders made a motion to Approve the date change of the March Board Meeting to March 24, 2025.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Academic Excellence Committee


Set Next Meeting Date

After discussion the Academic Excellence Committee has set the next meeting date for February 10, 2025 at 5:00 at the Central Office. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

J. Sanders made a motion to Adjourn the meeting at 7:34.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Hixon