Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
December 2024 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday December 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM
PCA Inc. Central Office Board Room
Directors Present
E. Austin, G. Flowers, J. Sanders, L. Hixon, N. Johnson, R. Collins, R. Lane
Directors Absent
J. Earp, K. Gilbert
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
E. Austin, L. Hixon
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Guests Present
L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
II. Superintendent Report
2023-2023 CCRPI Scores and Comparisons
CCRPI scores for our service areas were reviewed and compared. Kylie predicts that PCA and SCCA will meet on Academic CPF based on her preliminary calculations, but the SCSC has not yet released official CPF scores. Academic CPF scores will be released by December 23, 2024 for SCCA, since they are up for renewal. PCA will not receive scores until January or February.
PCA - Teacher Resignation
Kayla Williams, teacher and head softball coach at PCA, has submitted her resignation effective at the completion of the 2024-2025 SY. Her family is relocating for her husband's new coaching job at ABAC.
SCCA Charter Renewal
The charter renewal application is due January 8. The application is complete other
than the Academic CPF determination for the 2023-2024 school year, which the
SCSC will release no later than Dec. 23. We are not requesting any major revisions to
our charter contract. We are requesting two minor operational changes:
- Request to increase the enrollment cap. The current charter did not include full
enrollment for K-12, and the Board has discussed the possibility of increasing the
class size in order to afford a permanent facility. The new enrollment minimum and
maximum numbers will allow us to maintain the current class size OR increase by 2
per class.
- Request to add students who attended SCCA BFTS Pre-K as a 3rd enrollment
priority. This is allowable by GA law, but we have not been able to use this priority
due to USED CSP Grant guidelines. We would like to add this new priority since our
CSP grant period will be over.
PCA Charter Amendment Request
Request to amend charter to add 3rd enrollment priority - students enrolled in
Pataula Charter Academy's BFTS Pre-K program.
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
PCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
SCCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF.
Enrollment Updates
PCA is still on target to have less than a 3% enrollment variance with a total of 576
students in grades K-12 and currently has 113 students on the waiting list.
SCCA is still on target to have less than a 3% enrollment variance with a total of 466
students in grades K-12 and currently has 127 students on the waiting list.
Open Enrollment is open for the 2025-2026 SY and marketing/outreach has begun.
III. CFO/Business Director Report
Pataula - FY 25 Amended Budget
The Finance Committee reviewed Pataula's FY 25 Amended General Operating Budget. The Committee voted to send the Budget to the Board for final approval.
Pataula - Public comment on the FY 25 Amended Budget
There as no public comment on Pataula's FY 25 Amended General Operating Budget.
Pataula - FY 25 Amended General Operating Budget Adoption
SCCA - FY 25 Amended Budget
The Finance Committee reviewed Spring Creek's FY 25 Amended General Operating Budget. The Committee voted to send the Budget to the Board for final approval.
SCCA - Public comment on the FY 25 Amended Budget
There was no public comment on Spring Creek's FY 25 Amended General Operating Budget.
SCCA - FY 25 General Operating Budget Adoption
Pataula - monthly financial reports
The Board reviewed monthly financials through October 2024. PCA is on track to meet on Financial CPF.
SCCA - monthly financial reports
The Board reviewed monthly financials through October 2024. SCCA is on track to meet on Financial CPF.
Pataula - Erate project for wifi router replacement
PCA has initiated an Erate project to install new wifi routers throughout the school due to software updates. PCA received three bids for the project. The Finance Committee is recommending the Board accept the bid from SGA Networks for a total price of $84,044. Pataula's portion of the project after Erate percentage will be $21,500. We have used this vendor before.
The Finance Committee approved moving $1,000,000 from Spring Creek's bank account into a one year Bank CD with a interest rate of 4.65%. This will generate revenue of approximately $40,000 over the year. The Committee is requesting full Board approval.
IV. Governance Committee Report
2024-2025 Board Goal
The Board set the 24/25 Board Goal of "creating a long-term sucession plan". Board
members serving on this ad hoc committee are Lindsey Hixon, Jennifer Sanders,
Jamie Earp, and Erica Austin. The Ad Hoc Committee will meet Jan. 27 @5PM @
SCCA (before Board meeting).
Required Annual Board Training
Governance Training Dates – Preliminary Details (Choose One Option)
Atlanta – Loudermilk Conference Center
February 11, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - New Governing Board Member Training*
February 12, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Training for All Governing Board Members
Athens – The Classic Center
April 22, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - New Governing Board Member Training*
April 23, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Training for All Governing Board Members
*New board members will complete 2 additional hours of training through virtual,
asynchronous sessions.
The majority of the Board members present indicate a preference for the April training dates. Cheryl will follow up with an email after the Holidays for confirmation before making Lodging arrangements.
The following item was added to the Agenda:
III. J. SCCA Bank CD - Vote