Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
July 2024 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday July 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM
PCA INC Central Office Board room
Directors Present
G. Flowers, J. Earp, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, N. Johnson, R. Collins, R. Lane
Directors Absent
E. Austin
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Guests Present
Brandi Adams, C. Cleveland, F. Riles, H. Worsley, Julie Bellflower, L. Adkinson, S. Leverette
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Approve Executive Session Minutes
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Executive Session - Personnel
II. Superintendent Report
Dress Code Policy amendment
Administration from both schools were present to discuss the proposed Dress Code Policy amendment. School administrators were requesting to add 'Form Fitting Leggings, yoga pants, etc. are NOT allowed." This item was tabled at the last meeting to allow an opportunity for school administrators and Board members to agree on the wording for the amendment as to best cut down on confusion and time management concerns with the new dress code restrictions. School administration informed the Board of their reasoning for requesting the changes and Board members assured the Administrators that their main concern was to assure the wording of the changes would not cause additional concerns for the staff. After this discussion the following revision to the Board Dress Code Policy were proposed:
Change Item #5 of the Policy to read: Shorts/Skirts/Dresses must be no shorter than mid-thigh (including the height of a slit in the clothing).
Add Item #7: Form fitting leggings, yoga pants, shorts, etc. are NOT allowed.
2024-2025 SPED Manual revisions
Brandi Adams, SPED Director, has been working on revisions to our SPED Manuals to assure we are within new or existing requirements. Kylie is requesting approval for these revisions.
2024-2025 MTSS Manual revisions
Brandi Adams, SPED Director, has been working on revisions to our MTSS Manuals to assure we are within new or existing requirements. Kylie is requesting approval for these revisions.
2024-2025 504 Manual revisions
Brandi Adams, SPED Director, has been working on revisions to our 504 Manuals to assure we are within new or existing requirements. Kylie is requesting approval for these revisions.
Board Conflict of Interest Policy revision
The Board Conflict of Interest Policy has been revised to add new legal requirements: No Board Member or Key Personnel shall be an officer, member, or executive-level employee of a local board of education or of a local school system. Kylie is requesting approval for this revision.
Enrollment Policy revision
The provision that employee's children do not have to live within the attendance zone to enroll was added to our enrollment policy. This has always been our procedure, now it is law. Kylie is requesting approval for this revision.
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
PCA is still on target to meet on Operational CPF with a score of 100.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
SCCA is still on target to meet on Operational CPF with a score of 100.
III. CFO/Business Director Report
PCA INC Meal Charge Policy
Students at both schools now receive free breakfast and lunch through CEP. The PCA INC, Meal Charge Policy reflects that staff members are responsible for their meals and that students can order a second meal but are responsible for payment at that time or to have available funds on their account for the meal price.
PCA /SCCA - Single Audits
Single audits were completed to separate the audits for the incorporation into audits for each school for FY 21-23. There was a finding in FY 22 and FY 23. This was due to a lack of a reserve account for our USDA financing account. This will be corrected before the end of FY 24.
Pataula - Change order for Roof Repair
The Finance Committee is requesting Board approval for a Construction Change Order at PCA to increase the construction price by $23,935 for roof repair on the middle school hallway.
Pataula - change order approval for field house
The Finance Committee is requesting Board approval for a Construction Change Order at PCA to replace the proposed 24,500 sqft of sod with 6" of crushed concrete for a parking lot at the new field house. This will increase the construction price by $57,789.85.
Staff Resignation - technology coordinator
Tommy Boyd, Technology Coordinator, resigned effective 6/30/2024.
Pataula Financial Reports
Monthly financials through May 2024 were reviewed. The possibility that PCA may be over budget at the end of the year by 6-8% due to construction costs was discussed. Pataula is still on track to meet on financial CPF.
SCCA - Cleaning Service Contractor
The Finance Committee is requesting Board approval to change the cleaning service contractor at Spring Creek. This would not affect the contracted price, just the contracted vendor. The committee is requesting termination of the current vendor, LRL Ventures; and offer a contract to New Century Cleaning Service, INC. for the same contracted price.
Spring Creek Financial Reports
Monthly financials through May 2024 were reviewed. The possibility that SCCA may be over budget at the end of the year by 3% due to septic system expenses was discussed. Spring Creek is still on track to meet on financial CPF.
SCCA School Nutrition hire
Polly Chapman, School Nutrition Director, is requesting Board approval to hire Ashley Brock for the SNP opening at Spring Creek.
IV. Ad Hoc Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee
FY24 Supt/CFO Evaluations
Surveys have been reviewed by the Committee Chair and a final report has been created and distributed to the Committee.
The following items were added to the Agenda:
I. G. Executive Session - Personnel
III. I. SCCA School Nutrition hire
VI. B. Executive Session - Superintendent/CFO Evaluation