Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
January 2024 Academic Excellence Committee
Date and Time
Thursday January 11, 2024 at 5:00 PM
PCA Inc Central Office
Committee Members Present
K. Bantz, K. Holley, R. Lane
Committee Members Absent
K. Gilbert, V. Harris
Guests Present
C. Boyd, H. Worsley
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
II. Academic Excellence
Review Academic Excellence Definition and Indicators
2022-2023 PCA CCRPI Scores and Local Comparisons
Christina Boyd presented the CCRPI data from the 2022-2023 school year. This included content master, progress, closing gaps, and readiness for elementary, middle school, and high school. Overall, we are out performing our seven local districts. As a result, we are on track to meet our charter goals. In addition, we are seeing improvement in many areas!
2022-2023 SCCA CCRPI Scores and Local Comparisons
Heather Worsley presented the CCRPI data from the 2022-2023 school year. This included content master, progress, closing gaps, and readiness for elementary, middle school, and high school. Elementary and Middle school are outperforming the local districts in content mastery. High school did not outperform the local districts, BUT the only tested grade was high school algebra which had a small number of students. Preliminary calculations predict that the grade band enrollment weighted score for content mastery will also outperform the local districts, since only 7% of SCCA was high school last year. Also, elementary outperformed the local districts on progress, and the grade band weighted score in progress was higher than the local districts. Although we do not have an official CPF determination yet, we are optimistic that SCCA will meet its charter goals as well based on these preliminary data predictions.
2022-2023 CCRPI Local Charter Comparison
Kylie presented the CCRPI data for all of the local charter schools (Scintilla, Furlow, Baconton, SWGA Stem, PCA, and SCCA). 2022-2023 data shows improvement in the rankings as compared to previous years.
CCRPI Indicators - mid-year projections
Kylie presented the data for the CCRPI mid year projections for attendance, percentage of students earning a passing score in fine arts, world language, or computer science for elementary and middle school, the percent of 12th grade students who have completed a CTAE pathway (PCA only), percent of 12th grade students earning credit for dual enrollment (PCA only), graduation rate (PCA only) and behavior (school climate) indicators. At the midyear point, both schools are on track!
PCA Winter MAP Scores
Christina Boyd presented the Winter MAP growth reports. Growth in Math (from fall to winter) across the board is exceptional. Growth in Reading in the primary grades is exceptional.
SCCA Winter MAP Scores
Heather Worsley presented the Winter MAP growth reports. Growth in Math (from fall to winter) across the board is exceptional. Growth in Reading in the primary grades is exceptional.
School Improvement Plan, PD Plan, and School Culture Plan
Kylie reviewed our school improvement plan and the action steps that have been implemented this year.
Kylie reviewed our definition of academic excellence and the indicators used for measurement.