Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
Academic Excellence Committee Meeting - September 2023
Date and Time
Monday September 11, 2023 at 5:00 PM
PCA Inc. Central Office
Committee Members Present
K. Bantz, K. Gilbert, K. Holley, R. Lane, R. Sapp, S. Confer, V. Harris
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
C. Boyd, H. Worsley
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
II. Academic Excellence
Review Academic Excellence Definition and Indicators
2023 PCA Milestones Score Comparisons
Christina Boyd presented the PCA EOG and EOC Milestone scores from Spring 2023. The data examined consisted of grade level comparisons from 2021-2023, cohort comparisons from 2022-2023, PCA's milestone data compared to the average of the 7 counties it serves, and grade level comparisons to the state. During the discussion, Christina pointed out strengths and weaknesses and some reasoning behind those. PCA is on target to meet on the Academic CPF based on our scores in comparison to the 7 county average.
2023 SCCA Milestones Score Comparisons
Heather Worsley presented the PCA EOG and EOC Milestone scores from Spring 2023. The data examined consisted of grade level comparisons from 2021-2023, cohort comparisons from 2022-2023, SCCA's milestone data compared to the average of the 3 counties it serves, and grade level comparisons to the state. During the discussion, Heather pointed out strengths and weaknesses and some reasoning behind those. We are predicting that SCCA will meet on the Academic CPF based on the predicted overall district score which is calculated by weighting each grade band by the percent of students in that grade band, based on our own preliminary caluculations.
2023 Local Charter Milestones Comparisons
Kylie presented the data from spring milestone local charter comparisons.
CCRPI Indicators - 2023 Final Projections
Christina Boyd and Heather Worsley presented the CCRIP Indicator Data. Although we have not had a CCRPI score the last several years due to Covid, the state has not indicated that we will not receive a score this year. This data included attendance, passing scores in fine arts and PE, CTAE pathway completion (PCA only), dual enrollment numbers (PCA only), and graduation rate (PCA only). The report shows trend data 2018/19 SY to prelimary final 2022/23 SY. The data shows positive trends. Most noteworthy is that attendance improved drastically at both schools last year. In addition, behavior data was looked at for school climate.
2023-2024 School Improvement Plans
Kylie Holley presented the 2023-24 school improvement goals and action steps for the schools.
2023-2024 School Culture Plan
Kylie Holley presented the School Culture Plan for the 2023-2024 SY. The plan includes strategies to improve attendance, behavior, academic culture, and staff culture.
2023-2024 Professional Development Plans
Kylie Holley presented our professional development plans for the district and explained that the plan was developed based on our school improvement plan and school culture plan.
PCA Spring 2023 MAP Benchmark Data
Christina Boyd presented the Fall benchmark data from the August MAP Growth Assessment. The committee reviewed the Student Growth Summary Report and the Projected Proficiency report.
SCCA Spring 2023 MAP Benchmark Data
Heather Worsley presented the Fall benchmark data from the August MAP Growth Assessment. The committee reviewed the Student Growth Summary Report and the Projected Proficiency report.
Kylie Holley reviewed the definition of academic excellence and the data used to determine success.