Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
Governance Committee Meeting - August 14, 2023
Date and Time
Monday August 14, 2023 at 5:30 PM
PCA Inc. Central Office
Committee Members Present
C. Weathersby, E. Austin, J. Sanders, K. Holley, L. Hixon
Committee Members Absent
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Governance
Governance Committee Job Description Revision
FY23 Board Assessment
Strategic Planning/Board Retreat Update
The SCSF has released the CSP grant application for Strategic planning and finance, and facility planning support. Kylie has submitted the grant. The turn around is very quick. We should know by the end of the month if we are selected for the grant and the work will begin immediately, with an expected completed strategic plan by the end of the year.
Board Recruitment
The members reviewed resources from BoardOnTrack on Board Recruitment. Kylie will work on a basic Board Orientation packet to use while recruiting new members. We already have interviews set up to fill Erin Lenz open seat, and will use the packet to recruit other new potential members. We would like to create a Board Bank through this process to have potential members ready as soon as anyone resigns from the Board. All members are compiling a list of potential organizations, businesses, and community members to reach out to once the packet is completed.
New Board Member Orientation
The members reviewed resources from BoardOnTrack on new member orientation. The orientation process will now gein during recuitment. The recruitment packet will have other more detailed Board orientation items added to it for the orientation that will be provided after being chosen to serve on the Board. Kylie, Cheryl, and the Board Chair (or his/her designee) will provide the orientation to new members.
The members reviewed the FY23 Board Assessment and discussed ther recommendations. The main recommendations for Board Recruitment and New Member Orientation will be discussed later. This assessment will be used during strategic planning.