Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
May 2023 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday May 15, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Spring Creek Charter Academy lunchroom
Directors Present
E. Austin, E. Lenz, G. Flowers, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, R. Collins, R. Lane
Directors Absent
R. Sapp
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Guests Present
C. Boyd, F. Riles, L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Approve Executive Session Minutes
Jennifer Sanders abstained from this vote since she abstained from this executive session.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Executive Session - Student
There were two student issues for this executive session. Jennifer Sanders abstained from the second issue.
Executive Session - Personnel
II. Superintendent Report
PCA Para Resignation
Crystal Waltman is resigning her Media Aide position at PCA at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
PCA - Release from 2023-2024 Teacher Contracts - Resignations
Zach Mauldin and Harvey Smith have tendered resignations and are asking to be released from their 2023-2024 teaching contracts at PCA.
PCA 2023-2024 Teacher Hires
School administration is recommending the hiring of Josh Temples, Darrell Brown and Claire Carlisle for teaching positions at PCA for the 2023-2024 school year.
SCCA 2023-2024 Teacher Hire
School administration is recommending the hiring of Emily Maxwell for a SPED teacher position at SCCA for the 2023-2024 school year.
District Athletic Director
Linda Miller will move into this position. Each school will continue to have a school-level AD.
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
PCA is on target to meet on Operational CPF.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
SCCA is on target to meet on Operational CPF.
SCCA 49% Math Teacher Position
Kyiie is recommending the creation of a 49% Math teaching position at SCCA. School growth makes this position necessary.
Kylie is recommending the hiring of Joye Bailey for the the 49% Math Teacher position at SCCA. Mrs. Bailey comes highly recommended.
III. CFO/Business Director Report
School Resource Officer Position
Recent world events as well as recent school incidents highlight the need for this position. Security at athletic events as well as the capacity to conduct school investigations are at the forefront of administrative needs. Cheryl has applied for a Grant to fund this position which would also include a vehicle component, the grant is on a two year cycle. We are recommending to approve this position at PCA regardless of the outcome of the grant application, and will create the position at SCCA if awarded the grant.
PCA INC School Nutrition Administrative Review
PCA, INC received the triennal SNP Review of Pataula and Spring Creek. There were a couple of findings but all have been corrected.
Pataula - Classroom Construction Vendor Selection
The Finance Committee is requesting approval to accept the Bid of $10,050 from Edwards Drywall for construction of additional classroom and nurse space at PCA.
Pataula - Lawncare Vendor Selection
The Finance Committee is recommending the Board accept the bid of $39,402 from Evergreen Lawn Services, INC for lawncare at PCA.
Pataula - Paint Vendor Selection
The Finance Committee is recommending the Board accept the bid of $42,925 from Empire Painting for painting throughout PCA.
Pataula - Monthly Financial Reports
The monthly financial reports through March 2023 were presented to the Board. PCA is on track to meet on Financial CPF.
Spring Creek - Classroom Construction Vendor Selection
The Finance Committee is recommending the Board approve the Bid of $5400 from Edwards Drywall to construct additional classroom space at SCCA.
Spring Creek - Monthly Financial Reports
The monthly financial reports through March 2023 were presented to the Board. SCCA is on track to meet on Financial CPF.
Staff Retention Bonus
With the retention and hiring of employees being a new challenge (nation-wide) we foresee the need for retention and sign-on bonuses. We do not want to implement sign-on bonuses without first rewarding employees for retention. Therefore, the Finance Committee is recommending the Board approve a 5% Staff Retention Bonus for PCA and SCCA. While the bonuses will be distrubuted at the end of the school year, the committee would like It understood that a staff member leaving before next academic year, would then have the Retention Bonus deducted from their last paycheck.
IV. Governance Committee Report
Tribunal Policy
The Tribunal Policy needs to be amended to include: Schools may use a Hearing Officer OR Tribunal Panel to conduct tribunals, to further clarify who may appeal a tribunal decision, and to further clarify that all tribunal hearings and decisions are protected under student privacy laws.
Board Retreat - Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Work Session
This item was tabled.
FY23 Board Self-Assessment
Be sure to complete the self-assessment if you have not already done so. The report will be used for strategic planning and/or annual goal setting.
V. Academic Committee Report
Academic Committee Meeting Rescheduled
This item was tabled.
VI. Ad Hoc Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee Report
Superintendent/CFO Evaluations
Surveys for the evaluations were sent to all board members and applicable staff. The committee will complete the evaluation after those have been completed.
The following items were added to the Agenda:
II. H. SCCA 49% Math Teacher - Vote
III. I. Staff Retention Bonus PCA and SCCA - Vote