Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
April Finance Meeting
Date and Time
Monday April 17, 2023 at 5:00 PM
PCA INC Central Office Board Room
Committee Members Present
C. Weathersby, E. Austin, G. Flowers, H. Worsley, R. Beamon, R. Collins
Committee Members Absent
K. Holley
Guests Present
L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Approve Agenda
II. Finance
Pataula - FY 24 Initial General Operating Budget
Spring Creek - FY 24 Initial General Operating Budget
This is the 2nd presentation of the FY24 General Operating Budget for SCCA. Several line items were discussed and the surplus projected for next year is $129,930. Cheryl is requesting approval from the Committee before the 2nd presentation of the Budget to the full Board.
Pataula - Monthly Financial Reports
The committee reviewed PCA financial reports through February 2023. PCA is on target to meet on the CPF Financial Assessment with a predicted score of 90.
Spring Creek - Monthly Financial Reports
The committee reviewed SCCA financial reports through February 2023. SCCA is on target to meet on the CPF Financial Assessment with a predicted score of 95.
This is the 2nd presentation of the FY24 General Operating Budget for PCA. The committee discussed several line items and the surplus projected for next year is $106,108. Cheryl is requesting approval from the Committee before the 2nd presentation of the Budget to the full Board.