Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
February 2023 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday February 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM
PCA Inc Central Office Board Room
Directors Present
E. Austin, E. Lenz, G. Flowers, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, R. Collins, R. Sapp
Directors Absent
L. Hixon, R. Lane
Ex Officio Members Present
K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
K. Holley
Guests Present
L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Approve Executive Session Minutes
Public Comment
Several parents and students (list attached) signed into the meeting for Public Comment. Their comments concerned the PCA Administration decision to remove Basketball from region competition for the 2023-2024 school year. Each signee was allowed 3 minutes to speak regarding this issue.
PCA Parent Appeal - Region Basketball
Kutrina Price submitted a formal appeal letter (attached) to the Board concerning the PCA Administration decision to remove basketball from region competition for the 2023-2024 school year. Ms. Price was allowed 10 minutes for her appeal. Ms. Price invoked our mission statement and sections of the Core Beliefs Statements listed in the parent student handbook as partial rationale for her appeal. Student confidence, scholarship availabilty, parental involvement and funding issues were also addressed in her statement.
Kylie, the AD, and Booster representative addressed administrative concerns which included funding issues, parental involvement, coaching leadership and staffing issues, and the competitiveness of our region for basketball that led to the Administrations decision.
Board members asked questions of Ms. Price, the other parents present, students, as well as coaching staff and Athletic Board members present.
-Since a final decision on this matter has not been communicated to GHSA, the Board felt that the administration should explore the matter more and make a final decision. If the decision is still to not play a region schedule, the Board will take the appeal back up before any decision is communicated to GHSA.
Executive Session - Personnel
II. Superintendent Report
Special Education Director approval
PCA, Inc. - Kathy Martin will be retiring at the end of her 2022-2023 contract.
SCCA - Dianne Houston will retiring at the end of her 2022-2023 contract.
PCA Principal Resignation
Reagan Beamon is resigning at the end of her 2022-2023 contract. Assistant Principal, Christina Boyd, will move into the Principal position.
PCA - Add new positions
Kylie is requesting these additional positions at PCA for the 2023-2024 school year:
Split the AP/Counselor position back into two positions.
Add a full time Gifted teacher/coordinator.
Funding for these additional positions has been included in the preliminary 2023-2024 budget.
PCA 2023-2024 Teacher Hires
PCA administration has recommended hiring the following persons for the open Middle School Social Studies position and the open High School Science Position for the 2023-2024 school year:
Eric Thomas, MS Social Studies
Adam Benton, HS Science
PCA Para Resignations
Kylie informed the Board that 2 PCA paraprofessionals, Helen Poke and Brooke Peak, have resigned their positions.
SCCA Assistant Principal
Samantha Leverette was chosen for the new Assistant Principal position at SCCA for the 2023-2024 school year. Ms. Leverette was already on staff as a middle school math teacher.
SCCA - Eliminate Leadership Coach position beginning 2023-2024 SY
Kylie is recommending the elimination of the Leadership Coach position at SCCA beginning the 2023-2024 school year. The CSP Grant will not include funding for this position going forward.
SCCA - Add Special Education Teacher position for 2023-2024 SY
Enrollment numbers indicate the need for an additional Special Education position at SCCA. This additional position is included in the preliminary budget for the 2023-2024 school year.
SCCA Resignations
The following teachers have tendered resignations at the end of their 2022-2023 contract:
Kitty Davis, Ag Education
Melissa Poitevient, Special Education
Tina Thompson, 3rd Grade
Paraprofessional Summer Confer has also resigned effective the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
PCA - SCSC FY23 Monitoring
The FY 23 Amended Monitoring results have been received. There were 3 findings under Indicator 4: Students and Employees that have since been corrected. We expect to receive partial points under this indicator.
These items were:
The Home Language Survey in the enrollment packet did not include one question. This has been addressed.
The enrollment packet failed to cite the law regarding the use of student Social Security Numbers. This has been added in the appropriate section.
The Family Medical Leave poster on site must also be included in the handbook. This has been corrected.
SCCA - SCSC FY23 Monitoring
The FY 23 Amended Monitoring results have been received. There were 3 findings under Indicator 4: Students and Employees that have since been corrected. We expect to receive partial points under this indicator.
These items were:
The Home Language Survey in the enrollment packet did not include one question. This has been addressed.
The enrollment packet failed to cite the law regarding the use of student Social Security Numbers. This has been added in the appropriate section.
The Family Medical Leave poster on site must also be included in the handbook. This has been corrected.
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
PCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF with a predicted score of 96.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
SCCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF with a predicted score of 96.
III. CFO/Business Director Report
Pataula Monthly Financial Reports
Through November with 60% of the budget spent, PCA is on track to meet on CPF Financial Assessments.
Pataula - Fiber connection - Vendor selection
Pataula received technology grant funds from the Office of Rural Education and we are using these funds to add fiber connections from the school to the athletic complex. This will help us install wifi devices and cameras. We received two quotes. The school recommends using Action Alarm for this install at a cost of $26,000.
Pataula - Exterminator Expense
The school is seeking approval to spend $6,400 for insect prevention efforts. The vote will be to spend $6,400 with Arrow Exterminators.
Spring Creek Monthly Financial Reports
Through November with 53% of the budget spent, SCCA is on track to meet on CPF Financial Assessment.
IV. Governance Committee Report
Board Retreat - Strategic Planning
The Board planned to use the annual Board retreat for Strategic Planning this year. There have been conversations with vendors regarding the scope of the project and budget. Only one bid has been officially submitted.
PCA INC Strategic Planning Vendor Selection
With only one bid submitted from a Strategic Planning vendor and Interest in joining a Replication Cohort which would offer free services the Board will table selecting a vendor at this time.
FY23 Board Self-Assessment
Please be sure to complete the Board Self-Assessment if you have not already done so.
PCA INC - Wellness Policy
The changes to the Wellness Policy reflect the actual number of meetings the Committee will hold each year.
V. Academic Committee Report
January 2020 Academic Committee Meeting Report
The Committee reviewed the 2021-2022 CCRPI Scores, 2021-2022 Academic CPF Determination and Winter MAPS Data. PCA and SCCA out performed local districts and met on CPF. Scores on the Winter MAPS testing were stagnant and incentives will be addressed to increase student motivation.
Kylie asked to amend the agenda as follows:
Remove item II. G. PCA Para Hire
Remove Item II. L. SCCA Teacher Hires 2023-2024