Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
October 2022 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday October 24, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Pataula Charter Academy, Inc Central Office Board Room
Directors Present
E. Austin, E. Lenz, G. Flowers, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, R. Lane, R. Sapp
Directors Absent
R. Collins
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
L. Hixon, R. Lane
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby
Guests Present
H. Worsley, L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Approve Executive Session Minutes
Public Comment
Executive Session - Personnel
II. Superintendent Report
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
PCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF with a projected score of 98.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
SCCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF with a projected score of 100.
PCA Para Resignation
Jonathan McKinney, Paraprofessional at PCA, has tendered his resignation effective 10/21/22. He is leaving to accept a higher paying position.
PCA Para Hire
Kylie is recommending the hiring of Kaleah Ayeni for the SPED Para position that became open after restructuring from Mr. McKinney's resignation.
SCCA Teacher Resignation
Mr. Phillip Lambert, MS/HS Math teacher at SCCA has resigned effective 10/21/22. Kylie is recommending the Board accept his resignation and release him from his contract.
SCCA Teacher Hire
Kylie is recommending the hiring of Krystal Apke to fill the open MS/HS Math teaching position.
2023-2024 Open Enrollment/Lottery Dates
Due to budgeting and staffing concerns, Kylie would like to move the Lottery to earlier in the year, as it was in the past. She would like to open enrollment for the 23-24 school year in November with a cut off date of December 16, 2022. The lotteries to be held at the end of January.
SCCA Para Hire
At a previous meeting, the Board approved an additional SPED Para position at SCCA due to increased SPED enrollment. Kylie is recommending the Hiring of Ashley Grubbs to fill this position.
III. Finance/Facilities Committee Report
PCA INC - ALICE Response Strategy
Cheryl is asking for approval from the Board to move forward with the purchase and implementation of the ALICE Response Strategy. This is a training program for use in a lockdown/active shooter situation. This will include online training as well as staff member certification, local law enforcement involvement and student curriculum. This will offer real time communication during an event as well as useful strategies for staff and students. The cost of the program is $7600.
Pataula - Athletic Field Fence
The Finance Committee is requesting the Board approve the $7009.99 bid from Quality Fence to install fencing around a portion of the athletic fields and enclose the grandstands at Pataula.
Pataula - Batting Cage Vendor Selection
The Finance Committee is requesting approval to change the Batting Cage vendor to Usry Construction for $75,563. The vendor bid approved in September did not include installation and with a February supply date, would be a long delay in construction.
Pataula - CPF Financial Reports
Pataula CPF financial reports through August were presented; with 6% revenue in and 24% of the budget spent, PCA is on track to meet CPF with a score of 85.
Spring Creek - CPF Financial Reports
Spring Creek CPF financial reports through August were presented; with 13% revenue in and 17% of the budget spent, SCCA is on track to meet CPF with a score of 85.
Pataula - FY 23 Amended General Operating Budget
The Pataula FY 23 Amended General Operating Budget was presented to the Board for first review. Pataula has a projected surplus of $88,727. This decrease is mainly due to athletic field construction, purchasing 2 multi function school activity buses, and the Governors $2,000 increase to the certified pay scale.
Spring Creek - FY 23 Amended General Operating Budget
The Spring Creek FY 23 Amended General Operating Budget was presented to the Board for first review. SCCA has a projected surplus of $176,561. The surplus increase from the initial budget presented in April is due to the increase in the State Allotment with a 413 student enrollment. Included in this budget are the increase in the staff supplement and an increase to 40% on the district MOU.
Public Comment on FY 23 Amended General Operating Budgets
There was no public comment.
SCCA Staff Bonus Increase
It is requested that the SCCA Staff Annual Supplements be increased to $2500 to match the PCA Annual Staff Supplements.
IV. Governance Committee Report
Annual Board Training Dates
The annual Board training dates have been released. The first session will be February 7 & 8, 2023 in Athens. Everyone is asked to make plans to go together to this first session, meeting the night of February 6th for dinner together.
V. Academic Excellence Committee Report
PCA 2021-2022 Graduation Rate
The 2021-2022 Graduation Rates - PCA Attendance Zone Comparisons were presented to the Board. The 7 county average was 86.4 and the state average of 84.1; PCA's graduation rate exceeds both with 91.3.
VI. Ad Hoc Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee Report
Superintendent Evaluation
The Superintendent Evaluation instrument and updated Job Description were presented for Board approval by the Ad Hoc Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee.
CFO Evaluation
The CFO Evaluation instrument and updated Job Description were presented for Board approval by the Ad Hoc Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee.
Formalize Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee
Rochelle Sapp asked that the Board formalize the Ad Hoc Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee into a permanent committee. Rochelle Sapp, Jennifer Sanders, Lindsey Hixon, Erin Lenz and Grayson Flowers will serve as Committee Members.
Cheryl requested the following amendments to the Agenda:
Add: II: H. SCCA Para Hire
Add: III: I. SCCA Bonus Increase - Vote
Add: IV: A. Annual Board Training Dates - FYI
Add: VI: C. Formalize Superintendent/CFO Evaluation Committee