Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
September 2022 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday September 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM
SCCA Lunchroom
Directors Present
E. Austin, E. Lenz, G. Flowers, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, R. Collins, R. Lane
Directors Absent
J. Sanders, R. Sapp
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
K. Gilbert, L. Hixon
Ex Officio Members Present
K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
K. Holley
Guests Present
L. Adkinson, R. Beamon
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Executive Session - Student Appeals
Approve Minutes
Approve Minutes
Approve Executive Session Minutes
II. Superintendent Report
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
PCA is on target to meet FY 23 Operational CPF with a projected score of 98.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
SCCA is on track to meet FY 23 Operational CPF with a projected score of 100.
SCSC Proposed Academic CPF Measures for 2021-2022
Kylie presented the SCSC Proposed Academic CPF Measures for 2021-2022 for Board review.
Tribunal Policy
Kylie presented the proposed changes to our Tribunal Policy. These changes would give clarification on appeals and include options for "continuance".
SCCA Resignation
Kylie is recommending the Board accept the resignation of Adrian Parker, Instructional Coach at SCCA, and release her from her contract.
SPED Para Position
Amy Peel, SPED Director is requesting an additional SPED para position at SCCA due to the number of SPED students currently enrolled in Pre K. SCCA will fund the majority of this position from remaining PreK IDEA monies.
III. Finance/Facilities Committee Report
Pataula - Athletic field change order
The Finance Committee is requesting approval for the Athletic Field change order for parking and erosion control discussed at the September 6, 2022 called meeting. The board approved additional funding for gravel extension on the driveway around the complex due to erosion and safety reasons. Cheryl is requesting approval for $15,000 to CGM for additional top soil and sod; and for $19,500 to Buck Run to gravel the driveway behind the baseball and softball fields.
Pataula - Batting Cage Vendor Selection
The Finance Committee is requesting approval of the bid from SBS Inc. for $44,116 to install a 40X90 Enclosed building with 3 lanes - 2 batting and one pitching; and approval for the bid from Ebersole Concrete for $25,000 for the concrete pad. This would leave approximately $30,000 of the allotted $100,000 for electrical and air conditioning.
Pataula - CPF Financial Reports
PCA is expected to meet on CPF Financials for FY 22 with a score of 95.
Spring Creek - CPF Financial Reports
SCCA is expected to meet on CPF Financials for FY 22 with a score of 95.
IV. Academic Excellence Committee Report
Milestones Data Overview
Kylie gave a brief overview of the Milestones Data:
- PCA should meet on the CPF Academic based on the projected Content Mastery Score. PCA out-performed the local area schools in most areas and exhibited Growth in almost every area.
- SCCA exhibited growth in some areas and out-performed local area schools in about half of the areas. It is not yet determined if SCCA will meet on the CPF Academic section based on prokected Content Mastery scores, since they are so close to the local districts. We are hopeful that the addition of "Student Growth Percentiles" and "Value-Add Model" measures to the CPF will ensure that SCCA will also meet.
MAP Fall Benchmark Data Overview
Kylie gave a brief overview of Fall Benchmark Data. At this point PCA is already projected to score higher than last year. SCCA is projected to perform about the same as last year. This data is based on students not yet having any instruction this year, since the benchmarks were taken the first week of school.
Kylie is requesting the following amendments to the Agenda:
Add Item II E. SCCA Resignation - Vote
Add Item II F. SCCA Para Position - Vote