Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
Called Board Meeting - September 6, 2022
Date and Time
Tuesday September 6, 2022 at 6:00 PM
PCA Inc. Central Office Board Room
Directors Present
E. Austin, E. Lenz, G. Flowers, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, R. Collins, R. Lane, R. Sapp
Directors Absent
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
G. Flowers
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Guests Present
L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Executive Session - Personnel
II. Superintendent Report
SCCA Para Hire
SCCA Administration recommends the hiring of Ali Singletary for the additional SPED Para position approved at the August meeting.
SCCA Staff Termination
SCCA Administration recommends terminating the employment of Leslie Givens, Paraprofessional at Spring Creek.
SCCA New Hire
SCCA Administration recommends hiring Savannah Whitaker for the open paraprofessional position at Spring Creek.
III. III. FInance/Facilities Report
Pataula - Bus Mechanic Hire
PCA Administration, recommend hiring Marcus Lane for the open Bus Mechanic position at PCA.
Pataula - Athletic parking lot addition
Cheryl is requesting approval to spend $19,500 on a gravel lot to increase parking size and help with erosion issues at the Pataula Athletic Complex. This will increase parking for athletic and other events by approximately 60 spaces. It will also help with erosion as we continue with construction at the Athletic Complex.
During the discussion for Item III C: It was determined that additional discussion was needed for Item III B.
After further discussion regarding the graveling to increase parking size and help with erosion issues; It was determined that more graveling will be needed for safety issues and to prevent further erosion from traffic around the Athletic Complex. These items need to be completed before Friday's football game for safety reasons, as well to stop further damage to the parking area due to erosion issues so this is considered an emergency purchase.
Pataula Athletic Field Expense
The Board had previously approved $200,000 toward PCA's Athletic Field concession stand and plaza project. Due to erosion concerns additional sod was needed as well as additional labor for installation of the sod and for storm drain maintenance. Cheryl is requesting approval for an additional expense of $76,781.
MFSAB Purchase
Cheryl is requesting permission to purchase 2 Multi Function School Activity Buses at a purchase price of $175,500. This price includes a 60 month warranty and delivery fee from Kentucky. The company expects delivery in November. Drivers with a CDL will not be needed for these buses. Conflicting athletic events and the lack of CDL licensed drivers contribute to the need for these buses. Cheryl will craft a policy for drivers of these buses to include: drug testing, physicals, GADOE Safety training.
Kylie asked to amend the agenda as follows:
Add item II B: SCCA Staff Termination - Vote
Add item II C: SCCA New Hire - Vote
Cheryl asked to amend the agenda as follows:
Add item III C: Pataula Athletic Field Expense - Vote
Add item III D: MFSAB Purchase - Vote