Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)


August 2022 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday August 22, 2022 at 6:00 PM


PCA Inc. Central Office Board Room

Directors Present

E. Austin, E. Lenz, G. Flowers, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, R. Collins, R. Lane, R. Sapp

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

E. Austin, R. Collins

Ex Officio Members Present

C. Weathersby, K. Holley

Non Voting Members Present

C. Weathersby, K. Holley

Guests Present

B. Eubanks

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

E. Lenz called a meeting of the board of directors of Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy) to order on Monday Aug 22, 2022 at 6:01 PM.


Approve Minutes

R. Sapp made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 18, 2022 board meeting July 2022 Board Meeting on 07-18-22.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Agenda

Kylie requested the following items be added under section II: Superintendent Report:

1)Add a Special Educaiton Paraprofessional position at Spring Creek - vote.

Cheryl requested the following items be added under section III: Finance/Facilities: 

1) Approve SCCA new hire for bus driver - vote 

2) Batting cages at PCA athletic field complexas - item for information,  

3) Electrical change order for SCCA new building installation - vote, 

4) Concrete change order for SCCA new building installation - vote

Erin  equested the following items be added under IV: Governance:

1) Discussion on potentially adding new board members at this time - item for discussion

R. Sapp made a motion to to approve the amended agenda with the additions requested.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

No public comment.


Executive Session - Personnel

R. Lane made a motion to enter executive session to discuss personnel at 6:04 PM.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
E. Austin arrived at 6:05 PM.

Executive session was exited at 6:07 PM.

II. Superintendent Report


PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard

Kylie informed the board that the July CPF operational assessment is currently on track to meet at 100%.  We are still projected to finish out the 2021-2022 SY with a score of 92%, although this has not officially been confirmed by the commission.  Kylie informed the board, that SCSC monitoring has already started for the current school year as well.  With monitoring this year, PCA will not have an on-site visit.


SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard

Kylie informed the board that the July CPF operational assessment is currently on track to meet at 100%.  We are still projected to finish out the 2021-2022 SY with a score of 92%, although this has not officially been confirmed by the commission. Kylie informed the board that SCSC monitoring has already started for the current school year as well. SCCA will have an on-site visit with monitoring due to added a new building.

R. Collins arrived at 6:12 PM.


2022-2023 COVID Protocol Plan

Kylie informed the board that the CDC has released new guidelines in regards to COVID and thus the COVID protocol plan should be updated.  Kylie presented the amended plan to the Board. 

R. Lane made a motion to to approve the 2022-2023 COVID protocol plan with the updated CDC guidelines.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


SCCA Para Hire

Kylie recommended Ansley Huckeba to fill the vacant paraprofessional position at SCCA.

G. Flowers made a motion to approve the hire of Ansley Huckeba to fill the vacant paraprofessional position at SCCA.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Skye Strategies contract renewal

Kylie informed the board that the contract with Skye Strategies, the company that PCA and SCCA partnered with to assist with the grant management for the CSP Replication Grant, was about to expire.  Since the services needed from them are not as extensive as they were during the initial grant approval and implementation, Kylie was able negotiate a 41% decrease in price for the contract, at $13,200 annually.  The contract will cover the remaining years of the grant, until Sept. 2024.  

R. Collins made a motion to approve the contract to Skye Strategies for consulting on the CSP Replication Grant.
E. Austin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


SCCA Attendance Zone expansion

Kylie informed the board that there have been many parents from Grady County, specifically the Whigham area, that have requested for SCCA to include Grady County in their attendance zone.  SCCA currently only serves Decatur, Miller, and Seminole Counties.  With the SCCA enrollment for grades 8 and 9 remaining low due to many students going to Decatur County schools for all that the school system offers older students, Kylie is recommending that the process be started to have Grady County included in the attendance zone.  Steps include board approval, community engagement, and approval from the commission which can all be a lengthy process and would need to be started as quickly as possible.

R. Lane made a motion to approve the addition of Grady County to the attendance zone for SCCA.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


SCCA Para Position Addition

Kylie has requested that a new Special Education para position be added at SCCA due to an increase in students with special needs this year.

R. Collins made a motion to add a SPED para position.
L. Hixon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Finance/Facilities Committee Report


PCA INC - School Nutrition Charge Policy

Cheryl informed the board that the meal prices for students paying full-price had to increase this year to $3.25 due to the increase cost of food and supplies and has presented the school nutrition charge policy reflecting this change.

R. Sapp made a motion to approve the PCA, Inc. School Nutrition Charge Policy.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Cheryl presented the MOU for PCA and SCCA which states that SCCA will reimburse PCA for district level salaries/benefits and travel expenses incurred under PCA, Inc.  The MOU between the schools for the 2022/2023 school year provides for SCCA to PCA approximately $350,000 for the year which was included in the approved general operating budgets for both schools. There is an estimate travel expense of $25,000. 

G. Flowers made a motion to approve the PCA, Inc. MOU between PCA and SCCA.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Pataula - Athletic field change order

Cheryl informed the board that the previous $110,000 that was approved for the concrete plaza at the athletic field complex would need to be increased to approximately $200,000 to finish out the landscaping.  This cost increase is due to the excess of red clay at the complex, grading to correct elevation levels, and increase of materials and labor..  Cheryl also informed the board that a fence will have to be installed as well sometime in the future.

R. Lane made a motion to the change order for cost increase to the athletic field complex construction.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Pataula - FY 23 CTAE Local Plan Approval

Cheryl informed the board that PCA receives money from the state for CTAE ag teacher and young farmer positions and the state requires the governing board to approve the local plan attached to these funds. 

R. Collins made a motion to approve the FY23 CTAE Local Plan.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Pataula School Nutrition Position New Hire

Cheryl presented LaDonna Coleman as a new hire for the vacant school nutrition position at PCA.

R. Sapp made a motion to approve the hire of LaDonna Coleman to fill the vacant school nutrition position.
L. Hixon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Spring Creek - New building update

Cheryl informed the board that the fire marshal came to inspect the building on Friday, August 19, 2022 but he was not able to issue the certificate of occupancy for the new building yet.  He did give clearance to start moving furniture into the building. However there is still work needed on the building and final cleanup/waxing. Cheryl is projecting that the building will be ready for occupancy  at the first of September. .  


Spring Creek - FY 23 CTAE Local Plan Approval

Cheryl informed the board that SCCA receives money from the state for CTAE ag teacher position and the state requires the governing board to approve the local plan attached to these funds. 

R. Sapp made a motion to approve the FY23 CTAE Local Plan.
L. Hixon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Spring Creek - Bus driver resignation

Cheryl informed the board that Ralph Baldwin resigned from his position as a bus driver at SCCA with August 12, 2022 being his last day.


Spring Creek - New Bus Driver Hire

Cheryl presented Dennis Cohen as a new hire to fill the vacant bus driver position at SCCA.

G. Flowers made a motion to approve the hire of Dennis Cohen to fill the vacant bus driver position.
K. Gilbert seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Pataula - Batting Cages

Cheryl informed the board that future plans need to include the construction of a permanent batting cage facility for the athletic field complex.  Cheryl has requested to start the process of pursuing bids to have a 3 lane enclosed batting cage constructed at the athletic field complex and estimates the cost could potentially be $100,000.  Board members advised Cheryl to begin pursuing bids for any remaining work that will need to be done at the athletic field complex to help with budgeting purposes.


Spring Creek - Electrical Change Order for New Building Installation

Cheryl presented a $6,000 change order from the electrical contractor for the new building installation at SCCA.  This change order is due to  unforeseen code requirements and conduit installation for the data/fire alarm cables to the new building.

R. Sapp made a motion to approve the change order for electrical construction costs associated with the new building installation at SCCA.
L. Hixon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Spring Creek - Concrete Change Order for New Building Installation

Cheryl informed the board that the fire marshal is requiring an installation of a concrete pad to connect the stair landing to the ADA walkway.  The cost for this concrete pad is going to be $20,000.

R. Sapp made a motion to approve the change order for concrete construction costs associated with the new building installation at SCCA.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Governance Committee Report


Policy on Grade Placement and Awarding Credits for Home Study and Non-Accredited Programs

Kylie informed the board that with many children transferring from Home School, a policy needs to be put in place that will govern grade placement and awarding of credits for home study and non-accredited programs when these students enter back into the school system. This policy was developed in accordance with state guidelines.

R. Collins made a motion to approve the policy on grade placement and awarding credits for home study and non-accredited programs.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Home Study Students and Sports Policy

Kylie presented the home study students and sports policy for approval which states that due to the structure of the school systems and academics, home study students are not eligible to take just one class and therefore cannot meet the state requirements to be able to participate in sports.

R. Sapp made a motion to approve the home study students and sports policy.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


School Visitor and Volunteer Policy update

Kylie presented the school visitor and volunteer policy update to include the requirement for volunteers to be trained on FERPA requirements.  

R. Sapp made a motion to approve the update to the school visitor and volunteer policy.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Gifted Policy Manual

R. Lane made a motion to approve changes to the gifted policy manual.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.

The policy was updated to change dates and the coordinator names within the policy.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Notice of Nondiscrimination Policy

R. Lane made a motion to approve changes to the notice of nondiscrimination policy.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.

The policy was updated to change dates and the coordinator names within the policy.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Special Education Manual

R. Lane made a motion to approve changes to the special education manual.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.

The policy was updated to change dates and the coordinator names within the policy.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


MTSS Manual

R. Lane made a motion to approve changes to the MTSS manual.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.

The policy was updated to change dates and the coordinator names within the policy.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Chaperone Duties and Responsibilities Policy

R. Lane made a motion to approve changes to the chaperone duties and responsibilities policy.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.

The policy was updated to include volunteer requirements which includes FERPA training.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Addition of Board Members

Erin informed other board members that a few people from the SCCA community have emailed about joining the board and wanted the other board members opinions about increasing the number of board members.  Kylie reminded the board that the by-laws allow the governing board to have 7 to 11 members.  General consensus among board members was to stay at a total of 9 members at this time, but to recommend joining a commitee to anyone wanting to join the board.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

R. Sapp made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Lenz