Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)


July 2022 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday July 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM


SCCA lunchroom

Directors Present

G. Flowers, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, R. Sapp

Directors Absent

E. Austin, E. Lenz, R. Collins, R. Lane

Ex Officio Members Present

C. Weathersby, K. Holley

Non Voting Members Present

C. Weathersby, K. Holley

Guests Present

H. Worsley, L. Adkinson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Sapp called a meeting of the board of directors of Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy) to order on Monday Jul 18, 2022 at 6:20 PM.


Approve Minutes

G. Flowers made a motion to approve the minutes from June 2022 Board Meeting on 06-20-22.
L. Hixon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Executive Session Minutes

G. Flowers made a motion to Approve the minutes from Executive Session on June 20, 2022.
J. Sanders seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Agenda

The following amendments were made to the Agenda: 


II E: SCCA Para Resignation - FYI

II F: SCCA New Para Hire - Vote

III H: PCA After School Program - Vote

G. Flowers made a motion to Approve the Agenda as amended.
L. Hixon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

There was no public comment.

II. Superintendent Report


PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard

PCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF with a score of 94.


SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard

SCCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF with a score of 94.


PCA SCSC Monitoring CAP Approval

All CAP responses were accepted and will receive partial points. PCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF.


SCCA SCSC Monitoring CAP Approval

All CAP responses were accepted and will receive partial points. SCCA is on track to meet on Operational CPF.


SCCA Para Resignation

Ashley Wimberly, Paraprofessional at SCCA, has tendered her resignation.


SCCA New Hire

Administration is recommending the hiring of Summer Confer to fill the open Para position at SCCA. 

G. Flowers made a motion to Approve the hiring of Summer Confer for the open Para position at SCCA.
J. Sanders seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Finance/Facilities Committee Report


Pataula - Athletic field change order

The Finance Committee is seeking approval of the additional expense for CGM to install concrete at the PCA Athletic Complex. 

G. Flowers made a motion to Approve the change order for concrete at PCA's Athletic Complex at Cost +10% up to the estimated amount of $110,000.
J. Sanders seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Pataula - Utility Vehicle Selection

There is an established need for an additional ATV at PCA. The Finance Committee is seeking approval for the purchase of a Kawasaki Mule from Beasley Honda Yamaha Kawasaki Suzuki Kymco of Ozark, AL at the cost of $11,057.93. 

J. Sanders made a motion to Approve the purchase of a Kawasaki Mule from Beasley Honda Yamaha Kawasaki Suzuki Kymco of Ozark, AL at the cost of $11,057.93.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Pataula - CPF FInancial Reports

PCA is on track to meet on Financial CPF. Cheryl informed the Board that our annual audit will begin on August 15, 2022.


Spring Creek - New building update

The new 14 classroom modular is on site at SCCA. The new building will not be ready by start of school. SCCA administration has a contingency plan is place where the start of school will not be delayed.


Spring Creek - GADOT Right of Way proposal

The Finance Committee is seeking approval to accept the Acquisition proposal from GA DOT of $10,400 for .28 acres of land at Spring Creek for the GA Hwy 97 widening project. 

G. Flowers made a motion to Accept the Acquisition proposal from GA DOT of $10,400 for .28 acres of land at Spring Creek for the GA Hwy 97 widening project.
J. Sanders seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Spring Creek - CPF Financial reports

SCCA is on track to meet on Financial CPF. Cheryl informed the Board that our annual audit will begin on August 15, 2022.


PCA - School Nutrition Resignation

Rakeita Curry, School Nutrition, has tendered her resignation effective 7/31/2022.


PCA After School Program

The Board voted several years ago to continue the After School program at PCA staffed with two people. Financial reports show the program is operating at a loss. The Finance Committee is requesting to reduce the staffing requirement to one staff member - student participation varies. 

L. Hixon made a motion to Allow PCA administrative discretion on After School Program staffing flexibility as well as rate increases.
G. Flowers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Governance Committee Report


Protect Students First Act Policy

In response to HB 1084 "Protect Students First Act", Kylie is requesting Board approval for our new policy.

G. Flowers made a motion to Approve the Protect Students First Act Policy.
L. Hixon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

J. Sanders made a motion to Adjourn the meeting at 6:42.
L. Hixon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:42 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Sapp