Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
June 2022 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday June 20, 2022 at 6:00 PM
PCA Board Room
Directors Present
E. Austin, E. Lenz, G. Flowers, J. Sanders, K. Gilbert, L. Hixon, R. Collins, R. Lane
Directors Absent
R. Sapp
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby
Guests Present
H. Worsley, L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Approve Minutes - Called Meeting
Approve Agenda
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Executive Session
II. Superintendent Report
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
PCA is on target to meet on Operational CPF.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
SCCA is on target to meet on Operational CPF.
SCCA Teacher Hire
Administration is recommending Suzanne Bailey for a 7th Grade ELA/Science Teaching position at SCCA for the 22-23 School Year.
Legal Firm Change
Robert Fortson has changed legal firms and is now at Gilbert, Harrell, Sumerford & Martin, P.C. Kylie is recommending the Board now retain this firm as our legal counsel. They will continue to offer their reduced rate of $275/hr.
504 Manual
Amy Peel, 504 Director, reviews and recommends updates the 504 Policy each year.
III. Finance/Facilities Committee Report
Pataula - Bus Driver new hire
The Finance Committee is recommending Robert McGruder for the new full time bus driver position at PCA. This salary is budgeted for FY 23.
Pataula - Mechanic new hire
The Finance Committee and Jeremy Pritchett, Transportation Director, are recommending Michael Teall for the open mechanic position at PCA.
Pataula - Utility Vehicle Selection
This item was tabled.
Pataula - greenhouse vendor selection
The Finance Committee is recommending the Board accept the bid of $86,683.75 from Atlas Greenhouse to install an Educational Greenhouse at PCA. This was the only bid submitted.
Pataula - CPF FInancial Reports
With 83% of the budget spent through April 2022, PCA is on track to meet on the CPF Financial Assessment.
Spring Creek - Electrical Provider Purchase
The Finance Committee is recommending the Board approve the estimate of $8,165.14 from Grady EMC for a new transformer at SCCA. This transformer is needed to maintain voltage for the new modular building at Spring Creek.
Spring Creek - Chromebook purchase
The Finance Committee is recommending the Board accept the bid of $15,828 from Y & S Technologies for 71 new chromebooks needed at Spring Creek.
Spring Creek - furniture vendor selection
The Finance Committee is recommending the Board accept the bid from Hertz Furniture of $30,895 for new classroom furniture needed at Spring Creek due to growth.
Spring Creek - Free Breakfast for next school year
At this time USDA/School Nutrition does not plan to offer 100% free meals to students for FY 23. Free and reduced lunches will again be based on income. However, we would like for SCCA to offer Free Breakfast to its students - Pataula does this and it greatly helps with student participation.
Spring Creek - year end debt payment
The Finance Committee is recommending the Board approve a Lump Sum payment of $300,000 to decrease Spring Creek's debt. The pay off as of 6/30/22 is $486,102.06.
Spring Creek - CPF Financial reports
With 78% of the budget spent through April, Spring Creek is on track to meet on the CPF Financial Assessment.
Spring Creek SNP Position
Spring Creek SNP Manager Fran Crews and District SNP Director Polly Chapman are recommending the hiring of Hailey Medley for the new full time SNP position at Spring Creek.
IV. Governance Committee Report
Personnel Policy amendment
The Governance Committee is recommending a Personnel Policy amendment to the Long Term Leave Policy that the first 3 weeks of employee leave taken for the birth, adoption or fostering of a child be paid parental leave.
Teacher/Staff Complaints and Appeals Policy amendment
Changes to policy required by HB 86.
Parents' Bill of Rights Policy
New policy needed in response to HB 1178.
Financial Policy
The Finance Committee is recommending the Financial policy be amended under Bids and Procurements to: An exception will also be made when items are available on Statewide Contract. All goods and services valued at $100,000 or more must be posted on the Georgia Procurement Registry for a period of 1 week before items are approved by the Board.
Superintendent and CFO Evaluations and Salary Schedule
The Board recognizes the need for a Superintendent and CFO Evaluation Committee. To this end the following members have expressed interest in forming this Committee: Rochelle Sapp, Committee Chair; Lindsey Hixon, Jennifer Sanders and Grayson Flowers will serve as committee members. An updated salary schedule for Superintendent and CFO was discussed during Executive Session to bring their salaries more inline with the national average.
The followings Items will be added to the Agenda:
III. L: Spring Creek SNP Hire - Hailey Medley