Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
May Finance Meeting
Date and Time
Monday May 23, 2022 at 4:30 PM
Spring Creek Conference Room
Meeting will be in the cafeteria of Spring Creek Charter Academy
Committee Members Present
C. Weathersby, G. Flowers, H. Worsley, K. Holley, R. Collins
Committee Members Absent
E. Austin, R. Beamon
Guests Present
L. Adkinson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Approve Agenda
The following items were added to the Agenda:
II: K. Pataula Erosion Control Expenditure
II. Finance
Pataula - Basketball Goals Vendor Selection
Cheryl presented the only bid received for the new basketball goals in the gym. It is from H.E. Hodge Company of $35,082 for the installation of 4 additional basketball goals in the gym at Pataula. This quote is $10,000 over what is in the budget but we have a $17,000 savings from the gym floor project. Cheryl is recommending the Committee award the bid to H.E. Hodge Company.
Pataula - HVAC Maintenance Vendor Selection
Three bids were received for HVAC maintenance at Pataula. $25,000 was included in the FY 23 Budget for this item. Cheryl and Will Bruner, Maintenance Coordinator, have reviewed the bids received and are recommending we accept the bid from RHC for $24,684. We have used this company in the past, their response time and the fact that not all of the bid companies are familiar with our online system were factors in the recommendation.
Pataula - Scoreboard Vendor Selection
Three bids were received to supply softball and football scoreboards for the Athletic Complex at Pataula. We received a donation of $8,000 from Coke and $20,000 was budgeted for these additions. BSN submitted the lowest bid of $21,845.32 for two scoreboards. The committee discussed adding a baseball scoreboard at this time. This would increase the bid from BSN to $32,000; only $4,000 over budget. This price does not include install or wiring costs. Cheryl and Will Bruner are recommending the Committee approve the bid from BSN with the addition of a baseball scoreboard for a bid price of $32,000.
Pataula - CPF Financial Reports
Through March 2022 with 72% of the budget spent PCA has a projected score of 90 on the CPF Financial Assessment .
Spring Creek -Plumbing Vendor Selection
One bid was received for plumbing needed to connect the new modular building at Spring Creek to existing sewer lines. Temples Weatherly submitted a bid of $10,500. We have used this company in the past at both PCA and SCCA. Cheryl is recommending we accept their bid.
Spring Creek - Site Contractor Selection
Two bids were received for Site work needed for the new modular building at Spring Creek. Concrete Enterprises submitted a total price of $196,975.20 for grading, erosion control, piping and gravel. The quote from Concrete Enterprises had each category with a separate price. Buck Run Preserve submitted a price of $53,510.00 for grading, erosion control, and gravel. Their bid did not include piping. Cheryl contacted Concrete Enterprises to see if they were willing to accept a contract for piping only, with Buck Run Preserve doing the site work. Tom Draffin, our project manager, agreed with this plan as our best option with a saving of approximately $100,000. At meeting time Cheryl had not gotten a definitive answer from Concrete Enterprises. It was the recommendation to award contracts for piping and site work separately.
Spring Creek - Septic System Vendor Selection
Two bids were submitted to install the septic system upgrade needed for the new modular building at Spring Creek. Mills Septic Tank's bid was not the lowest bid; however, this company installed and has maintained the existing system at Spring Creek since the beginning. They are familiar with our system and have obtained the licensing and permitting required by DPH. Our maintenance coordinator recommends we accept their bid.
Spring Creek - Project Manager expense approval
Cheryl is requesting the approval of $20,000 in professional services expenses for the Project Management firm 4PM to oversee the install of the new modular building at Spring Creek. Tom Draffin has been the project manager for all Pataula Charter, Inc. construction. The additional layers of permitting required in the Bainbridge area makes his expertise necessary.
Spring Creek - MOE Compliance Issue
Spring Creek did not meet maintenance of effort with FY 2021 Special Ed funds. This means that in FY 21 we spent less state/local funds on SPED students than we did in FY 2020. In March of FY 20 we received $81,000 in Federal SPED funds. Before we could budget how to spend this money, the school closed due to the Pandemic. We were advised to "carry over" the funding to the following year; this meant we had to spend this federal money before we could spend local/state money. This led to spending less state/local SPED money. This has never happened before with Pataula and Cheryl is working to ensure that we always meet MOE for Spring Creek. We had to return about $37,000 to the state.
Spring Creek - CPF Financial Reports
Through March 2022 with 67% of the budget spent SCCA has a projected score of 95 on the CPF Financial Assessment .
Pataula Erosion Control Expenditure
Due to erosion at the Athletic Complex and around the footers for the new grandstand - it was necessary to bring in rock to fix the problem. Cheryl is requesting approval for a $6,000 expenditure to Buck Run Preserve for rock and grading.
Rhonda Collins arrived at 4:45.