Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
February 2022 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 8, 2022 at 5:00 PM
PCA Board Room
Committee Members Present
H. Worsley, K. Bantz, K. Holley, R. Beamon, R. Lane, R. Sapp
Committee Members Absent
B. Webb, K. Gilbert, V. Harris
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
II. Academic Excellence
Review Academic Excellence Committee 2021-2022 Goals
Finalize Definition of Academic Excellence and Measures of Academic Success
SCSC 2020-2021 Academic CPF Update
Kylie Holley reviewed the SCSC 2020-2021 Academic CPF Update. This information has already been presented to the Board since our last committee meeting had to be cancelled.
CCRPI Dashboard
Kylie Holley presented the CCRPI Indicators for both SCCA and PCA and explained that although we may not get a CCRPI score again this year, these are the indicators that we need to keep an eye on. The indicators were listed for the 2018-2019 and the 2020-2021 school years for comparison. The committee will continue to monitor these indicators and add more items as data is available.
PCA Graduation Rates Comparisons
Kylie Holley presented the 2020-2021 graduation rates for PCA and the surrounding counties. There was praise for PCA having a 100% graduation rate.
Winter 2021-2022 MAPs Data
Kylie Holley presented information compiled from Winter MAP Data analysis at both schools. The committee reviewed Projected [Milestones] Proficiency Summary Reports and Growth Summary Reports. The goal for is to at least get back to where scores were pre-COIVD. At this point, scores have improved from last year, but not yet gotten back to the level of pre-COVID scores. However, there has been great growth, especially in Math, so we feel we are on the right track to meeting our goal. Kylie pointed out the school leadership identified any areas of concern (lower than expected growth), and that administrators have worked with teachers to identify root causes and plans of action for improvement.
III. Closing Items
Future Meeting Dates
The date for the next meeting was scheduled for April 12, 2022. However, it was pushed back to April 19th to ensure that there was time to have the Spring MAP Data ready for presentation.
In addition, it was agreed to hold off setting the dates for the next FY, because we want to be sure we have Milestone data.
Kylie Holley reminded the committee of the 20021-2022 goals for the Academic committee. The first was to review our mission and core beliefs to determine how to align our definition of academic success and our measures. The committee had already done this work and had decided to align these with student growth in academics and school culture. The next step was to create a definition of academic excellence and to develop measurable outcomes based on our definition of academic success. The task for today is to finalize our definition of academic excellence and measures of success. This will complete the 2021-2022 goals for the committee.