Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)
July 2021 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday July 26, 2021 at 6:00 PM
PCA Board room
The Pataula Charter Academy, Incorporated Governing Board (serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy) will meet virtually.
Directors Present
B. Brock, E. Lenz, R. Lane, R. Sapp
Directors Absent
J. Sanders, R. Collins, T. Bruner
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
Non Voting Members Present
C. Weathersby, K. Holley
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
E. Lenz called a meeting of the board of directors of Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy) to order on Monday Jul 26, 2021 at 6:05 PM.
Approve Minutes
B. Brock made a motion to approve the minutes from June 2021 Board Meeting on 06-21-21.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Executive Session Minutes - June 21, 2021
R. Lane made a motion to approve the Executive Session minutes from June 21, 2021.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Agenda
R. Lane made a motion to approve the agenda with amendments.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
To be added to the agenda:
- Add II.F. - SCCA para resignation, item for information
- Move IV.E - New Board Member Nominations to I.G. so nominees can leave after the interview if needed
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
- Add II.F. - SCCA para resignation, item for information
- Move IV.E - New Board Member Nominations to I.G. so nominees can leave after the interview if needed
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Nomination for New Board Members
R. Lane made a motion to nominate Kakeya Gilbert and Grayson Flowers as Board members.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
Kakeya Gilbert and Grayson Flowers submitted resumes and were interviewed by the standing Board. All members present and school leaders thought they would both be great additions to the Board.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Superintendent Report
Executive Session - Personnel
R. Lane made a motion to enter executive session at 6:33pm to discuss personnel matters not subject to Sunshine Laws.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The Board exited Executive Session at 6:38pm.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
SCCA - Recommendations for Hire
B. Brock made a motion to hire Randi New as a part-time intervention teacher at SCCA and hire Carlee Hatcher as a paraprofessional at SCCA.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
2021-2022 SY Covid-19 Protocol Plan
B. Brock made a motion to approve the Covid-19 Protocol Plan for the 2021-2022 school year with the amendments discussed.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
Kylie Holley presented the stakeholder survey data, CDC data on community spread, as well as recommendations of school leadership and the Pandemic Health Coordinator (based on stakeholder input and CDC guidance). The Board agreed with the majority of the plan with these amendments:
- The requirement of masks be based on school spread, not community spread. It was agreed that masks would only be required if there was an "outbreak", as defined by DPH, in the school.
- Large group gatherings will suspend if there is an "outbreak"
- Consistent volunteers could be treated like staff members; i.e. can show proof of vaccination to not wear masks, will still be allowed even when community spread is at the "high" level.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
- The requirement of masks be based on school spread, not community spread. It was agreed that masks would only be required if there was an "outbreak", as defined by DPH, in the school.
- Large group gatherings will suspend if there is an "outbreak"
- Consistent volunteers could be treated like staff members; i.e. can show proof of vaccination to not wear masks, will still be allowed even when community spread is at the "high" level.
PCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
Kylie Holley presented the PCA Operational CPF Dashboard. PCA is on target to meet for the year with a projected score of 85.
SCCA - Operational CPF Dashboard
Kylie Holley presented the SCCA Operational CPF Dashboard. SCCA is on target to meet for the year with a projected score of 87.
III. Facilities/Finance
Annual Financial Audit
Cheryl Weathersby update the board on the annual financial audit for FY 2021 for both schools. The audit will begin remotely on August 15.
PCA INC Annual Insurance Renewal
Cheryl Weathersby updated the board on the insurance renewal for PCA INC for FY 2022. This was renewed before July 1. There is an industry increase of about 7% over last year's premium. Cheryl also explained the different coverages we have for the incorporation.
PCA - CPF Financial Assessment Reports
Cheryl Weathersby presented the board with May's financial reports for Pataula. They are predicted to meet on the financial portion of the CPF. They are also inline with budget vs actuals through May 2021.
PCA Athletic Fields - Lighting
R. Lane made a motion to accept the lease agreement from GA Power at a cost of 13,964.80 monthly for athletic field lighting.
B. Brock seconded the motion.
Cheryl Weathersby presented the board with a lease agreement from GA Power for athletic field lighting. GA Power is our current electricity provider for the school. This agreement would include installation, monthly electricity and maintenance of the equipment for the life of the lease. We will be able to purchase the equipment at any time if we choose. Cheryl is recommending that we proceed with this agreement after getting approval from school leadership and the finance committee.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
PCA - Recommendation for Hire
B. Brock made a motion to approve the recommendation to hire Michael Walker, Veronice Robinson, Shakeila Curry in their respective roles at PCA.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
Cheryl Weathersby recommended the following staff for vacant positions: Michael Walker, Full time bus driver; Veronice Robinson, part time SNP; Shakeila Curry, full time SNP
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
SCCA - CPF Financial Assessment Reports
Cheryl Weathersby presented the board with May's financial reports for Spring Creek. They are predicted to approach standards on the financial portion of the CPF. They are also inline with budget vs actuals through May 2021.
SCCA - deficit reduction monthly report
R. Sapp made a motion to accept the deficit reduction monthly report for May as presented.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
SCCA New Position - School Nutrition Full Time
B. Brock made a motion to change the part-time SNP position to a full-time school nutrition position for Spring Creek.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
Cheryl Weathersby recommended that we change the part-time SNP position to a full-time school nutrition position at Spring Creek due to student enrollment increasing and to have enough staff to operate our school nutrition program effectively.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
SCCA - Hire Recommendation
R. Lane made a motion to accept the recommendation to hire Cindy Jones.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
Cheryl Weathersby recommended that we hire Cindy Jones for the full time SNP position.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
SCCA - Freezer vendor selection
R. Lane made a motion to accept the bid from Douglas Equipment for the walk in freezer.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
Cheryl Weathersby presented the board with 3 bids for a new walk in freezer. She recommended that we select Douglas Equipment based on price and the bid presentation.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IV. Governance
Amended Policies
R. Sapp made a motion to approve all policies as presented.
B. Brock seconded the motion.
- Assessment Policy
- Board Membership Policy
-Class Size Policy
-Grade Acceleration Policy
-Hospital Homebound Policy
-Public Participation at Board Meetings Policy
-504 Manual
-MTSS Manual
-Special Education Manual
-Non-FTE Data Collection Policy
-Gifted Policy
-Suicide Prevention Policy
-Automated External Defibrillator Policy
-Diabetes Management Plan Policy
-HIV Policy
-Infectious Disease Policy
-Lice Control and Prevention Policy
-Meningococcal Meningitis Policy
-MRSA in Athletes
-Scoliosis Policy
-Self-Administration of Prescription Asthma or Epinephrine Medication Policy
-Student Health Services 1.0
-Student Immunization Policy
-Sudden Cardiac Arrest
-Vision, Hearing, Dental & Nutrition
-Wellness Policy
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
- Board Membership Policy
-Class Size Policy
-Grade Acceleration Policy
-Hospital Homebound Policy
-Public Participation at Board Meetings Policy
-504 Manual
-MTSS Manual
-Special Education Manual
-Non-FTE Data Collection Policy
-Gifted Policy
-Suicide Prevention Policy
-Automated External Defibrillator Policy
-Diabetes Management Plan Policy
-HIV Policy
-Infectious Disease Policy
-Lice Control and Prevention Policy
-Meningococcal Meningitis Policy
-MRSA in Athletes
-Scoliosis Policy
-Self-Administration of Prescription Asthma or Epinephrine Medication Policy
-Student Health Services 1.0
-Student Immunization Policy
-Sudden Cardiac Arrest
-Vision, Hearing, Dental & Nutrition
-Wellness Policy
Board Policy Amendments
R. Sapp made a motion to approve the Staff Grievance and Progressive Discipline Policies as presented.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board Policy Amendments
R. Sapp made a motion to approve the Personnel Policy with the amendment discussed.
R. Lane seconded the motion.
-During discussion on the Covid Protocol Plan Board members expressed interest in incentivizing vaccination. Since federal mandated "Covid Leave" expired in December 2020 and the "covid leave" extension given by the Board expired in June 2021, employees would be required to take their own annual leave days for covid-related absences. The Board felt that employees who chose to vaccinate should be incentivized by giving up to 7 days of "covid leave" if they test positive for Covid. Therefore, this "clause" was added to the approved version of the policy to be in effect for the 2021-2022 school year.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board member renewals
B. Brock made a motion to renew Board terms for all members whose terms were expiring.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
-Erin Lenz
-Blake Brock
-Jennifer Sanders
-Rhonda Collins
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
-Blake Brock
-Jennifer Sanders
-Rhonda Collins
Board Officer renewals/nominations
B. Brock made a motion to renew all current Board officers for another term.
R. Sapp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Annual Board Member Commitment Agreements and Conflict of Interest Disclosures
All Board members who were present signed Board Code of Ethics and Commitment Agreements and completed Conflict of Interest Questionnaires. Members who were not present will complete the forms at the next Board meeting.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
E. Lenz