Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy)


June Finance Meeting

Date and Time

Monday June 15, 2020 at 5:00 PM


PCA Conference Room 

Committee Members Present

C. Weathersby, K. Holley, T. Bruner

Committee Members Absent

L. Miller, R. Beamon, R. Collins

Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

T. Bruner

Guests Present

B. Eubanks, L. Adkinson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance

T. Bruner arrived.


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Weathersby called a meeting of the Finance Committee of Pataula Charter Academy, Inc (Serving Pataula Charter Academy and Spring Creek Charter Academy) to order on Monday Jun 15, 2020 at 5:29 PM.


Approve Minutes

T. Bruner made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 2020 Finance Meeting on 05-18-20.
K. Holley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Collins
C. Weathersby
K. Holley
T. Bruner
L. Miller
R. Beamon



Cheryl requested to add as an item to vote the Walton Growth Fund Budget for the new modular building addition at SCCA.
T. Bruner made a motion to approve the amended agenda as presented.
K. Holley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Collins
T. Bruner
L. Miller
C. Weathersby
R. Beamon
K. Holley

II. Finance


FY 21 Budget Amendment Update

Cheryl informed the committee that the state has released preliminary figures and that instead of the originally anticipated 14% cut to the state budget, there is only going to be an 11% cut to the state budget for fiscal year 2021.  This will result in approximately a million dollar cut to revenues between both schools for the next year.


Daycare Building Purchase - City of Edison

Cheryl informed the committee that the purchase of the daycare building is being delayed. After submitting closing costs for the purchase but before being finalized, the City of Edison determined that the bid procedure had not been followed and so the sale was put on hold. PCA, Inc. now has to submit another sealed bid by the June 30, 2020 deadline in order to pursue the purchase of this building.


Afton Partners - multi year budget projections

Cheryl informed the committee that she has been working with Afton Partners, a financial consultant firm provided by the Charter School Growth Fund, on the budget costs and figure projections for the next five years in response to those cuts.  They have created five year budgets using the funds from the Cares Act Paycheck Protection Program loan but these figures will need to be discussed in detail in a separate work session.


FY 21 Service Contracts

Cheryl informed the committee that the technology service contracts are up for renewal.  Tommy Boyd, the District Technology Director, found other companies that would provide the same service that will be $2.00 fee per device. The current firm, Professional Networking Services, provides the services for $6.00 per device, but Cheryl has been able to get this firm to reduce the cost to $4.00 per device.  Cheryl is recommending that even though using Professional Networking Services will cost more, the price will decrease overall as we attrition out older Microsoft devices and replace with Chromebooks.


COVID Grants Budget

Cheryl informed the committee that PCA, Inc. has received four different grants from various foundations in relation to COVID-19 related expenses.  The total of these four grants is $151,000 and she is recommending these funds be used to pay for 5 months of service for the Verizon hot spots activated for students without access to internet at home for a total of $35,000 and for the purchase of Chromebooks for Pataula Charter Academy so that there can be a one to one ratio.  Spring Creek currently has enough Chromebooks for each student to have their own device to use and in light of potential reentry scenarios for Pataula Charter, Inc., it is necessary to purchase these Chromebooks to have that one to one ratio for PCA.
T. Bruner made a motion to approve the presentation of this grant budget to the board.
K. Holley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Beamon
T. Bruner
C. Weathersby
R. Collins
L. Miller
K. Holley


Edgenuity Purchase

Cheryl presented quotes to the committee from Edgenuity, a leading provider of K-12 online curriculum and blended learning solutions, for a combined price of $52,180 for both schools.  In light of potential reentry scenarios due to COVID-19, this online learning platform will help to supplement learning and fill gap deficiencies.  This online program will be utilized for grades 6-12 and will also take the place for virtual learning through Georgia Virtual School for Spanish I and Spanish II.
T. Bruner made a motion to approve the presentation of the price quotes from Edgenuity to the board.
K. Holley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Collins
R. Beamon
C. Weathersby
T. Bruner
K. Holley
L. Miller


PCA - CPF Financial Assessment Report

Cheryl presented the CPF Financial Assessment Report for April and May for PCA to the committee.  As of the end of May, PCA has 96% spent of the budget for FY2020, but the figures are looking better than previously thought and SCCA currently owes money to PCA for liability insurance and other benefits that PCA has paid on behalf of SCCA.


SCCA - Land Purchase

Cheryl informed the committee that she has been talking with lawyers in regards to the bid sent to SCCA from Dollar General to purchase 2 acres of land from the school.  Cheryl stated that there is cause for concern about the impacts this could have in the future when SCCA will begin the phase of having a permanent building installed.  The lawyer stated that the only feasible way this sale would work would be for Dollar General to pay for sewer lines to be run to the school and for them to place a deed on the title so that in the event they sold the land, SCCA would have a say in who could purchase it.


SCCA - CPF Assessment Report

Cheryl presented the CPF Financial Assessment Report for April and May for SCCA to the committee.  As of the end of May, SCCA has 87% spent of the budget for FY2020, but that SCCA still owes PCA for liability insurance and other benefits that PCA has paid on behalf of SCCA.  Even with this money owed to PCA, SCCA still stands to finish the year in the positive.


SCCA - Office Clerk Position

Cheryl informed the committee that with the creation of the HR Director position, and this position taking over all human resource and payroll matters from the Office Clerk at SCCA, this position will no longer be a full time position.  She is asking the committee to approve presenting to the board this position being cut down to part time. 
T. Bruner made a motion to approve presenting to the board the transition of the Office Clerk position from full time to part time.
K. Holley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Beamon
L. Miller
K. Holley
T. Bruner
C. Weathersby
R. Collins


SCCA - Walton Growth Fund Budget

Cheryl presented to the committee the budget for the Walton Growth Fund Grant which is being used to lease and install the new 10 classroom modular building at the SCCA campus and is asking for this budget to be presented to the board for approval.
K. Holley made a motion to approve the presentation of this budget to the board.
T. Bruner seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Beamon
C. Weathersby
R. Collins
L. Miller
T. Bruner
K. Holley


SCCA - Electrical Vendor Bids

Cheryl presented bids from A. West for $26,209 and Metro Power for $31,923 to perform the electrical work for the new modular building at the SCCA campus and is asking the committee to approve presenting the bid from A. West to the board for approval.
T. Bruner made a motion to to approve presenting the bid for A. West to the board.
K. Holley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Weathersby
L. Miller
R. Beamon
K. Holley
T. Bruner
R. Collins


SCCA - Plumbing Vendor Bids

Cheryl presented to the committee the bid from Temples Weatherly Plumbing for $6,850 to perform the required plumbing on the new modular building being installed at the SCCA campus and is requesting approval for this bid be submitted to the board for approval.  Temples Weatherly Plumbing was the only vendor to submit a bid for the project.
T. Bruner made a motion to approve presenting the bid from Temples Weatherly Plumbing to the board.
K. Holley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Weathersby
T. Bruner
R. Collins
R. Beamon
L. Miller
K. Holley


SCCA - Sprinkler Vendor Bids

Cheryl presented to the committee bids from International Fire Protection for $68,900 and from Georgia Automatic Sprinklers for $48,000 for installation of sprinklers for the new modular building at the SCCA campus.  After talking with Vanguard, the manufacturer of the modular building, Cheryl is recommending using International Fire Protection for the installation even though it is the higher bid.  This company works directly with Vanguard and can actually start working on installing the sprinklers at the Vanguard company site and Vanguard will actually push this cost into the monthly lease.
T. Bruner made a motion to approve the presentation of the bid from International Fire Protection to the board.
K. Holley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Bruner
L. Miller
R. Collins
K. Holley
C. Weathersby
R. Beamon


SCCA - Network Cabling Vendor Bids

Cheryl presented bids to the committee for installation of network cable in the new modular building from Professional Networking for $11,976, Invision Technology for $9,982, Crown Networking for $10,988, and Integrated Office Solutions for $15,844.  Cheryl is recommending the committee to approve the bid from Professional Networking, even though their bid was not the cheapest, for submission to the board for approval based on the quality of materials quoted and their experience in meeting deadlines previously for installation projects at PCA.
T. Bruner made a motion to to approve the presentation of the bid from Professional Networking for installation of network cables to the board.
K. Holley seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Beamon
T. Bruner
K. Holley
R. Collins
C. Weathersby
L. Miller


SCCA - Septic Tank Vendor Bids

Cheryl informed the committee that there were no bids submitted for the septic tank work for the new building being installed at the SCCA campus and so no vote is required at this time.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

K. Holley made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Bruner seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Bruner
C. Weathersby
R. Collins
R. Beamon
K. Holley
L. Miller
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Weathersby