
The June 15, 2020 Governing Board and Finance Committee meeting will be held in person in the PCA lunchroom to allow for social-distancing.  However, members and the public still have the option to call in, if they are more comfortable with that option.  The Board has chosen to consider this "emergency circumstances" under O.C.G.A. sec. 50-14-1 (d) and O.C.G.A. sec. 50-14-1 (g) due to the COVID-19 state of emergency.  
Public Call in number: (701) 802-5366
Access Code:  8532300
*Please note that the public phone line will be muted for Executive Session.  If you get on the line after the meeting has begun and hear silence, that is why.  The line will be taken off of mute at the conclusion of Executive Session.